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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. And you still haven't answered why they would "individually" ship 400-600 copies, rather than 2-3 case packs as they did for the 648 Campbell colour (no, the Dell'otto was not thicker). -J.
  2. I don't know why it bothers you so much that the 667 is so insanely rare. Given your love of rare valiant and (not so) rare barcode books, I would think that you would be someone most actively marveling (no pun intended) at such an unusual outlier in such a major title instead. -J.
  3. Lol Literally the only thing you're doing is showing that there have been other books in the history of Diamond that had less than full issue case packs ordered. And rarity alone does not automatically equate value. You of all people should know that. -J.
  4. I don't know ANYTHING about this obscure book. It may be extremely rare too, I DON'T KNOW. I am using an apples to apples comparison, ASM 648 colour Campbell, similar print runs, same title, 1:100. Just comparing the two solicits, the 667 is an outlier even there. There were NOT 600 or even 400 copies of this book. If it were, it would say "225" like the other covers of that issue instead of "1". The "1" tells you something different happened with the 667, and that is likely because there were less than even 225 ordered. -J.
  5. No, the cover stock of the dell'otto is exactly the same as the other two covers from the issue. And your argument further falls apart when we look at the solicit for the Campbell colour variant for 648. Equal quantities for the book in the case pack, whether it is the regular cover or the variant. If anything, it is what, Chuck said, and that Diamond codes it that way when quantities of less than one standard case pack for an issue is ordered. -J.
  6. I didn't say that. Right now I'm just working with what valiantman has posted. And yeah, it also supports the ~225 print run lol. -J.
  7. I don't know, I haven't researched that obscure book, but maybe. And you still haven't answered the question. If there were 225 copies per case pack of the regular issue and the Hans variant, why would Diamond send out INDIVIDUAL (1) copy(ies) of the Dell'otto if there were "400-600" printed, rather than 2 or 3 case packs ? -J.
  8. I haven't researched the circumstances surrounding that book. It may also be rare. Let's stay on point. (Although I do find it telling that you would post this, rather than the more comparable ASM 678 VenoMJ or 688 Lizard Campbell.) If there were 225 copies per case pack of the regular issue and the Hans variant, why would Diamond send out INDIVIDUAL (1) copy(ies) of the Dell'otto if there were "400-600" printed, rather than 2 or 3 case packs ? -J.
  9. You're still not answering this question: If there were 225 copies per case pack of the regular issue and the Hans variant, why would Diamond send out INDIVIDUAL (1) copy(ies) of the Dell'otto if there were "400-600" printed, rather than 2 or 3 full case packs ? -J.
  10. You're right. There was less than one case pack. Why don't you try adding something constructive to a conversation for once and answer the question that valiantman hasn't. If there were 225 copies per case pack of the regular issue and the Hans variant, why would Diamond send out INDIVIDUAL (1) copy(ies) of the Dell'otto if there were "400-600" printed, rather than 2 or 3 case packs ? -J.
  11. This graph doesn't show there being 400-600 copies of the book lol. But the diamond solicit shows there being less than 225. -J.
  12. Based on what ? Not based on the census numbers. Not based on amount of copies for sale at any given time. Not based on the amount of public sales since 2011. Not based on the solicit for the similarly (though not quite as) rare 648 Campbell colour variant (which by the way, even that does not likely have 400 copies printed, let alone 600). *Edit- You think Diamond sent out 400-600 INDIVIDUAL copies of a book, when the case pack size for the other covers of the same issue were 225? Come on man. I would imagine that if you look up other (not as) rare ASM variants, like the 678 VenoMJ, and the 688 Campbell lizard, that they ALL reflect full case packs being sent out in same quantities as the regular issue. This data only reinforces the absolute rarity of the book even further. -J.
  13. All of these Diamond solicits state when the books were shipped, so these are updated and final info on these books. The Dell'otto 667 wasn't added until the close of the FOC for that issue for the month, and retailers were given one week to up the orders on the regular cover only (none of the the already heavily ordered Hans variant for the issue counted) to be able to order a Dell'otto 667. https://www.diamondcomics.com/Home/1/1/3/819?articleID=110712 Obviously few retailers took them up on their offer. -J.
  14. This, I actually agree with. From what I otherwise have seen and heard about this one particular book (the 667). I also think it says "1", because, as valiantman said, they were distributed as singles, and they were done this way because there were not enough orders to fill a standard sized case pack of 225 for that particular cover. -J.
  15. No, what I'm asking you is "why" do you think Diamond would send out "singles" of the 667 Dell'otto, and not the 648 Campbell, both of which were 1:100's, from the same time frame, with what one would expect to be comparable order numbers (under normal circumstances, which this is clearly not, but let's say so for the sake of argument)? -J.
  16. So why do you think Diamond sent out the Dell'otto 667 as "singles", and not the 648 Campbell colour, both 1:100's? -J.
  17. I understand your point, trust me I get it. What I'm asking you is, based on the fact that both the regular issue and Hans variant for 667 show a case pack quantity of 225... And the 1:100 Campbell variant for 648 shows a case pack of 130 (which the regular cover for that issue would also show).... What do you personally believe that it means that there is only a "1" for the 667 Dell'otto, when it would, under normal circumstances, say "225", regardless of how many case packs were ultimately shipped ? -J.
  18. Thanks man this helps. You probably already know where I'm going here... So we have seen four of these. 1) ASM 667 Regular, 225 per case pack 2) ASM 667 Hans variant, 225 per case pack 3) ASM 648 Campbell Colour 1:100, 130 per case pack (I notice wonky dimensions for that case size too) 4) ASM 667 Dell'otto, 1:100, 1 (one) per case pack (?!) The ASM 648 had a print run of about 77,000. The ASM 667 had a print run of about 71,000. The colour 648 and 667, under typical circumstances, would expect to have comparable amounts of 1:100's produced, obviously a few more of the 648, give or take, 60 more copies of it, versus the 667 if stores ordered even quantities of 100 to qualify (we already know that doesn't happen though, but let's say for the sake of argument it did here), but either way we would not expect there to be several hundreds/thousands more of the 648 Campbell variant being produced than the 667 Dell'otto based on orders received by Diamond. So based on that, what would be your explanation for why there were 130 copies of another rare ASM per case pack and only 1 (one) copy, allegedly, of the 667 per case pack according to these solicits ? If you were to check the solicit for the regular issue of 648, i would gather it would show 130 copies of it per case pack, just as the 667 shows 225 per case pack for both the regular issue and the other variant (the 648 was a double sized issue, hence the 130 per case pack versus 225). But not the Dell'otto... One book in a case pack does not sound plausible to me. -J.
  19. Thanks man. So we're saying there were 225 copies of this variant in one case pack, just like the regular issue ? Do you feel like or mind posting just one more? I'd be curious to see this for the Campbell colour variant for #648, Diamond # SEP100572. (Not trying to be greedy, last one, promise .) -J.
  20. Welcome to the boards. But seriously, @valiantman I would be curious to see this same info for, let's say, the #667 Hans Fantastic Four anniversary variant, which was the only variant originally announced for that issue until after the initial FOC when the Dell'otto got added, and was an unlimited order variant, with none of those counting toward the "100" to get the Dell'otto. https://www.diamondcomics.com/Home/1/1/3/819?articleID=110712 -J.
  21. No comment either way. Although seeing this once again reminds me of the "why" the book is so rare. -J.
  22. Geez man, don't you have even an ounce of shame? We're done here. -J.
  23. I never said that. You're still misrepresenting my statements. -J.