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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. Watch it again? Watch DD and Jessica Jones in a weekend marathon? Watch them out of order & do cocaine during the 13-second Netflix-continuous-play screen? Maybe skip that last one.
  2. I think we're at the point in the respelling words where we're almost speaking German. My head hurts now. And I have a desire for a beer.
  3. That's sealed it - no more selling of Daredevil 4s until after the show comes out. That was a fantastic trailer. Darker then I imagined it would be. Question is how long can they keep the Purple Man alive before killing him off. Sealed it for me to hold onto my Alias 1 9.4 until right at/before release because this is going to be big. That week after, I have a feeling she's going to explode. And I still have a 9.6/9.8 raw in my collection.
  4. Holy jebus. I can't wait for this. Everything about this looks insanely perfect. And super creepy. On a side-note, I'm anxiously awaiting Jezebel's month-long ranting about how awful & horrible & rapey this show is.
  5. Kurtwood Smith will be playing Red Foreman's dad & we'll get to hear about how he killed Nazis & how he'd be happy if his son got a chance to go shoot some Commies! But he'll constantly be calling his son a .
  6. I did a very similar shade of red in my comic room too. And even did a black wall too. The black was something that required some convincing of the roomie, but really works well, even if it does make the room feel a little smaller. It'll be a nightmare to primer/paint over if I ever go to sell the house tho. Might need to scrape the whole wall instead.
  7. What was the turn around on House of Cards & OINTB to get DVD/Blu-Ray releases? Wasn't it not until after Season 2 of each of them was already binge-able?
  8. Unless GPA totally omits it & ebay deletes it if it turns out to be shilled, it's really going to bork up the prices for a while. I still need one of these badly but they all appear to be in the collection black hole (which is where it would end up if I got my hands on one for a price somewhere in the ballpark of "something I can afford")
  9. That's insane. And it makes me want to punch myself in the face even harder for passing on a $1k 9.8 like a year ago thinking "there's no $&*%&ing way that anyone is going to pay that for this book & I'll kick my own for buying it instead of a grail/key" Now I want to set myself on fire for my own short-sightedness.
  10. Assuming that they don't do the Ellis Moon Knight with him in the stark white suit & mask in the limo.
  11. This was an amusing read of the last 3 pages for about 10 minutes. I laughed, I cried, I was moved & now I need to pee. That had nothing to do with the thread tho. Just too much water.
  12. That's not even one of the big "legit"-ish rumor sites too. If this came out of Cinemablend, Heroic Hollywood, EW, or one of those, I might buy it. But this looks like someone's Blogger.com account.
  13. Picked up an Uncanny Avengers Campbell for $15 at the LCS today too. I think I might dump this one. It's a great looking cover, but I don't care enough to turn down tripling my money.
  14. I dont think they have spoken at all about post Defenders plans as of yet have they? Nothing yet. But I'm making the assumption that Netflix, moving more into the business of original content & how much they've gotten into bed with Disney in the past year or so, will do its best to keep that content stream open. And Marvel, knowing that their Netflix fare is a bit much for broadcast or even cable TV, likes the alternative delivery platform for non-film properties like the Marvel Knights line (which is still what I'm calling this) and will extend this contract. And while they might turn one of these properties (most likely DD?) into a movie at some point, I think they recognize the creative freedom that Netflix offers that dealing with the MPAA rating system won't. I mean, there's no way DD, if done in the same way that this past season was done, in movie format though, gets less than an R rating for the blood spray alone. Just the fact that they'd have to "family friendly" the street-level Marvel Knights-like characters up to get them into blockbuster territory is something that I think they can recognize as a bad idea. I think everyone agrees with the direction streaming companies are moving, and Netflix and Disney have definitely struck up an excellent relationship. That being said, calling out as many shows as they have already pegged to do, on top of continuing all the existing ones, is a pretty big ask. I am sure they will continue to grow the MCU on Netflix, but there are only so many resources to go around. Even if they wanted to, I dont know that they could simultaneously produce 10-12 shows. That's why I suggested DD as the one continuing solo show, combining the rest of the Defenders into a Heroes for Hire show (JJ, LC & IF all together), adding a Punisher or Moon Knight show & then having the female-led show with either Elektra or Daughters of the Dragon (Misty & Colleen). That would leave them with still only 4 running shows (like they have with the present structure) without blowing off any of the existing characters that they've already developed in solo shows. I also can't see them moving much beyond their 2-season-per-year Netflix model on top of their AoS/Agent Carter and their planned expansion with the Mockingbird/Lance Hunter show, as well as whatever project/show/mini-series John Ridley is going to be doing with them. Maybe expand Netflix as high as a quarterly release schedule & get new seasons of everything annually at different times of the year? But that would be essentially a quadrupling of their TV output & probably won't come for a few more years.
  15. Picked up a Contest of Champions game variant today for $7 at an LCS (while taking a minor detour while doing some work-related running across town). Not too bad. I like the cover anyway a LOT more than the regular cover, so even if it just sits in my PC, I'm good with it & the price.
  16. I dont think they have spoken at all about post Defenders plans as of yet have they? Nothing yet. But I'm making the assumption that Netflix, moving more into the business of original content & how much they've gotten into bed with Disney in the past year or so, will do its best to keep that content stream open. And Marvel, knowing that their Netflix fare is a bit much for broadcast or even cable TV, likes the alternative delivery platform for non-film properties like the Marvel Knights line (which is still what I'm calling this) and will extend this contract. And while they might turn one of these properties (most likely DD?) into a movie at some point, I think they recognize the creative freedom that Netflix offers that dealing with the MPAA rating system won't. I mean, there's no way DD, if done in the same way that this past season was done, in movie format though, gets less than an R rating for the blood spray alone. Just the fact that they'd have to "family friendly" the street-level Marvel Knights-like characters up to get them into blockbuster territory is something that I think they can recognize as a bad idea.
  17. still feeling like Phase 2 of Netflix is going to be DD Heroes for Hire (Jessica, Luke & Danny together) Punisher or Moon Knight Daughters of the Dragon (spinning out of Luke Cage & Iron Fist seasons) so that Marvel can still have a female-lead (or female/female co-leads) series as one of it's Netflix shows. Could also be Elektra solo series.
  18. I need to strip mine back down & then sand/paint them as well, since I don't like the existing finish & they are just kinda... there. And the blue/grey of them just kinda clashes with the rest of the room.
  19. Nice snag on the NES! And good grab on the filing cabinets. They in good shape or are you planning to sand & paint them?
  20. *yawn*... 9.9 or nothing (says the man with a 6.0 & 6.5)
  21. Even if he's not in Iron Fist, he's probably destined for the Netflix or MAoS at some point down the line.
  22. If it's still a HULK titled movie, then they're back in the same boat with Paramount owning the Hulk solo movies (even if it has guest stars) distribution rights & essentially getting to split the take with Marvel for basically doing no work. And once again, if Marvel is going to split money with a different studio, it happens for Spider-Man or Wolverine only. And even then, it's not happening much. So unless Marvel has come up with a way to make a HULK movie that'll make so much money that total box office minus distribution take is greater than total box office plus distribution take for any other movie, a HULK movie ain't happening until Paramount loses their grip on Hulk distribution rights.
  23. Underwater zombies? Maybe zombies walked across the ocean floor? Or it was a pointless shot meant to symbolize nothing or tease nothing & the director just thought it looked cool or deep or something.