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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. So how does he have metal/replacement claws now? Which Wolverine Fox-Movie time stream does this take from? Wolverine: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo? or X-men: Apocalpyse Not Now? He got them back between the end of The Wolverine & DoFP (he had them in the "future" bits of that movie). So I'm assuming that Magneto just kinda did some metal wizardry on the remaining metal on his bones & just took like a fraction of a millimeter off everywhere else & slid it over his claws, because he can do stuff like that. Or, The Wolverine didn't happen exactly the same in the post(pre? Post? Tangential? I dont' know. Time travel makes my head hurt)-DoFP continuity & he never lost the metal. All we know is that he lost them in The Wolverine. Got them back somewhere between the post-credits scene there & DoFP and then definitely still got all Weapon X-ified in the past, per the end of the past-bits of DoFP & what was shown in Apocalypse. Ok, I am going to give myself a migraine...but... The future scenes in DOFP were wiped from history by the events of the film, set in the past, Wolverine is pulled from the water by Mystique, with bone claws, disguised as Stryker....so he never winds up in Stryker's hands in the past to get Weapon-X-ified. Oh the hell...Eff You Singer!!! Exactly. It's like a migraine. And technically everything from the moment the past-scenes of DoFP ended was wiped from history. Some of it might have happened the same. Some might have happened differently. And a bunch of all new stuff. They essentially wrote themselves a soft-reboot (sorta like Nu-Trek did) and can claim anything cool from the original movies happened & everything that sucked didn't happen. As for the Mystique thing? We know she probably got found out & the real Strkyer showed back up at some point. Hence why he was running the program in Apocalypse & Mystique was off somewhere else obviously not doing it. We just don't know when/how he came back. But based on the Mystique we kinda got at the end of DoFP and in Apocalypse of her being a radical of sorts, the head-cannon I have that makes it all make sense is that she saw the usefulness of the Weapon X program that Stryker was running, so when she replaced him, she kept running it but for her own means & not as it was intended. From the comics, she has been shown to be the type that will "push" gov't anti-mutant programs in a direction that she wants them by subterfuge in order to achieve her own goal. And a program like Weapon X, well funded & important, is one that she could definitely manipulate for her own ends, even if it means Wolverine gets all Weapon X-ified in the process. Or she delayed his Weapon X-ification for a decade or whatever until Stryker showed back up & put him thru the process. I mean, she did have him in custody for at least a decade between DoFP and Apocalypse. For all we know, they were running the program together for a decade, Stryker comes back & she bails on Logan when she's found out, leaving him out to dry, and Stryker tricks him into an adamantium bath or something.
  2. I think it's because he's been doing non-Marvel/DC work for the past few years, his popularity has waned. If they ever bring him back to do another run on Spidey or Wonder Woman or something, his popularity will spike back up. Remember, JSC had a popularity lull for a few years there before he stared doing a lot of Marvel variants. He still had a following but his books weren't super sought-after like they are now. Same with Cho, if he starts doing variants on characters that people connect him with like WW or Spidey or something.
  3. So how does he have metal/replacement claws now? Which Wolverine Fox-Movie time stream does this take from? Wolverine: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo? or X-men: Apocalpyse Not Now? He got them back between the end of The Wolverine & DoFP (he had them in the "future" bits of that movie). So I'm assuming that Magneto just kinda did some metal wizardry on the remaining metal on his bones & just took like a fraction of a millimeter off everywhere else & slid it over his claws, because he can do stuff like that. Or, The Wolverine didn't happen exactly the same in the post(pre? Post? Tangential? I dont' know. Time travel makes my head hurt)-DoFP continuity & he never lost the metal. All we know is that he lost them in The Wolverine. Got them back somewhere between the post-credits scene there & DoFP and then definitely still got all Weapon X-ified in the past, per the end of the past-bits of DoFP & what was shown in Apocalypse.
  4. Well, there's room there for adding Daken, but it seems unnecessary or like just trying to add an extra dynamic for the sake of adding "tension" between the hero(s) and the villain(s).
  5. It's pretty clear that they're definitely bringing in X-23 for Wolverine 3 ..thus endeth the pump and dump (of Daken). -J. Might be that Daken still ends up also in it, as one of the children that are and is still part of the program or something & ends up one of the bad guys. Anything is possible but that veers off into speculation territory again (and I doubt that's what happens). The "two claw" female child mutant , on the other hand , is a fairly spot-on description of Laura. -J. Oh, I agree. Anything about Daken is completely wild speculation with absolutely nothing behind it. Definitely. Only reason I could see it from a logical standpoint would be to add even more of a "family conflict" dynamic that Hollywood loves to do where everyone somehow ends up related to their villain. I mean, even the comic Daken was a walking "daddy issues made me a bad guy" trope. That's the kinda stuff that Hollywood eats right up & loves to use. And it's almost always pretty telegraphed that the "child with daddy issues" of the main character ends up being the "weapon" used by main baddie (I think it's Sinister, right?) against the hero, because of the inner conflict of killing your kid. I mean... Star Wars has basically lived off that trope (or the inverse of that trope with the daddy issues kid trying to redeem their bad daddy).
  6. It's pretty clear that they're definitely bringing in X-23 for Wolverine 3 ..thus endeth the pump and dump (of Daken). -J. Might be that Daken still ends up also in it, as one of the children that are and is still part of the program or something & ends up one of the bad guys.
