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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I don't know if I'm missing something here or what, but from what I can see, listing was relisted & then didn't sell at $60. And there's a few sets that I see in the $60-80 range just sitting. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=uncanny+x-men+campbell&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xuncanny+extraordinary+x-men+campbell.TRS0&_nkw=uncanny+extraordinary+x-men+campbell&_sacat=0
  2. Jae Lee was a sloppierMark Texiera-lite early on in his career. His Namor and then his Wildcats Trilogy turned me off to him totally. But then his Sentry and Inhumans and then later, his Hulk vs Thing and other books? Dear god were those beautiful books. He came a LONG way, radically changed his art while keeping a distinct style, and then when he eventually moved onto the early Dark Tower book, that's the only reason I even bought it. For his art alone. Jae Lee, Frank Quitely, Travis Charest... those guys can just draw with some life-like detail.
  3. I picked up a set of the Psylocke mini on the boards a year or so ago. Then promptly found the #1 2nd print wraparound & copies of 2-4 in a dollar bin like 2 weeks later. I've been debating parting with them. Especially the 2nd print. That book seems to sell for solid money.
  4. Gadot and Lucy Lawless are virtually identically sized at 5' 10" and 135 to 140 pounds, although when she first took the part Gadot was at modern waif model weight and under 125 pounds. Lucy Lawless has lost weight since her Xena days. And we must have a different understanding of the word "waif". I would not describe Gadot as a waif, even in BvS. I don't think anyone was talking about Gadot in BvS. That was after she put on muscle mass. I think everyone is talking about her pre-BvS. I think you could easily describe her as a "waif" prior to BvS though. At least certainly in F&F, Fast 5 and F&F 6. She was significantly thinner with significantly less muscle mass when she was in those movies. I don't think anyone would have objected to the "waif" term at that point.
  5. Ok... so I gotta ask... what was up with the ending? Did I just miss something? I thought it was awesome, but I think I maybe just didn't get the end-end.
  6. I got the shipping notification on Sunday & it started moving yesterday. But I was also waiting for my Betty & Veronica & thought that was what was holding up my order. But that still shows unshipped. So I'm a little perplexed as well.
  7. I am really enjoying it. I was in an internet-dead zone for the last week & finally got a chance to start it last night when I got home. I finished the first 4 episodes & then crashed right as I was about to start 5. So I'll probably work thru that tonight after I clear up some of my DVR space from the last week. But thru 4 episodes, It's really really good.
  8. Shut up, I still need to dig one of these up because I really like that cover.
  9. dude, just enjoy your vacay. NO!!! I want to look at a pretty comic. It will only very very very minimally impact my life in any way & I'm sure that by the time I'm sitting on a beach drinking beer on an island with virtually zero wifi, I'll entirely forget about it until I get home & it'll be a wonderful surprise, but still. I wanna look at the pretty comic!
  10. Ellis wasn't going to stick around on a marvel gig for more than about 6 issues. It's not his thing these days. I don't think he's done more than 6 issues for marvel in a year since he took over X-Force/GenX/X-Man back around when Claremont came back the 1st time and I think he only did maybe 4-issues of each at that time too. He only stuck around for 6 issues of Iron Man. 6 issues of Moon Knight and 1 or 2 other 6-issue runs. Plus, they've had a lot of scheduling issues with the Karnak series (because of artists, I believe?). It's still the best of the bunch IMO.
  11. Assuming china doesn't censor the internet to block out any mention of the banning.
  12. His dad is a member of some form of resistance group... I know that. My question is, considering China's errr policy on democracy. Will this book even be released over there? Yeah, that's a pretty good question because it's not exactly as though the Chinese government really smiles upon dissenters or rebels or publications that present them in a positive light. While that government might have chilled out on some things (mostly financially), but they're still a pretty totalitarian regime that doesn't exactly seem as though they'd really be all that accepting of being portrayed as anything but the benevolent overlords that they think they are or claim to be. Will this comic be traded in brown paper bags & sold behind the counter like smut? Will it be an underground comic in China? (And now I'm imagining some skeezy looking dude in a trench coat ala "8mm" trying to by a snuff movie)
  13. Only downside to this delay is that I won't get to look at my copy or see how pretty it is until after I get back from vacation. I'm not looking forward to waiting a full week and change to see it. Well, I mean I AM looking forward to it obviously but don't like that it's going to take that long before I can hold my set in my grubby mitts. .
  14. The one where we were supposed to buy Adrien Brody as a tough guy, that kid from that 70's show as a psychopath and a fat Lawrence Fishburne? Yeah, that was pretty atrocious.
  15. It often takes an eviction notice to prompt certain types of people to pay their rent or a shut-off notice for them to pay the electric bill. And those are kinda important things. I don't see why a non-essential thing like comics would be any different for people with that mentality.
  16. Apparently there's a Squirtl-something inside my company facility. It's a gated facility. I'm waiting for the first person to buzz the gate & try to get in to catch a Pokémon. I WILL laugh very hard watching them beg.
  17. I actually grabbed one of the Spidey/Deadpool 6th prints today because I can see that all-black cover being VERY tough to find in grade. Out of a dozen on the shelf, only 1 didn't have some sort of color rub on the black.
