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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. I didn't want to be the one that posted that one wonder where the 3.5 will end up today on HA. The 4.5 and 5.5 on CC/CL moved up the line quickly, be very interesting to see where they finish as well. Very hard pressed to say this book isn't #2 behind AF15 In low to mid grades it seems such. I'd like to see what a higher grade copy would bring. The competition for the low to mid grade definitely seems to be driving the prices. Curious as to how much the market would thin at a higher grade though. -J.
  2. Looks like a combo pack of colour touch removal and marvel chipping to me. Bit of a gift grade should be a 3.5 IMO. -J.
  3. I remembering buying 3 of them when they first came out for $200-300 a piece and selling them after getting CGC 9.8's for $650. I was happy then. Still a tidy profit nonetheless. -J.
  4. Haven't seen a blue 9.8 up for four months.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wolverine-1-Campbell-Deadpool-Variant-Cover-9-8-NM-MNT-CGC-/161887008135?hash=item25b137b587:g:jqUAAOSwkZhWRpYm -J.
  5. Decent profit: http://www.comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch%2Easp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3Dshowcase%2B4%26x%3D0%26y%3D0%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1072984 http://item.ebay.co.uk/171955146984?item_hash4=667e45ee&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&LH_BO=1&_ipg=200&_pgn=1&rc=nt&rmvSB=true -J.
  6. $900 less than what it just sold for five months ago.... But $2100 more than what it sold for 15 months ago. -J. and here I thought it was roughly a 6k/point book based on many recent posts... That "PPP" math breaks down once you get past 1.8. I'm not sure that method of pricing could ever effectively be used for AF 15. -J.
  7. $900 less than what it just sold for five months ago.... But $2100 more than what it sold for 15 months ago. -J.
  8. 5 BINs and one "auction" with a reserve (for the SS copy) if Im not mistaken... could swear that one of the main "bidders" on the reserve SS copy is the same buyer/seller of one of the $800 copies (just based on the feedback number) Yeah that's him shilling up the place again. -J.
  9. Sellers keep claiming there were only 250 copies of this printed. But how can this be? Looking at the census there are currently 182 slabs just for CGC alone and the book is only two and a half years old. That low of a print run does not seem to jibe. -J. It was worth money right out of the gate. No purchase limit upon release and immediately slab bed. And there are only 135 graded. So there were more than 250 printed/distiributed? Also I am seeing 182 "Lucille variants" on the census. Unless I am looking at the wrong entry. -J. Only 250. Yes, you are looking at the wrong entry. Ah I see. I was referencing it based on what aweanlorder called it. There are 187 Lucille variants and 135 of the "red foil" version. If there were only 250 of those printed that is still a stunningly high percentage of copies slabbed. -J.
  10. Sellers keep claiming there were only 250 copies of this printed. But how can this be? Looking at the census there are currently 182 slabs just for CGC alone and the book is only two and a half years old. That low of a print run does not seem to jibe. -J. It was worth money right out of the gate. No purchase limit upon release and immediately slab bed. And there are only 135 graded. So there were more than 250 printed/distiributed? Also I am seeing 182 "Lucille variants" on the census. Unless I am looking at the wrong entry. -J.
  11. Sellers keep claiming there were only 250 copies of this printed. But how can this be? Looking at the census there are currently 182 slabs just for CGC alone and the book is only two and a half years old. That low of a print run does not seem to jibe. -J.
  12. Yes indeed, very nice. And I don't think you'd ever regret holding onto a copy of that. -J.
  13. Yes I see. That's why i was trying to explain it to you. I really do like most of you ! I hate the flipping feeling really , Thats why i have even given away 5 copies of this book. the guy in question really did double flip the flipper. Paul, this doesn't explain the single "buyer" of (at least) 5 copies in the last 30 days or so, essentially this one person has caused what appears to be a rapid escalation in "value", when it is in fact essentially one buyer who is one upping his own prior purchases with all of these suspicious looking "BIN" from a small pool of sellers who are each holding multiple high grade copies of this "rare" book. There are clearly not natural market forces at work here. The game is, at least partly, rigged and should be a point of concern for anyone who is considering buying this book at this time. -J.
  14. Problem is, he is deliberately "buying" at ever higher values, relative to his own prior "purchases". Even if these are all legit sales, then he either absolutely loves this character or he is the worst speculator in the history of the pump and dump. Either way (and somewhat regardless of his intentions, as you correctly mentioned) the market is quite clearly being messed with on the book. Any real buyers would probably best be advised to hold off under these current conditions. -J.
