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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. It seems like 99% of the outrage comes from people that don't even understand comics, how they're made, or who is responsible for what bits of them. And I would probably lay money that the few of those complaining most, if they buy or read comics at all, buy them digitally so they'd never even see this cover if they didn't go looking for something to get outraged about. I mean, some of the complaints were made to Campbell about the skin-tone coloring. As though he has anything to do with that or even really paid attention to it if he did see it. Like they don't even understand the difference between the jobs of penciller, inker and colorist.
  2. Good point on the Manara euro erotica art audience. Though how much of that would follow him to mainstream superhero comic covers? I don't know. So it's kind of an apples & oranges things. JSC is definitely a commercial hitmaker at least when it comes to followers. Pop music in comics is probably the best description vs Manara's more musician's musician following. But regardless, I was just throwing Manara out as someone that's probably equally as polarizing.. And to be honest, all of these so-called "controversies" are wildly overblown by people that are just always finding or looking for something to be offended about.
  3. Any update on this? I'm really curious if the buyer has had luck with the police yet on this.
  4. Jackman is starting to look a lot like old bearded Mel Gibson from a few years ago when he was doing his crazy racist ranting bit.
  5. I can't imagine Marvel NOT having veto power on store variants. Like for instance, if you had Spider-Man ripping someone in half & eating their organs on the cover while naked & borking the Black Cat, they probably have the right to be like "um no. That's just not gonna happen. Submit some not-awful art & we'll approve it"
  6. Certainly. Manara isn't even on the same level as JSC when it comes to fan following. I think that the Spider-Woman controversy was what led Marvel to stop hiring him after a number of successful & relatively popular variants. But the blow-back on that one was big enough mixed with Manara not really drawing in significant numbers of fans on his art alone to make his variants super sought-after, led Marvel to cutting ties at least for a few years until the crazy train forgets about that incident. On the flip side, JSC's popularity & draw, mixed with the relatively tame blow-back on this in comparison & the fact that it wasn't a Marvel variant, but a store variant and a little bit of both parties love of money for dessert, will lead Marvel to pretty much ignoring this one.
  7. Not sure that your numbers are accurate, but the supply is definitely greater on NM98 than other said books I have seen numbers more like 15K on WD quoted. 40K is probably right on NYX3. December 2003 Diamond puts Nyx 3 sales at 40,040 http://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales/2003/2003-12.html. My guess is print run then is closer to 50,000 or more. Keep in mind, this book came out during Marvel's "print to order" days under Joe Q when they were super broke. So domestic/Diamond numbers are probably pretty accurate. There was no overprinting back in that period. Though I guess another 10k could come from non-Diamond sales. I have no idea what the newsstand or foreign market sales would add to Diamond's numbers back then for a pretty niche title like this that didn't exactly blow up in popularity until years later the book was already cancelled.
  8. So when is DScott buying the unarmored variant original art? ! Does that make it more or less valuable?
  9. wonder if any of the unarmored variants made it to print and if they will just destroy those copies? Hopefully, someone saves a few copies and it hits feebay. btw- is there any other artist that is a polarizing as JSC. Milo Manara. Remember the Spider-Woman #1 variant OUTRAGE!! storm?
  10. Probably the social media "SJW OUTRAGE" storm that happened yesterday. It's probably the un-armored version that was cancelled (considering the line work was basically identical on both the armored & unarmored versions except for the head. All the rest of it could have been changed with digital inking and/or coloring) The complaints ran the gamut between "too sexy" to "blame JSC for the colorist making Riri's skin tone lighter compared to some other cover" and everything between. It was kind of absurd.
  11. Yeah. I mean, it seems kinda anticlimactic to tease Sinister connected to experiments with Logan's DNA, introduce X-23, and somehow make it NOT connected to Sinister or involve Sinister in any way actually appearing. Especially if you eventually get some sort of connection established without getting Logan to actually punish Sinister for using his own DNA to create weapons.
  12. I did not see Mister Sinister yet. You are right in that the cloaked figure was Caliban. On the Reavers, it is an odd choice. But I guess it is how Mangold uses them in the movie, and how effective the actors will be in making you hate them for being mutant killers. According to all the recent reports, Sinister isn't in the movie. Even though he was teased at the end of Apocalypse, he's apparently not even involved in this story as a villain. No Sinister in Logan?
  13. Yeah. Nebula is joining the team. So is Yondu. And Mantis.
  14. Still not exactly that great, considering how much dead space is on that cover & how very... un-special it is. But at least with the fixed pricing it's only "I'll pass on this one" instead of the "are you f$*%ing high?" absurdity pricing that it was originally.
  15. Avengers dressing & color-changing the costume on Spidey to Miles instead of Peter. Virtually zero line work change though.
  16. Everyone was being pedantic & petty & arguing semantics, so I figured I'd take it to its logical conclusion. And if it's a 14 page ashcan (7 actual pages), with the same paper stock for the cover, it's still over a ton, Larry. It's still almost exactly 1.25 short tons.
