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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. Modern Slow Track - 10 books Dropped off at WW Pittsburgh Received 9/17/15 Verified 11/17/15 Exactly 2 months from received to verified. At this rate, I'll get my books back sometime around 2019.
  2. I have a handful of copies of Bloodstone, but it's mostly in my (naïve & fantastical) hope of seeing Nextwave in live action. But I don't think there's enough cocaine in all of Hollywood to get that made. And I'm sad.
  3. Try putting a few dollars away every week, and you should be able to get one in a year or so, sooner if you go raw, or a lessor grade. That's not really the point I was making. I'm saying that even if you saved the cash or had the cash fall into your lap or found a 10-stack of benjamins in the street or something, dropping 2-3% of an annual salary (assuming you made the median) on 1 generally-non-essential item purchase is sometimes a pretty difficult decision. It's a sizeable purchase for the average person is the point I'm making.
  4. $1k is still a hefty chunk of money for some. It's a mortgage payment. It's about 2-3% of the median annual salary. And you don't gotta be rich to dump a grand on a book, but it's still a sizable chunk to toss down on one purchase.
  5. believe me, you don't want a harem. with Obamacare laws, its really not worth it anymore. If they're all under 27, they can still be on their parents insurance. I'm good with that.
  6. There are many things better than cover price: Free is better than cover price. Hell, paying me to take it would be better than cover price & even better than free. Paying me to take it, along with a harem of hot women & a giant stack of all of the Golden/Silver/Copper/Bronze & Modern books that I want. All of those are better than paying cover price.
  7. I recognize that English is not your first language, so maybe there's something lost in translation here, but is there a reason that you feel compelled to accuse others of lying, regularly jumping to conclusions, generally being extremely defensive & attacking anyone whenever they simply disagree with how you see something? Here & in the gwenpool thread, whenever anyone says anything even remotely negative about the book, questioning its longterm viability, pondering whether the value will be a spike & drive or a continuous incline, your immediate response is to straight up attack them. Often without having a lot of facts yourself. Someone posted some interesting data that questions the validity of recent sale prices & you immediately jump to call it propaganda? Dude, calm down. Unless you're heavily invested in these books or somehow otherwise seriously attached to the characters, there's no need to get so argumentative. And before you decide to get argumentative here, I could care less about this book & Kamala at all. I don't have any of the CM 17 2nd. I have a single copy of the 1st print that I dug out of a dollar bin at Half Price Books for $1 that I'll eventually dump because I don't care about the character, but I find this thread interesting to watch the rise of certain covers of certain titles for new characters. Same as the gwenpool thread. But seriously dude, you might really want to take a more tactful approach here if you disagree with people.
  8. Could be just a guy trying to corner the market. Granted, that is a form of market manipulation, but no more so than short-selling & then buying back stocks. If you've got the capital to buy up the supply & then essentially set the price on the market later, it's not the worst plan.
  9. Have you ever checked out estatesales.net ? I look it over every once and a while and locate upcoming sales with comics listed with pics. The search function is very useful to narrow down your search to specific items and distance from your zip code. Yeah, but it's very rare that I see anything with comics at all (or even anything that might hint at comics that aren't listed specifically) anywhere close. I've had a little bit of luck with "want to buy" offers on craigslist, and thankfully I know a couple guys that do house clean-outs & I know one antique shop owner that doesn't have any interest in comics & she knows to keep an eye out for people when they come in asking about things like that. Honestly? Last time I had any luck was a couple overpriced longboxes at a flea market out of town. And sometimes at HPB.
  10. I picked up a new push broom at an estate sale yesterday. Yeah... I haven't seen a single comic at any estate sale near me in about a year. It sucks.
  11. I still don't understand the whole Nightcrawler thing. Wouldn't they remember him in X-2 if he had been an X-Men in the 80's? I know DoFP screwed up the timeline of the original trilogy but it was mostly to fix the issues of Last Stand sucking. *edit* not that I'm complaining. More nightcrawler is awesome. I'm super geeked for it (minus the Flock of Seagulls emo-boy haircut)
  12. Unless Tennant didn't want to stick around on another genre show, there is very little likelihood that Marvel actually kills him off. It would be a huge waste of an actor that is already a big draw by himself.
  13. It's also true in fashion. Why else would you see the vented sunglasses, neon colors and tights-as-pants fads come back, when they were all hideous the first time around? Same thing with comics.
  14. Only thing that props up the Howard variant over Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars 2 is ratio variant vs non-ratio orderable variant, so there's likely going to be fewer copies of the Howard variant on the market, but no guarantee, since it likely got over-ordered to hit the ratios, while the DSSW variant was probably under-ordered since every book that month had a Gwen variant & that one just happened to be big.