  18. Same here. I grabbed one of the Betty & Veronica color variants when I ordered my ASM 15 set, so 1 package is better than 2
  19. except 7 is the first appearance of a character and that Hawkeye v Deadpool book was the first appearance of a costume. Considering neither character said anything to prove that they were or weren't the same characters (1 being from a different universe entirely, and one that's got weird mystical powers that might have spent a few days in a parallel universe, we don't know), it's pure speculation either way. They look the same, therefore it's just your guess or mine whether it's just a costume appearance and not the character. 1 editors note or easter egg reference in a future issue & they're actually the same characters. Time travel/universe jumping/whatever comicbooklogic and it's retconned in. Context must not exist in your world. Did either take off their mask & show that they're definitively NOT the same character? Nope. It's comics. Retcons happen all the time & suddenly we're in "test tube" territory, where 20 years later, a 1-off joke or piece of trivia thrown into the background of a panel suddenly becomes a "1st appearance"
  20. except 7 is the first appearance of a character and that Hawkeye v Deadpool book was the first appearance of a costume. Considering neither character said anything to prove that they were or weren't the same characters (1 being from a different universe entirely, and one that's got weird mystical powers that might have spent a few days in a parallel universe, we don't know), it's pure speculation either way. They look the same, therefore it's just your guess or mine whether it's just a costume appearance and not the character. 1 editors note or easter egg reference in a future issue & they're actually the same characters. Time travel/universe jumping/whatever comicbooklogic and it's retconned in.
  21. I would bet A LOT there's some evidence that girls/women want to read stories about girls/women, just like I'm sure that there's ample evidence that minorities want to read stories about minority super heroes. Whether or not the evidence justifies this dramatic shift towards replacing established white male heroes with alternative options may be more dubious. This is all accurate but I'd add in another caveat: there's not necessarily any evidence that even though women/minorities want to read stories about characters that have the same bits or skin tone as they do, that it actually translates into sales on a broad spectrum. And by that I mean; you can create more [insert descriptor here] heroes, but it doesn't mean that people that didn't previously buy your product will start, or that those that are currently buying your existing product with white/male heroes will also buy these additional [insert descriptor here] hero titles. They may buy it and drop one of the white/male titles. They may not buy it at all because it's a new character & sometimes people are awful about supporting new characters during their growing pains of getting established. It may be a case where the best you can hope for is an uptick in readership of these new characters years down the line once have established the kind of history/recognition that the existing white/male heroes already have currently. Cause as it stands, it seems like people that float demographic numbers are saying 'there's more girls going to conventions now, so they must be buying comics" ignoring the potentiality that many/most may be anime or manga or non-capes fans or they're just cosplayers who like appearances of characters but don't actually buy the source material. Kinda like fancy-stats in hockey these days. People that live & die on possession numbers alone assuming that possession = goals, when there's a lot of other fancy stats that say "possession is important but X, Y, and Z other fancy stats show that they're mostly bad shots or possession in low % scoring areas", essentially rendering possession numbers to be useless. Same thing here. Without knowing what that uptick in female convention goers is actually spending their money on or have any legit proof that they're actually interested in buying your product if you change or add X, Y or Z things, you're just guessing & hoping for expanding your readership, while potentially off existing fans.
  22. From what era? Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk were two pretty big ones. You're right, they didn't last 100 issues, but neither did Nick Fury. With today's model, a series is luck to get to 25 issues before a reboot. If you take both volumes of Kamaal Khan Ms. Marvel, it's at 27 issues. I would combine these because the story is actually continuous, for whatever reason they rebooted it. I don't think you can just excuse not reaching 100 issues as a "in today's model". Sure, it explains Ms Marvel being 2 volumes of the same story and the current Captain Marvel basically being 3 volumes that were just inexplicably renumbered for sales bumps (and to allow the writer on v1 and v2 to have a break between them without filler issues) but that doesn't excuse that She Hulk has maxed out with Sensational hitting 60 issues when starting in 1989. And the mid-00's Ms Marvel series and the late-70's Spider-Woman series maxing out at 50 issues years (or decades) before reboot frenzy kicked in. Sure, you can probably argue that 90% of all of Marvel's male-led series bomb out before 100 issues (how many series has Deadpool had even though he's maxed out with 2 different volumes getting into the 60-some issue range before being axed) and even Wolverine has only had 1 series hit 100 issues. So it's obviously not an exclusively female-led series problem, but it's 100% of female led series not making 100 issues. I mean, it took until some in the 2nd Carol Cap Marvel series before she hit 100 issues of a solo title period, either under the Ms Marvel or Captain Marvel name. Even before reboot madness hit Marvel, it was pretty much given that it was virtually impossible for a female led title to really thrive from almost any publisher. Hopefully that's changing.
  23. I think we'll be getting back into the baby vs costumed future alter-ego argument again. NM 87 vs UXM 201 and all the other cases of future time traveling characters coming back in time.
  24. We'll have to wait for the fall to find out who the "new" director is. Unless it's spoiled in one of the movies before the new season starts (I don't think there is another movie before the next season starts), it'll remain a mystery until the show decides to clue us in. I kinda wish it was Mac, to be honest. But it's probably Hill.
  25. Yeah. I have a feeling 9 will be the ticket. Cover appearance. Full appearance. vs 7 which has a basically from-behind cameo without the cover appearance. 7 has about the same staying power as Hawkeye vs Deadpool #0 for Girl Thor & Spider-Gwen.