  15. I'm sorry, but all of those "Buy it Now's" being popped at full value with few "best offers" even being made leads me to believe this book is being manipulated. In fact, there is some evidence to back this up. Notice the "buyer" on five of these increasingly higher "Buy It Now's" is the same guy: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=turtleman402&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=252130133980&sspagename=VIP%3Afeedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=seekcollectibles&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=391306547319&sspagename=VIP%3Afeedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=comics_now_and_forever&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=281848370180&sspagename=VIP%3Afeedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=bad_astronaut_collectibles&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=281850974865&sspagename=VIP%3Afeedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller (same "buyer" on two copies from this seller) So essentially one "buyer" has been engaged in a bit of market manipulation for the better part of a month, including these "sales" that CBI hyped from this past week. Additionally, a relatively small group of sellers have been selling off multiple copies to this guy. That raises the question of how rare the book really is. I personally had a seller recently send me a picture of multiple high grade raw copies that he owned all fanned out on a coffee table. Buyer beware on this one. -J.
  16. No, I'm calling her an F list character because she was completely unknown to even many comic book fans prior to Marvel deciding she should get a solo show. That, in itself was a risky move. Marvel pulled it off with Guardians, but unlike the trailer for that movie, this one just falls flat IMO. J. While partially true, I think any Bendis fan knows who Jessica Jones is and what a solid character she can be. She was pretty prominent in his New Avengers' run and then Bendis' subsequent love obsession with Luke Cage. I think he's probably referring more to the general audience, which has absolutely no reason to have even heard the name Jessica Jones, let alone be familiar with the premise. -J.
  17. No, I'm calling her an F list character because she was completely unknown to even many comic book fans prior to Marvel deciding she should get a solo show. That, in itself was a risky move. Marvel pulled it off with Guardians, but unlike the trailer for that movie, this one just falls flat IMO. J.
  18. I think where you may have gone down a path that was questionable was noting the source material and an F-list character. Wouldn't you want to be familiar with the source material and character if you are going to note them as weak points? As noted, I was referring to the breadth of the source material ("quantity") not the "quality". And yes, she is an F list character, or whatever "not A , B, or C list" letter you want to use. Obviously this show raised the profile of the character. Whether or not that resonates with the masses, or people clamor to continue to seeing the character remains to be seen. Regardless of the source material, I found the trailers rather weak and un-involving with themes and characters and character powers that look remarkably like the stuff they have already done on a couple of episodes of SHIELD. I could see JJ appearing on there for a story arc or two easier than I can see a 13 episode run in a solo title, especially since any and all Daily Bugle/Peter Parker/Spider-man interaction is off the table. These are just my opinions of the trailers, not of the books, or the show itself. -J.
  19. This directed at me Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... How can someone comment on a series if they haven't even read the books yet? *cough* *cough*... If you are saying that the trailer/series cannot stand or be appreciated/understood on its own merits, then you are only proving my point, since 99.999999999999999% of the people who watch this show will have never read the books, and never will. -J.
  20. Hey Dok I hear what you're saying. It wasn't just the similarities to girl's powers (thriving vicariously on experiencing other people's pain, her attempted possession of May, and of course her possession of the entire SWAT team, etc) in the Bahrain episode of SHIELD that jumped out at me, but also the effects of encountering her on May after the fact, in addition to the fact that she and Andrew were trying for a baby at the time, May's subsequent alienation from not only SHIELD but the breakdown of her marriage, not to mention the fact that she was also involved in an inter-racial relationship. This on top of the fact that May is also a small, attractive woman with a dark, sullen disposition and an uncanny ability to throw around grown men and trained fighters as if they were rag dolls. And she is not even supposed to have powers, technically. Lots of parallels there. It worked for a couple of episodes on SHIELD, but 13 episodes dealing with substantially similar themes and material (albeit perhaps a bit grittier)? -J. Fair enough. The PTSD after the fact is similar. But considering that May never got possessed (?? is that even the right term?), I see one big change. Granted, you point out that a lot of parallels. But I just see Alias as something much deeper & much more psychologically brutal. I can't explain it today (not enough caffeine), but I just can't see Alias covering the same territory or even getting all that similar to Bahrain. I also see a LOT more material available to mine than SHIELD did with Alias that covers a lot more territory than AoS ever did with May. There are a lot of similarities, but I don't see it being any more "just treading the same territory" than virtually any other action/adventure series, or really any other mind-control PTSD story. Honestly the similar subject matter would probably have been enough for me to give at least the first few episodes a go. I'm just glad I'm not the only crazy one here who noticed the May story arc parallels on SHIELD, at least as presented in the trailers. You and the other boardies say things go deeper for JJ in the course of the Alias series, and I believe you. The quality of the execution of the translation of that into a 13 episode run of a heretofore marginal and largely unknown character is the only ? at this point, as expressed by me in my original comment. -J.
