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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I think the choreographing issues that some of you describe mostly had to do with the fact that unlike DD and any of the others, none of these characters really knew how to fight except for Trish. She was well-choreographed, while everyone else was kinda stumbling thru it. For good reason. JJ could punch her way out of most things & can't fly worth a darn, and can't land any better. While Luke mostly was good at getting hit & just muscling his way out of things. In that way, it makes a lot of sense to have the fight scenes poorly choreographed. Trish can fight, but has no powers. Those with powers though don't know how to really fight. DD spent years training. JJ and Luke Cage didn't because they just tried to live normal quiet lives & throw their muscle around when needed.
  2. Just finished it & the one thing I especially dug as an easter egg/foreshadowing was as a source for powers. Also, I'm 99% sure
  3. I actually really enjoy the opening sequence. Kind of a mix between some of the more crime-noir 70's/80's/90's movies & The Wire. Not really digging the visual side of it, but the music is perfect.
  4. When the show or movie is released, that's when the decline happens. For well-known characters already, that's true. But for obscure ones that are only finally getting a place in the spotlight, it can drop slightly after release, but still stays a lot higher than the initial pre-announcement value. But this book is a little different. At the risk of it being slightly a political point, Jessica Jones is a different animal altogether from even GotG. They both might be obscure characters that get a big boost, but the potential for her to grow into a bit of a "feminist icon" type character is great with this show, to the point where it might settle down a little but will probably keep picking up steam a little bit over the next few years, assuming it's successful enough for a 2nd season (which I believe it will be)
  5. She's in it, but going by Trish Walker (Patricia = Pat, Patsy, Trish)... she will likely eventually go by Patsy at some point.
  6. here's the question. what's the definition of a netflix show "blowing up"? -there are no ratings to pimp it (not like Walking Dead getting to have every ad say that it's the highest rated show on cable, or on TV or whatever) -there's no week to week heat because the whole season gets dumped at once for binge-ing. -because of the whole season dump there's less cultural conversation (I follow TV closely and we saw something similar happen with House of Cards, people were all over the map on where they were in their watching so it stagnated the public conversation about the show because you could only talk to people who were in the same place as you, or you had to spoiler-check yourself constantly) Im not criticizing, im just saying it'll be interesting to watch the speculation/market movement for a TV show (vs the movie related books) and for a streaming/season dump TV show model vs the more traditional network model. The outcome could have repercussions on how people project further movement on H4H1 and other Netflix related comic books that are currently hot. Good question, but I think it's straight up word-of-mouth. I know that a lot of my non-nerd friends were losing their minds over Daredevil & they were talking about it constantly for months. They would talk about it at work. I would hear people talking about it at work. The conversation always started the same: "are you watching Daredevil?" "Yeah, where are you?" "I just finished episode X" "oh mess, ok... I'm on episode Y [which in this case was after episode X]. I won't spoil anything but dude, didn't you love [event that happened at the end of episode X]?" "That was amazing. Is episode Y really as good as I keep hearing?" "Oh yeah. Just binge until you get there" And within a week, they all finished it & were constantly talking about the full season. They just started their conversations with a status update, waited until the other person caught up to where they were, and then the other person came back to them so that they could discuss it. It's no different than the kind of response to when a new novel is released. Not only that, but I think it's less about the plot of the show & more about people becoming quickly interested in a character that they didn't know existed. I have a feeling that Jessica Jones (the character) will become a much more prominent figure in pop culture after this. And without making it political, the mainstream will gush over her victim status & rape survivor status & her feminism. It's the kind of thing that turns a character into an (temporary) icon these days (even if it's one that they rip down in 6 months because that character doesn't do exactly with the same mainstream wants all of the time on all issues)
  7. calm before the storm. If the show blows up, the price will get another spike.
  8. an then you tell them that you can see them from the bushes. And that sound they heard last night that they thought was the wind, wasn't
  9. Got my Cargo Hold All New Wolverine variant set today. Minty fresh & looks even cooler in person. Great looking variants.
  10. The JSC Uncanny Avengers variant is still selling well. I've sold 3 now. Last one sold right at my BIN for $55. Only lasted 2 days from list to sale. I'm officially out of them now though.
  11. Those are filing cabinets. I have the skinnier versions that can only fit 2 rows instead of 3 or 4. I've been considering stripping mine back down & spraying them as well. That black looks really clean.
  12. I have thought about that. Absolutely none of these young inhumans would know of his existence. so really, that problem really only lies in the Unspoken himself mentioning Black Bolt. If it is in fact him and not a trick, and we eventually encounter him and he speaks of his exile, they could handle it in several ways: 1.) Avoid mentioning directly how he was exiled 2.) Refer to Blackbolt by his office, not his name. "The false king", "my betrayer", "the usurper", etc. 3.) Straight up name drop him. I doubt they do it, but you could just name drop him The Inhumans movie is still years away, but there is nothing to say that they cant start mentioning the inhuman culture and structure more and more as we go. Pretty much what I was thinking. They could do it the same way with Maximus the Mad, with saying things like "my brother the King" or something. Let it be a slow-burn story. Yeah, it's like 3-4 years away for the Inhumans movie, but still. Granted, this show has the kind of plot pacing that is almost insane at this point, but 1 long-running plot might be good for it. They can slow-burn that storyline to really foreshadows the movie, but they can use The Unspoken as a shadowy foe that shows up here & there or orchestrates from time to time.
  13. About 7 more hours!!! I'm not staying up until like 3am Eastern to start it though. I'm good with watching a hockey game & then having this to binge all weekend.
  14. http://www.metacritic.com/tv/marvels-jessica-jones Thanks! That last review makes me a little worried. 1 out of 15 worries you? The comment about the overarching storyline not being strong enough for the entire season does, yes. Except they've only seen 7 of the 13 episodes, so that's potentially premature.
  15. Modern Slow Track - 10 books Dropped off at WW Pittsburgh 9/12/15 Received 9/17/15 Verified 11/17/15 Scheduled For Grading 11/19/15 Down to only 2 days from verified to scheduled... so that's good news.
  16. Maximus the Mad? No, you cant tell his story without immediately involving the Royal Family, which are off limits and saved for the movie. They seem to be sticking to the modern stuff as a source of inspiration for the show, without having to delve into the Royal Family. The Unspoken is definitely who they are implying, as he meets all the requirements. Whether its a red herring or not, we'll have to see. You know what? You're right. It's the Unspoken almost certainly. I didn't think about him. Good call.
  17. Shi'Ar are specifically listed in the X-Men contract with Fox. So they were off-limits to Marvel.
  18. Thing is, all of their contracts are ending soon. Evans contract ends with Infinity War. Same with Hemsworth with Thor 3 & Infinity War. And RDJ's technically ends with Civil War, but I think they extended it for 1 movie to have him in Infinity War as well. Unless he dies like some of you have speculated.
  19. It came out on iTunes the other day & I had a chance to watch it again this evening. It's even better the 2nd time around. It's just as charming but you catch a lot more stuff & appreciate it even more, I think. It's a very well-done movie.
  20. I'm pretty sure digital information (which is what I would consider the codes) are against eBay policy in general. So regardless of if Marvel cares whether someone sells their free digital code, eBay has a rule against it.
  21. This thread showed me that an X-Factor 60 2nd print existed. So I had to go out & grab that today since I was certain that I already had a full-run on the series (including all printings & variants) and then had to find out that I didn't. Now I do.
  22. From the 2 reviews I've read, it's brilliant, darker than my soul, and emotionally draining. Exactly what I want from a series like this.