  15. Hey Dok I hear what you're saying. It wasn't just the similarities to girl's powers (thriving vicariously on experiencing other people's pain, her attempted possession of May, and of course her possession of the entire SWAT team, etc) in the Bahrain episode of SHIELD that jumped out at me, but also the effects of encountering her on May after the fact, in addition to the fact that she and Andrew were trying for a baby at the time, May's subsequent alienation from not only SHIELD but the breakdown of her marriage, not to mention the fact that she was also involved in an inter-racial relationship. This on top of the fact that May is also a small, attractive woman with a dark, sullen disposition and an uncanny ability to throw around grown men and trained fighters as if they were rag dolls. And she is not even supposed to have powers, technically. Lots of parallels there. It worked for a couple of episodes on SHIELD, but 13 episodes dealing with substantially similar themes and material (albeit perhaps a bit grittier)? -J. Fair enough. The PTSD after the fact is similar. But considering that May never got possessed (?? is that even the right term?), I see one big change. Granted, you point out that a lot of parallels. But I just see Alias as something much deeper & much more psychologically brutal. I can't explain it today (not enough caffeine), but I just can't see Alias covering the same territory or even getting all that similar to Bahrain. I also see a LOT more material available to mine than SHIELD did with Alias that covers a lot more territory than AoS ever did with May. There are a lot of similarities, but I don't see it being any more "just treading the same territory" than virtually any other action/adventure series, or really any other mind-control PTSD story. Honestly the similar subject matter would probably have been enough for me to give at least the first few episodes a go. I'm just glad I'm not the only crazy one here who noticed the May story arc parallels on SHIELD, at least as presented in the trailers. You and the other boardies say things go deeper for JJ in the course of the Alias series, and I believe you. The quality of the execution of the translation of that into a 13 episode run of a heretofore marginal and largely unknown character is the only ? at this point, as expressed by me in my original comment. -J. I'm looking at it like this: Until Marvel borks up something significantly, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Even when they've marginally borked up something (S1 of AoS), they've worked to improve it quickly. And based on the quality of DD S1, I'm trusting Marvel to execute well. Took them about 3/4 of 1 season of 1 show, but they've generally figured out this TV thing based on S2 & 3 of AoS, S1 of DD and S1 of Agent Carter.
  16. If you want to part ways with one that's fairly high grade (doesn't need to be 9.8), hit me up. I'm looking to upgrade my 8.5.
  17. Hey Dok I hear what you're saying. It wasn't just the similarities to girl's powers (thriving vicariously on experiencing other people's pain, her attempted possession of May, and of course her possession of the entire SWAT team, etc) in the Bahrain episode of SHIELD that jumped out at me, but also the effects of encountering her on May after the fact, in addition to the fact that she and Andrew were trying for a baby at the time, May's subsequent alienation from not only SHIELD but the breakdown of her marriage, not to mention the fact that she was also involved in an inter-racial relationship. This on top of the fact that May is also a small, attractive woman with a dark, sullen disposition and an uncanny ability to throw around grown men and trained fighters as if they were rag dolls. And she is not even supposed to have powers, technically. Lots of parallels there. It worked for a couple of episodes on SHIELD, but 13 episodes dealing with substantially similar themes and material (albeit perhaps a bit grittier)? -J. Fair enough. The PTSD after the fact is similar. But considering that May never got possessed (?? is that even the right term?), I see one big change. Granted, you point out that a lot of parallels. But I just see Alias as something much deeper & much more psychologically brutal. I can't explain it today (not enough caffeine), but I just can't see Alias covering the same territory or even getting all that similar to Bahrain. I also see a LOT more material available to mine than SHIELD did with Alias that covers a lot more territory than AoS ever did with May. There are a lot of similarities, but I don't see it being any more "just treading the same territory" than virtually any other action/adventure series, or really any other mind-control PTSD story.
  18. I think what Harvey & others are saying is that you're underestimating how interesting & deep & menacing & formidable the Purple Man was made in the Alias series. Yes, the Bahrain episode of AoS touched on similar material, but I think what they're pointing out is that between the back-story of the Purple Man's trauma on JJ that gets explored thru the series & showing a virtual/literal predator that's much more menacing & diabolical than a small angry pre-teen girl with similar powers will be where the differences lie & allow for a much deeper story. Not only that, but I believe you're very much underestimating the depth of the source material available even just from the 28-issues of Alias, much less any of the source material from later appearances. Jessica Jones hasn't been used very well in following series/appearances, but there's a LOT of meat on the bone from Alias that can be mined for even just this 1 season.
  19. The Pulse suffered from being an all-ages book. Had it continued as a MAX title, I think it could have been a bit better.
  20. Considering the budget, the critical reception & the box office, I'd say it was a solid double or triple. Not quite a home run, but definitely a hit.
  21. Terminator Genisys & Transformers 4, I'm pretty sure did better in China than in the US. But I might be wrong there. If they didn't do better, they were very very close.
  22. StarFox! Making Thanos his uncle. And come on... StarFox is the original alien space pimp.
  23. Here's where the Stan-Lee-signed BA12 finished at auction. You know you want to look! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Batman-Adventures-12-1993-DC-1st-app-Harley-Quinn-SIGNED-STAN-LEE-SS-CGC-9-8-/151871614120?hash=item235c40eca8:g:x8UAAOSw5VFWLl3Y I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  24. A quick google conversion check shows that the 90-Day GPA is at $4322 Canadian. The GPA price is in US$. And it's arrows up on it (across the board in virtually all grades), so that last sale at $2850 is on the low end & someone got a bit of a deal.