  17. I know hot off of SDCC, these were highly touted, then suddenly comic shops were shipped these by the tons, where once though to be scarce, now overprinted, and a lot of customers grabbed stacks to horde and hold, so I'd probably shy away from these if buying on speculation more than passion, since I'd guess there's quite a bit of 'em out there, probably more supply than demand, with lots of folks waiting in the wings to offer 'em up on eBay, and because they're free, the cost of goods / cost basis is $0, and they can afford to sell 'em at $0.99 or whatever and garner pure profit. suddenly comic shops were shipped these by the tons Okee dokee... ( ACTUALLY the top 1,000 Diamond accounts were shipped fifty ea...) I gave them away. This weekend in NY Gerard gave away a "Doom Patrol song" to the 300 fans that attended his panel. They were cassettes. He's becoming the "killer promo guy' fast. Not saying the b&w promo will put your kids through college or pay for your prescription.... Easy $10 soon though. Ask anybody set up in NYCC how his stuff sold there. Gangbusters. 1,000 x 50 = 50,000 2,000 = 1 ton 50,000 = 25 tons So, yes there's tons of them out there and they're still sitting at LCS's around here in the free stacks Oh, They weigh a pound each? My mistake. Tons it is.... Carry on sniping & being miserable to each other.... Average comic weighs 1.8 ounces. If there's 50k copies (50 copies per retailer x 1000 retailers), that's 90,000 ounces. 90,000 ounces = 5,625 lbs. So technically a little over 2.75 short tons. Or 2.55 metric tons or 2.51 gross/imperial tons. I mean, if we're going to be pedantic, might as well go all the way Cool. It's an ashcan. Remeasure & get back to me. Gimme a page count & I'll get you a weight on the whole print run in about 30 seconds. Each page weighs approximately 0.1 ounces with a 0.1-0.2 ounce cover. So the math ain't hard.
  18. Just checked that Comic Xposure JSC exclusive and it's really really bland. Like they didn't feel like springing for anyone to draw background.
  19. I know hot off of SDCC, these were highly touted, then suddenly comic shops were shipped these by the tons, where once though to be scarce, now overprinted, and a lot of customers grabbed stacks to horde and hold, so I'd probably shy away from these if buying on speculation more than passion, since I'd guess there's quite a bit of 'em out there, probably more supply than demand, with lots of folks waiting in the wings to offer 'em up on eBay, and because they're free, the cost of goods / cost basis is $0, and they can afford to sell 'em at $0.99 or whatever and garner pure profit. suddenly comic shops were shipped these by the tons Okee dokee... ( ACTUALLY the top 1,000 Diamond accounts were shipped fifty ea...) I gave them away. This weekend in NY Gerard gave away a "Doom Patrol song" to the 300 fans that attended his panel. They were cassettes. He's becoming the "killer promo guy' fast. Not saying the b&w promo will put your kids through college or pay for your prescription.... Easy $10 soon though. Ask anybody set up in NYCC how his stuff sold there. Gangbusters. 1,000 x 50 = 50,000 2,000 = 1 ton 50,000 = 25 tons So, yes there's tons of them out there and they're still sitting at LCS's around here in the free stacks Oh, They weigh a pound each? My mistake. Tons it is.... Carry on sniping & being miserable to each other.... Average comic weighs 1.8 ounces. If there's 50k copies (50 copies per retailer x 1000 retailers), that's 90,000 ounces. 90,000 ounces = 5,625 lbs. So technically a little over 2.75 short tons. Or 2.55 metric tons or 2.51 gross/imperial tons. I mean, if we're going to be pedantic, might as well go all the way
  20. in like the first 5 minutes, the Superman on this show was more likable than the Zach Snyder Superman has been in 2 movies.
  21. It's been a while since I last read NYX, but I always got the impression that she was intended as younger than 15/16 in that. And that she was kinda retconned into being a couple years older with the 2 mini-series (whatever it was called.) in order to blunt some of the creepy-factor of her first few appearances a little bit. But I'll take your word for it.
  22. The first few were a cute throw-back novelty. Now it's just getting tired.
  23. She was intended to be about 12 or 13 in NYX 3 when she first appeared. At least the flashback bits with her being... um... working? And it was implied that she was ... again... um... working? for a few years after escaping the facility. She's apparently about 16-17 now in All New Wolverine. So about 4 years of aging. Your guess is as good as mine tho if the girl in that picture is intended to be like 6 or if it's just the typical petite female Hollywood thing.
  24. I am still surprised at how much I enjoy this show. The charm is all there, like in the 1st season of Sleepy Hollow (how it lost so much of that charm in seasons 2 & 3, even with adding John Noble to the cast, is beyond me) It's like the replacement for the ridiculousness of the 1st season of Sleepy Hollow and the buddy-cop story of Castle. If Castle's insane theories were somehow always right & Beckett was the Scully disbeliever of the duo.