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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. I can only imagine. It's certainly one of the best books being offered in this rather thin auction. -J.
  2. Obviously the seller of the 4.0 on the exchange knows he will get his price sooner rather than later, and considering how rare the book is, 7500 for it will probably look like a deal in six months, and even at that price is the lowest priced publicly available blue label that I can find right now. The one at the auction may not fetch that but I can easily envision a final sales price range of 6600-7200, with a very real and likely chance that it will crack 7k, for the reasons stated above. As for the back cover scans doesn't comic link provide upon request ? -J.
  3. It will go for more than $6k. The 4.0 on the exchange already has an offer for 6.6k. I'm thinking it will likely end up somewhere between 6.6-7.5k, especially with that restored 4.0 going for over $5k on heritage recently. There figures to be several bidders who recognize this is their last chance to get a nice presenting mid grade copy for anything less than $8k with the new show and all the movie talk heating up in advance of SDCC. And they would probably be right. -J.
  4. Still a full week to go though.... -J.
  5. My prediction is that we will see no more bids on this (although I hope I'm proven wrong). GPA shows a 7.5 sold at $4063 this month and a 7.0 sold at $3227 this month so $3999 for a 7.0 seems a little suspicious to me. Now, if they make a big Dr Strange announcement at SDCC then I can see the next jump in price. One does get the sense that Marvel has fast tracked development of the project somewhat. -J.
  6. depends on how tough...on really rare books, sb pages might command a premium to the status quo... on relatively tough, maybe 10%-20%... wait, what? SB never command a premium as compared to better or normal page quality. (staus quo) status quo being "perceived" value or ospg, etc....obviously if it is that rare, in all likeliehood there is no established data points, only what we think.... or, yes, a sb page book today, might sell for more than a better pq book sold for in the past (thumbs u past doesn't come into the equation. the questioner, the way I read it, was asking how a slightly brittle rare comic should be discounted for the major page defect versus a similar copy of a rare comic with non brittle pages. sometimes the gator logic confuses me On avg. discount 10-20% And if one is lucky enough to have an option choose the better pq option and pay the premium. But in many cases there are no options, so sb could actually sell for more than what one thinks a Better pq copy should go for. See, crystal clear I don't think this is really even a fair question for gator. If the book is remotely rare/sought after if you want the book and it has slightly brittle pages, you will have to pay the seller's price regardless of what it is. I can't imagine you saying "how much for your tec 31?". Seller: "20,000". You: "But it has slightly brittle pages will you take 16?" Seller: "No". -J.
  7. I agree. This will be a cheap price a year from now. +2. And the book is significantly rarer than hulk 1 on the census at least. -J. If you mean the Incredible Hulk #1 from 1962 you'd be very incorrect. I am, and no I am not. 1048 IH 1's to 752 ST 110's. Double check your facts before you make blanket statements. Thank you. -J. If you really think ST 110 is harder to find in any grade then Hulk 1 then you have no idea how to use the census where in practically every grade above 5.0 there are more 110s graded. The only reason there are less 110s graded overall is because there wasn't the incentive for lower graded and restored copies like there is for a megakey like Hulk 1. Yes I got that thank you. However if you read the substantive portion of my original post you will see that that was implicitly acknowledged. However now that ST 110 is emerging as a key, time will tell how many more start finding their way to the census and how quickly. But as of now there are about 30% more graded hulk 1's than ST 110's on the census. This is a fact, whether there are seemingly more raw ST 110's out there at the moment or not. (thumbs u -J. Ok I understand your point - however I have a hard time calling one book "scarcer" then another based on those numbers. If you take a closer look the main difference between the 2 graded numbers right now all come from the amount of restored Hulks that are on the census - it's going to take a while for ST 110 to hit the kind of values for restored copies of that book to be worth submitting on those levels. Even with the significant run up in prices ST 110's are still not exactly falling out of the trees. I believe that a lot of those raw copies we see on ebay are in fact restored copies, otherwise they would be in a slab. The next 24 months should give us a pretty good indication as to how "rare" ST 110 is compared to the other marvel big keys. -J.