  7. Well, I think based on this article in The Wrap and this quote: It's pretty clear that they're definitely bringing in X-23 for Wolverine 3
  8. From The Wrap on Wolverine 3: Logan I guess we can definitively say that X-23 is in the movie now.
  9. Yeah. He's one of the arms. The hand folds out from under the rear bumper.
  10. Something cheap & junky that I dug out of my box of matchbox/hot wheels/cars the other day. GoBot
  11. I didn't say they stopped, however, I do believe Marvel, as a publisher, was more proactive to making social change in those decades than they currently are. I think they are a bit more reactive now, rather than being at the forefront. I think Marvel was more inclined to TALK about social issues back then, instead of the force-feeding of those topics approach that they're taking today where they leave nothing open to discussion.
  12. That's actually not a bad idea. Especially since while I really REALLY loved S2 of DD, S1 of JJ and S1 of LC, I thought each of them had a few episodes worth of lull in the middle that could have been cut out had the seasons been maybe 2-3 episodes shorter. However, I am pretty certain that they're further along in Defenders than they are in Punisher. And Defenders is supposed to only be 6-8 episodes, I believe.
  13. I don't know what some of you are smoking, but I thought it was awesome. It was exactly what I was hoping for. Probably the blackest show I've seen in a while (besides The Get Down, which I also loved & highly recommend if you enjoy black culture, which had an even better score than Luke Cage did) & very well-done. It was the modern take on the 70's Blaxploitation style that I was hoping for. Now for an interpretation of John Woo Hong Kong Action cinema for Iron Fist & I'll be totally stoked (and be 4-for-4 right in my call for what the styles they'd adopt for each of these series) And to repeat... the Method Man cameo & the bars he spit on the radio show were sick AF.
  14. Yeah. If Punisher is already filming, unless it's filming at a VERY slow pace & he's splitting time between that an Defenders, it seems likely we'll see a Netflix announcement soon saying that they're expanding their Marvel offerings to 3-series-per-year. It's been inevitable since they've added an extra series to the original 4 and then given 2nd seasons to pretty much all of their releases thus far.
  15. I really enjoyed it. Especially the Method Man cameo & the bars he spit for the soundtrack. PLO Style was my joint back in the day too.
  16. i bought a brand new countertop deep fryer for $20 still unopened in the box. But I don't think that counts for this thread. It was a great deal though. I hate cooking fries in the oven or in a skillet.
  17. Now that is a gorgeous looking X-Men 1. Dude, if I had the couple grand that that is gonna run someone when you sell it, I'd be all over it. Because that looks to be in seriously high grade. Amazing pick-up. This once again reminds me that I seriously need to set aside bigger chunks of cash & start buying collections outright.
  18. I like the cover enough. But I don't think that like it >about $25 worth. But it is a pretty good looking cover.
  19. Anybody got any ideas on value for this? Helping a friend gauge value on his collection & this one perplexes me since I can't seem to find any recent sales for a coverless: Any estimated would help. All the wraps are there minus the cover & the stamp is intact
  20. I dunno -- maybe 100 bucks or so these days? Maybe a little less? More? In any case, I absolutely LOVE the math homework at the top. To me, that's not a "defect"...it's a priceless reminder of simpler times and more carefree days. Outstanding! I agree with $100 as is, but I'd put a repro cover on it, and try for $150. What's your paypal? I'll send $100 right now. So what's a coverless worth? if it has all the pages as well as the marvel stamp still intact, id say 150-200 - Yeah. It's fully intact. Including the stamp & all the wraps. Just lacking a cover
  21. So I'm helping a buddy with his old collection that he hasn't touched in about 35 years & stumbled across this today. I can't seem to find any values for coverless versions but it's otherwise intact: Also about a 60-issue straight run of ASM from about 150 to 210 Few other books, but nothing huge hut the Hulk 181 is the one I'm most interested in gauging value on.
  22. I've been kinda regretting selling my NYX 4 recently. I pulled down my 9.6 NYX 3 because I wasn't getting the price I wanted for it, and I'm kinda glad I did. Still bummed at dumping my other 9.6 NYX 3 like 1 month before the All New Wolverine announcement though. Prices doubled overnight.
  23. They're also often produced and distributed in smaller quantities than the male-counterpart figures, which is why they're often sold-out while there's a dozen Superman and Batman figures on the shelf. But the minute that the distribution ratio would be upped compared to Superman and Batman and they DIDN'T sell out, the old argument of "girl figures don't sell" gets trotted out as an excuse for why there's not the same sell-out frequency. It's a double-standard placed on the female character figures by an industry that doesn't know how to find the balance yet & never has really tried.
  24. I don't think Ike has much in the line of taste or understanding of what equals "quality" in a movie or even in media. He's focused entirely on the bottom line & learns a lot of the same lessons that Hollywood has always learned from movies because they're too close to the product to look at it objectively. Hollywood execs see it very simply like this: If it was made, it was because it was a quality piece of work. Any other explanation would mean that we made a mistake. And since this city is so cut-throat, any admission of mistakes might mean being out of a job. So we can't make them & can't admit to them even if we think we might have made them. So, if the quality of the product wasn't going to get the blame, it must be because certain things just don't sell no matter how great they are. In this case, it's female led superhero movies. And as there is a legit argument that popularity of the product is reflected in the sales of the accompanying merchandise that has much larger margins, then an unpopular movie = unpopular toys = no sales. Therefore, Ike see the situation as: girl-led superhero movies are unpopular (misconception that disregards quality) --> girl-led superhero merchandise doesn't sell (bad spin on a misconception) --> girl-superhero toys don't sell even if they're not associated with an unpopular girl-led superhero movie (poor lesson learned on an improperly equated situation. Apples/oranges argument where the apples are rotten & the oranges are actually grapes)