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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. the 7.5 cbcs under performed due to the MC...had it of been a clean edge, I would have bid much higher (as would have many)... had nothing to do with "which" company graded it, but rather the eye appeal (imo)...I realize the same retail for both companies as long as comparable pq and eye appeal That CBCS "7.5" had fairly light chipping to be taking a nearly $20k hit compared to a comparably graded CGC 7.5... http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=580763 -J.
  2. http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=580276 -J.
  3. So now "movie hype" affects GA books too? Guess I'll have to add Batman 1 to my wish list along with BA 12 and legends 3. You know, other really important, ground breaking and historic books. -J.
  4. .....and conversely, not everyone who doubts the long term significance/impact of a "new", likely flavor-of-the-month character, is a "hater". (thumbs u -J.
  5. That is some poor art. Time to remind people what she looked like in her first appearance: And wolverine tapped that? -J.
  6. Some thoughts and observations on the recent CC and C Link auctions for the AF 15: The 3.0 on CC went for $9200. A very strong number for this grade, especially since 3.0's were selling for under $8k just a few months ago. 3.0's approaching $10k is just unbelievable. That nice looking 6.0 going for over $30k was a very strong price and over $5k more than the last 6.0 went for in April (on GPA). The result for the 7.5 graded by CBCS on CC shows that this new grading company is still not ready for prime time. The $48k realized is about what a CGC 7.0 goes for. I have seen quite a number of CBCS books under-performing compared to comparably graded CGC books. The $85k realized for the 8.0 SS on CC was average. But I think it is common knowledge that that book has been repeatedly pressed and monkied with, and starting off at a 7.0. The $25k+ realized on the comic link auction for the 6.0 with "white pages" on the label once again suggests that Marvel chipping is the biggest detractor on price for this book. -J.
  7. Fixed ... Hey, I said "If" As in, "If a bullfrog had wings . . . " Speaking of "what if's?", wasn't there a "what if Gwen Stacy got bitten by the radioactive spider?" storyline done in the "what if?" series somewhere? I could swear I remember reading this concept somewhere once before already. But no, I do not believe this novelty character will have any real "legs" so to speak. Neither esov2 nor hvd 0 represent an actual "first appearance" of anybody regardless. Other than a neat costume there is nothing substantive about either book to sustain them long term. ASM 300 these ain't. Not by a long shot. And I really wish marvel would just let Gwen Stacy stay in the ground already. -J. It was Betty Brant from issue 7. The difference is.... Sweet Baby Jesus!!! That may be the WORST costume ever! Burn your monitors fellas, it's a mercy, just in case the pixels remember! Holy I think that was it! Nailed it! The costume is a little iffy, but under the right circumstances it might could grow on me. On another note, it probably would have been more interesting (and a more relevant book with a much better shot at staying power) if this character was not "Gwen Stacy" and was in fact a new character the regular MCU. This whole "Spider-Gwen" thing smacks as more of a novelty character, right along with Lady Thor, something akin to stunt casting a show on TV might try to do to spike ratings. By the time Avengers 2 comes out, the real Thor will be holding the hammer again, and "Spider-Gwen" will likely be in the novelty bin. Characters in alternate realities do not often have much staying power. -J.
  8. Fixed ... Hey, I said "If" As in, "If a bullfrog had wings . . . " Speaking of "what if's?", wasn't there a "what if Gwen Stacy got bitten by the radioactive spider?" storyline done in the "what if?" series somewhere? I could swear I remember reading this concept somewhere once before already. But no, I do not believe this novelty character will have any real "legs" so to speak. Neither esov2 nor hvd 0 represent an actual "first appearance" of anybody regardless. Other than a neat costume there is nothing substantive about either book to sustain them long term. ASM 300 these ain't. Not by a long shot. And I really wish marvel would just let Gwen Stacy stay in the ground already. -J.