  8. I agree. This will be a cheap price a year from now. +2. And the book is significantly rarer than hulk 1 on the census at least. -J. If you mean the Incredible Hulk #1 from 1962 you'd be very incorrect. I am, and no I am not. 1048 IH 1's to 752 ST 110's. Double check your facts before you make blanket statements. Thank you. -J. If you really think ST 110 is harder to find in any grade then Hulk 1 then you have no idea how to use the census where in practically every grade above 5.0 there are more 110s graded. The only reason there are less 110s graded overall is because there wasn't the incentive for lower graded and restored copies like there is for a megakey like Hulk 1. Yes I got that thank you. However if you read the substantive portion of my original post you will see that that was implicitly acknowledged. However now that ST 110 is emerging as a key, time will tell how many more start finding their way to the census and how quickly. But as of now there are about 30% more graded hulk 1's than ST 110's on the census. This is a fact, whether there are seemingly more raw ST 110's out there at the moment or not. (thumbs u -J.
  9. I agree. This will be a cheap price a year from now. +2. And the book is significantly rarer than hulk 1 on the census at least. -J. If you mean the Incredible Hulk #1 from 1962 you'd be very incorrect. I am, and no I am not. 1048 IH 1's to 752 ST 110's. Double check your facts before you make blanket statements. Thank you. -J.
  10. I agree. This will be a cheap price a year from now. +2. And the book is significantly rarer than hulk 1 on the census at least. -J.
  11. What's the point of slabbing a comic book if you cannot read it? I think collectors like to have everything so this is just one more thing for them to want. The only point in slabbing to me, is to have a professional grading warranty for transactions. The fact that it paved the way for a thorough form of collecting still does not make much sense if we consider what we are collecting (i.e. not coins or money). Keep in mind that CGC exists only in the collecting world of comic books, and there is nothing like this outside America. What a gorgeous Iron Man #55 – now I see what you mean with the star shaped stamp – I think I have already seen it, so you say sometimes it was applied on the back cover? I'll have to dig, but I believe I have several copies with the back cover stamped. It might have something to do with the stamp being easier to see on some colors than other, so they picked the spot on the book that make the stamp stand out. I've had several copies that bore star stamps on the BC, sometimes even multiple stars - I don't think there was any necessary pattern. Also, I never heard before (now) that it had anything to do with "payment". (thumbs u -J.
  12. Dist mark. Doesn't bother me one iota! In fact I prefer Leave this one alone would ya. Go play in gold too funny With a flash/green lantern movie along with all the justice league appearances and the show in the works, I think the Flash may finally be getting his due in the public spotlight. (It's nice that the Green Lantern is getting a second chance as well.) -J.
  13. What's the point of slabbing a comic book if you cannot read it? I think collectors like to have everything so this is just one more thing for them to want. The only point in slabbing to me, is to have a professional grading warranty for transactions. The fact that it paved the way for a thorough form of collecting still does not make much sense if we consider what we are collecting (i.e. not coins or money). Keep in mind that CGC exists only in the collecting world of comic books, and there is nothing like this outside America. What a gorgeous Iron Man #55 – now I see what you mean with the star shaped stamp – I think I have already seen it, so you say sometimes it was applied on the back cover? I believe it was more often than not stamped somewhere randomly on the front cover so that it would be easy to tell that the book was paid for. Thank you for kind words for my IM 55. -J.
  14. +1 I did not know they were also distributed in US Military bases in Europe. I’d love to see a scan. My Iron Man 55 has the insert, with the star stamp on the front cover, right over the "55". I will probably never upgrade my copy unless I see another higher graded one with the insert. But I have never seen another copy with the insert. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7488721#Post7488721 -J.
  15. There's a sharp looking 4.0 in the current comic link auction.... -J.
  16. Touche. To further flog this dead horse...I know the TMNT 1 CGC9.6 comes up rarely. But If cash is an issue, the OP could wait till 1 comes up for sale on eBay and immediately list his AF15. BOOM. AF15 sells, he transfers fund for the TMNT and pockets an extra $3k which he can then use to buy a 7.0 TMNT1 undercopy or something. Looks like even a 2.5 AF 15 can now best a 9.6 TMNT 1.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Fantasy-15-Good-Marvel-1962-1st-Spider-Man-C12-911-cm-/281354527370?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item418209628a -J.
  17. Over-graded maybe, but far from "yuck....." Gotta love those basement/attic finds! -J.
  18. Seeing as what the last 8.0 went for that doesn't sound unrealistic to me either. Maybe 4.5-5k-ish m -J.
  19. Any thoughts on where that 7.5 on heritage might end up with all the recent movie announcements? -J.
  20. Looks a little over graded to me.... -J.
  21. Man another nice looking ST 110, now a 7.5 on heritage.... -J.