  21. Hey Dok I hear what you're saying. It wasn't just the similarities to the girl's powers (thriving vicariously on experiencing other people's pain, her attempted possession of May, and of course her possession of the entire SWAT team, etc) in the Bahrain episode of SHIELD that jumped out at me, but also the effects of encountering her on May after the fact, in addition to the fact that she and Andrew were trying for a baby at the time, May's subsequent alienation from not only SHIELD but the breakdown of her marriage, not to mention the fact that she was also involved in an inter-racial relationship. This on top of the fact that May is also a small, attractive woman with a dark, sullen disposition and an uncanny ability to throw around grown men and trained fighters as if they were rag dolls. And she is not even supposed to have powers, technically. Lots of parallels there. It worked for a couple of episodes on SHIELD, but 13 episodes dealing with substantially similar themes and material (albeit perhaps a bit grittier)? -J.
  22. Harvey I am approaching it as the un-initiated might. The vast majority of the potential audience for this show have not read the comic and will not read the comic. From that standpoint the trailer failed to reach out and grab you the way Daredevil did, IMO. Very little of the nature of the character or the themes involved you say are in the series came out in the trailer. The observation is similar to what many have said about the Preacher trailer (and they have a point as well). Are dissenting opinions that are respectfully stated not allowed in this thread for some reason? -J. You proclaimed the source material was lacking. I ask the question you danced around again, have you read the book? The above comment implied you have not. I'm fine with you not liking the trailer. I'm not fine with you taking shots at something you've never read though. My shot (if you insist on calling it that) was against the missing "wow factor" in the trailers and the breadth of the original source material and the ability of such to sustain an entire 13 episode series, when to me the character seems better suited for a two episode walk-on story arc on the SHIELD show, not against the "quality" of the source material itself. I did not answer the question as to whether or not I read it because I was not remarking on the trailers as a seasoned fan of the comic book, but rather as a casual fan of Marvel productions might who was likely being introduced to this character for the first time. But to answer your question, no I have not consumed every ounce of content that pertains to this character, however, yes, I have sampled enough to make an informed opinion as to the quality and degree of interest level generated by the trailers. Harvey and Gadzukes have suggested I delve deeper, which I will. That may make the trailers "look better" to me if perhaps it allows me to spot additional easter eggs and details from the books, but even if that were to happen I doubt it would alter my concern that this character can effectively and interestingly carry a 13 episode solo show. -J.
  23. Harvey I am approaching it as the un-initiated might. The vast majority of the potential audience for this show have not read the comic and will not read the comic. From that standpoint the trailer failed to reach out and grab you the way Daredevil did, IMO. Very little of the nature of the character or the themes involved you say are in the series came out in the trailer. The observation is similar to what many have said about the Preacher trailer (and they have a point as well). Are dissenting opinions that are respectfully stated not allowed in this thread for some reason? -J. Daredevil's trailer jumped out and grabbed you because you're familiar with the character. If you haven't read Alias you don't know what to expect or look for and aren't familiar with the subjects that will be depicted. i can see Jessica Jones having more mainstream success than Daredevil and being a bigger hit. Just sayin. Go read the damn book THEN see if the trailer feels different. Fine. You've convinced me. -J.
  24. Harvey I am approaching it as the un-initiated might. The vast majority of the potential audience for this show have not read the comic and will not read the comic. From that standpoint the trailer failed to reach out and grab you the way Daredevil did, IMO. Very little of the nature of the character or the themes involved you say are in the series came out in the trailer. The observation is similar to what many have said about the Preacher trailer (and they have a point as well). Are dissenting opinions that are respectfully stated not allowed in this thread for some reason? -J.