  9. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/09/18/gwen-stacy-the-new-character-find-of-2014/ I would think this attracts the sort of attention that preview issues and the like get, something that sellers are more excited about than their potential customers, since it's not the actual character but rather just a partial visual of the costume. nothing about this comic screams preview. Did you actually read what I wrote or do you just have some sort of Pavlovian response to the word "preview"? I was drawing a comparison to the importance of previews, because, much like previews, this issue does not have a story containing the new Spider-woman character. It features a visual of the costume that she wears (included, I imagine, as a gag, or perhaps as a way to drive sales of the book to people who care far too much about an inconsequential depiction of a costume). Thanks bud but my response has nothing to do with conditioning. You do not seem to be supporting the idea that the first appearance of the costume is important because, as you say, " the issue has nothing to do with Spider-woman and is for people who care far too much about an inconsequential depiction of a costume". I just cannot buy into that assumption though. To date we have no idea why those characters are there. It appears that it's cosplay but Gwen does make direct eye contact with either Hawkeye or us in that last panel. Does that matter? To date we cannot say because both she and the female Thor might be there for a reason yet to be explained. Also I just can't see Marvel sticking this in there to drive up sales either. If they wanted to do that then they would have put both on the cover. This comic is simply just another example of a failure of the marketplace to correct itself. +1. How do we know that isn't simply spider-Gwen and lady Thor deliberately blending in with cosplayers? -J.
  10. Still not buying it. 7 total bids is fishy, period. It only takes two to tango. -J.
  11. Methinks this doth lookith to good to be trueth... Perhaps not. That 6.0 is already at over $30k on comic connect. -J.
  12. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/09/18/gwen-stacy-the-new-character-find-of-2014/ So for now it's the first appearance of the costume? Since the only thing that is actually new about the character or the concept is the costume, yes, that would be correct. (thumbs u -J.
  13. Different copy, and they sold it a long time ago. -J.
  14. Yes there is a "cream pages" only designation. (thumbs u -J.
  15. I'm with you on this. I'm a big believer in EOSV 2. When i first heard about the character I absolutely loved it, and so did a lot of other people. It's one of those things that just works, and you can't really put a finger on exactly why. I expect to see the same massive bell curve on it that we see in 99.99% of the modern market especially as all of the 9.8's sitting at CGC start hitting the market en masse. -J.
  16. My understanding is that he is too slow to handle a monthly. That's why he's only asked to do covers. -J.
  17. This is a nice one. His earlier pencils have so much detail. (thumbs u -J.
  18. As much as I like JSC's big titty drawer-ings like every other red-blooded geek, I thought I'd mix things up a little with this cover of his: Quite possibly the best Lizard cover ever. -J.
  19. Interesting thread with plenty of butthurt. Thanks for posting. Yeah I've had books repeatedly downgrade sometimes significantly from PGX to CGC. As such I will never buy one again. The chances of a "10" book in a PGX slab turning into a CGC "10" are zero. I normally don't like to speak in absolutes. This is one time though I feel it's appropriate. I would be interested to see the results of having a creator re-trace a signature in front of CGC to go for a yellow label though. Of course the third option is just leaving at is. Or cracking it and sticking it in a mylar if PGX labels turn your stomach. -J. Not sticking up for PGX here but ... wow Such a fanboy! CGC's 10's are mythical creatures, only showing up once every hailey comet cycle. Resubbing a CGC 10, without CGC knowing about it and getting another CGC 10 has a zero chance as well. If you really think CGC can tell apart 9.8's -10's each time they grade them, I don't even know what to say. Ive seen CGC books cracked and resubbed with NOTHING done to them and the grade jumping 2-3 full points, check the forums if you don't believe me. CGC's grading is flawed as well, just listen to the boards, people talking about the " soft 9.8 years " . Get over it. Yes CGC is better. Stop making them out to be gods. Seriously dude. Wtf was the point of all that? -J.
  20. Great copy very nice. Always a tough book in NM and higher grades. Yours looks particularly solid for the grade. (thumbs u -J.
  21. My favorite JSC cover ever! Definitely one of my favorites as well. This one really took off right away and despite its 130 or so 9.8's already on the census, seems tough to come by and commands $150-$200 raw whenever auctioned even for copies that are less than NM. -J.
  22. That's a strong price. Another 9.8 just sold for $1,100 on comic link a month or so ago.... -J.