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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I don't think Marvel is under-estimating demand so much as retailers are, since the retailer orders are a significant portion of what Marvel generates their print numbers based on. So assuming someone at Marvel is wrong X-number of times on their estimates for sales is a little presumptuous. I'm pretty certain that the process goes somewhat like this: 1. Marvel solicits but has a certain # of copies in mind that they've contracted with the printer with a +/- X% wiggle room for their planned overprint. 2. Retailers place orders by final cut-off date 3. Marvel sends final print orders to the printer with a Y% overprint (which is something that they stopped doing in the early 00's when they were broke but have since switched back to doing with regularity) 4. If a book gets "heat" prior to actually shipping or the week of shipping/right after, Marvel announces sell-out & sends a Z% (of the original 1st print order) re-order to the printer for a 2nd printing because they know/assume that the retailers will place re-orders for those remaining overprint copies of the 1st print. They may or may not supply variant artwork for this. 5. Repeat the process if the 2nd print has heat too (either from flippers, retailers, social media or whatever) and as it's obviously a significantly smaller % of printing of the original print-run and thus easier to make happen. So the necessity of multiple printings has a lot to do with release/pre-release buzz as well as Marvel's estimates & the estimates of retailers, since Marvel (and DC) use those order #'s to determine their print runs. Someone at the publisher might decide to increase or decrease the % of overprinting based on their gut feeling or their models or pre-release buzz, but they generally use the final order cut-off #'s as the basis for their print orders. It's why the orders are due months before the book actually hits shelves.
  2. Actually, I think this thread has herpes, and this is just a new outbreak. The Herp sounds about right for this one. It goes dormant for a while and then something causes a flare-up
  3. Someone may have one of the X-Men in the VCC coming up...just sayin' Don't you tempt me like that! And now I need to see what else someone's booth might just have that I might just need.
  4. 10 months is only a thread resuscitation, not quite to the level of resurrection. Like a thread coma patient that woke up
  5. Star Wars is like printing money for Marvel/Disney. Not so much for the flippers
  6. Dammit... now I really need one of those Extraordinary X-Men variants. And I should probably order a couple of the Harley variants for the girl.
  7. Greetings, If you know nothing about comics then you should really seek a CGC blue label slabbed book or if you like signatures yellow label. There are many dealers here and if you are serious about buying a copy then post in the Want to Buy thread - I am sure you will get lots of enquiries - Good luck Oh, and Welcome to the Boards Thanks, I'll take a look at the Want to Buy thread...how do you know about pricing? Most here who make large purchases, subscribe to this site. http://comics.gpanalysis.com/ GPA is a great tool. Though you are in luck, that this particular book is one of 3 that GPA gives away for free to entice new subscribers. So you can check Hulk 181 for free (unless they've changed which 3 they give away free recently) I have to check it out, can you see without having a login? Was wondering what a 9.0 is worth? You can check the prices for Hulk 181 without a login. Just check the site & find the "trail" option about midway down the page & it'll give 3 different titles (I think ASM, Hulk & something else), click hulk & it'll bring up 181. Click it & it'll break down prices. But just so you know, 9.0 is currently at $3,283 for the 90-day average with the last sale of $2850
  8. Tennant could definitely be the Hiddleston/Loki of the Netflix/Marvel Knights stuff. He's got the charm & appeal for it. Just a question of whether he wants to keep doing genre TV stuff or wants to get back into movie work.
  9. i'd have to double check my thread, but my recollection is that i sold a #1 here for over $30 like a year ago and it was not better than a NM, so i don't think there was any "it might be a 9.8" thing going on. the book was warm for a while. Yeah, I mean... I think #1 was going for about $35 on ebay at the time & I was shocked that I threw in a bid, went to bed, woke up and found out not only had I won, but nobody else bid on it when it was a full-run (including 2 copies of #1 per the header, though the 2nd copy was a MGC reprint, which I was a little bummed when I got the package, but still...) I essentially paid ~FMV for a #1 and got a MGC reprint & the rest of the run for free alongside it when I grabbed mine.
  10. I picked up my whole series for $32 (including a 9.4 #1 and a NM+ MGC reprint of #1) not much longer ago than that. I was the only bidder.
  11. this is after SDCC Weird It depends on the day they get into the system. The books aren't "received" at the show. it takes a while to get into the system from a con drop-off. Also, there's some weird alchemy. Things aren't purely FIFO. Alchemy is oddly appropriate for how CGC seems to do their inventorying system. It's not FIFO or LIFO or really any recognized system for figuring out when things get in or out. It's more like an "I don't feel like doing this whole big stack so I'll do these 3 little stacks instead" system
  12. I'm just curious why my "I smell a post scrubbing coming" post got scrubbed too. Cause that last post of his was something that was really begging for it.
  13. I was wondering the same thing. It doesn't appear as though they're keeping a lot of the more religious mythology aspects based on that trailer. I mean... maybe they're going to surprise the non-comic audience with it, but still... I think we saw Herr Starr, and a glance of Tulip, and maybe Cassidy in the jail cell? But umm... what about Genesis? Pretty sure swerving the audience with angels/demons/Genesis/etc might not really be the best way to gain audience. I like the chances of the series being successful if they don't show the religious parts of the comic. They can still have a good plot without it. Uh...what? The 'religious parts' are the core of the story. Angel/Devil offspring. Search for God. Destroying Angel seeking vengeance. If it doesn't have these elements, what's the point? Why call it 'Preacher'? Does anyone know how much Garth Ennis has to do with the production/writing? Hopefully he has a key role such as Kirkman's on TWD. I would love for the show to stay true to the comic but having the descendants of JC being protrayed as inbreds may not go over well with a lot of the possible audiance. I think "staying true to the comic" and "copying it plot for plot, story for story" are 2 different things. They can avoid things like the "pure bloodline" thing without dumping all of the supernatural side.
  14. I don't think it's even possible that they're the same. Unless he's basically faster than light to get from being right behind Gemma when the sandstorm started and into the space suit but not suddenly in front of Gemma in a matter of seconds. And when she was in the Boneyard & saw the cloaked guy coming towards her, it would have required astronaut Will to be able to somehow run past her without being seen, dump the cloak, and get in front of her again in a matter of seconds while she runs in flat-out sprint in a straight line back to their hideout. And be there with enough time to spare to be yelling for her when she's yelling as well & be prepared to get the door open. I mean, it's conceivable, but it's unlikely IMO. I think you'd have seen some sort of glimpse that he's not who he says he is or Gemma would have figured out he was lying when it's unlikely he would have known how the NASA instruments work if he wasn't an astronaut sent by NASA like he claimed. Sure, the cloaked guy, the space suit being & Will might all be the same being, but in the same way that the one theory of physics has it's 1 electron theory. It's conceivable, but unlikely.
  15. I blame Pan's box office bomb entirely on that wig they put on him. Dear god was that an awful wig.
  16. Wait, are you talking about the cloaked guy in the Boneyard (and presumably the astronaut suit covered with vines that showed up in the sandstorm at the end of the episode)? Or are you talking about the dude she was holed up with?
  17. I was wondering the same thing. It doesn't appear as though they're keeping a lot of the more religious mythology aspects based on that trailer. I mean... maybe they're going to surprise the non-comic audience with it, but still... I think we saw Herr Starr, and a glance of Tulip, and maybe Cassidy in the jail cell? But umm... what about Genesis? Pretty sure swerving the audience with angels/demons/Genesis/etc might not really be the best way to gain audience. I like the chances of the series being successful if they don't show the religious parts of the comic. They can still have a good plot without it. No doubt. But if it becomes a character drama instead of a supernatural story, I'm bailing. I don't really care to watch that. I already saw Breaking Bad once. I don't need to watch Preaching Bad.
  18. Maybe, maybe not. We can only assume based on first seeing it in the boneyard, looking menacing, with a bunch of skeletons around. So either keep them there to starve to death or kill them, the result is the same. One's just longer death than the other.
  19. While I don't disagree that it's possible & would be interesting, how does he get from being right next to her to into the astronaut suit in front of her almost instantly? I don't think that's believable for him to have set it up or to have been able to predict when that storm was going to hit for him to set up the space suit ahead of time. What/why was he shooting? Why did he insist that she run/go? He was (presumably) shooting at the astronaut suited being that showed up in the sandstorm that he insisted wasn't what she thought it was or something like that. I believe we were supposed to assume that it was the same as the cloaked being that we saw earlier in the episode when Gemma was in the boneyard and the sandstorm hit. But he only had 1 bullet & I guess he figured it was worth a shot (no pun intended). And he was telling Gemma to run pretty much anywhere away from it, because he believed that it was either the cause of the insanity of his crew or was coming to kill them.
  20. You are quoting the magazine price and not the comic price. It's still $60 %#**$.... you're right... for a second there, I was happy & considering re-upping my membership at the end of the year. Damn... Ok then... never mind... I'm a maroon...
  21. *EDIT* - Kindly ignore this post... I can't read apparently.
  22. Grrr... I still need to upgrade my 8.5 of this. Blah.
  23. Greetings, If you know nothing about comics then you should really seek a CGC blue label slabbed book or if you like signatures yellow label. There are many dealers here and if you are serious about buying a copy then post in the Want to Buy thread - I am sure you will get lots of enquiries - Good luck Oh, and Welcome to the Boards Thanks, I'll take a look at the Want to Buy thread...how do you know about pricing? Most here who make large purchases, subscribe to this site. http://comics.gpanalysis.com/ GPA is a great tool. Though you are in luck, that this particular book is one of 3 that GPA gives away for free to entice new subscribers. So you can check Hulk 181 for free (unless they've changed which 3 they give away free recently)
  24. Eh, it's a JSC variant. Store variants don't really hold value 99% of the time, but it is really freaking cool. I dig it. I ordered a set of both if for no other reason than to not need to find them later if I really want them.