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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I was wondering the same thing. It doesn't appear as though they're keeping a lot of the more religious mythology aspects based on that trailer. I mean... maybe they're going to surprise the non-comic audience with it, but still... I think we saw Herr Starr, and a glance of Tulip, and maybe Cassidy in the jail cell? But umm... what about Genesis? Pretty sure swerving the audience with angels/demons/Genesis/etc might not really be the best way to gain audience.
  2. While I don't disagree that it's possible & would be interesting, how does he get from being right next to her to into the astronaut suit in front of her almost instantly? I don't think that's believable for him to have set it up or to have been able to predict when that storm was going to hit for him to set up the space suit ahead of time.
  3. Every time I see "noobs" I read it as "boobs" Try it. It's funnier that way.
  4. ETA - Probably around Christmas or New Year. Would be a nice Christmas present to get these back in my hand
  5. And considering that Loeb said that Cap: White is his final comic work for Marvel, I have a feeling that either he's already completed all of the scripts, or it's just not happening
  6. Sure. Why not? Always good to have some ideas of other things to not put into a dating profile.
  7. Someone please send me the details of that CAK stuff as well? I kinda really wanna rubberneck on this one.
  8. Well, he did have a rather solid & long tenure (for him, at least) on Gen13 as well. It's what essentially launched his career.
  9. Actually, Zod was a pretty solid dude on Krypton until the world was literally ending & he had a big philosophical disagreement with Jor El about how to handle the end of the world & continuation of the species. And being a military guy, he took up arms because it was a "now or never" situation. They didn't have the time to debate & as he was totally set in his way & the world was literally ending around them, he did what his military training said... Act now & decisively. It didn't work out well for him. He was on the wrong side of civil war that is over. Earth & first contact would not have been a "now or never" situation. As a general, even a pissed off one that had been stuck in jail for a while (but in a jail where time doesn't really work right so it's been all of about 30 minutes to him since he got put in jail), his instinct is still to come in with a show of force before deciding on a method of occupation. Especially without much advanced scouting (or ineffective advanced scouting, in this case). Dude was obviously angry, but just getting his attention enough for him to listen for no more than 10 seconds would have been all it took to at least pique his interest & make him question if this course of action is necessary. Even military guys don't want to fight if there's a much easier non-violent way to accomplish the same goal. And the goal here was "build New Krypton with our terraforming ship". Telling him the planet next door is just as good of a candidate as Earth is more than enough to get him to at least explore the option for a day or 2. I thought, if nothing else, the first 20 minutes or so established Zod as moderately sympathetic, if simultaneously wrong about how to proceed. He had a very legit goal (save the species) but had the wrong approach. I think if that first 20 minutes or so was meant to establish him as a villain and not just a dude on the wrong side of an argument, it did a pretty poor job of that.
  10. The problem with MoS is that it should have been solved in the 2nd act. When Zod shows up with his terraforming ship & a need for the Codex, all it takes is Supes to head over to him & be like: Supes: "hey Zod, so I know you really want Earth, and you don't really know me, but you were mostly cool with my dad until right at the end, so maybe we can be cool too when the world isn't ending. But see, here you gotta do this whole terraforming thing anyway. If you're just looking for a new planet to fix up & call home, Mars is like RIGHT over there, it's uninhabited, has water, a little bit of an atmosphere (that your machine can probably add to) & you already got all the equipment to terraform it. And as a bonus, you don't need to kill all the humans. I'll hop on & we can head over there, terraform Mars, I'll give you the codex thing so that we build a New Krypton there, and it kinda works out for everyone, right? Zod: "wait, you mean there's a planet that's almost the same that's like right next door & we don't gotta kill like 7 billion people & level the whole planet to get started? I wish we would have known that before. I kinda feel like a *Richard* now. I don't really know how to say sorry to the people here tho, cause I already killed a bunch thinking I just need this one cause we didn't really explore much around here & just came where you were. I wish we knew there were close-to habitable planets that we could just fix up with a planet maker machine. Sorry for coming on so strong. This kinda works out better for everyone." Supes: "It'll be cool. Just send some cool tech over to the humans once you get settled on Mars & agree to a peace treaty with resource access in exchange for protection (since us aliens obviously are much more badass) and I think everything will be eventually forgiven. It'll be fine. I've been here a while & got a pretty good idea how this can work" Zod: *extends hand* "Sorry again about coming out guns blazing. Nice to meet you, by the way" Supes: *shakes hand* Awesome *shows Zod what a fist bump is*
  11. It was OK. It had more of a Lois & Clark cheese factor to it instead of the infectiously fun Flash type cheese factor, but it was OK nonetheless. I'll give it a few more episodes. I mean, at the very least, it's about 37 steps better than Gotham.
  12. This episode definitely explained her Jack-from-LOST "We have to go back!" moment.
  13. I really enjoyed tonight's episode. I keep trying to think of who Will might be. And this is leading more and more to me thinking this really is Hel
  14. In fairness though, I think people that said that the costume moment was the weak point of DD S1 was because they didn't really like the costume (too much black & not quite DD-ish enough for me) more than the "it took me out of the story".
  15. I don't think something like him actually being purple (but even the viewer not knowing it until then), if you find out near the end of the story, would distract much FROM the story. It would just add another layer. Show him Caucasian for like 99% of the story & then in one moment near the end, showing that he's actually purple would be a cool twist on top of the climax of the story. Like DD getting his actual costume just before the final battle with Kingpin.
  16. You can go see weird things for $20 American in Tijuana.
  17. Just about 3/4 of the way thru my like 700th re-watch of GotG 1 and it's still just an exceptional movie in every regard. When I think about it, I'm astonished that this movie ever got made, much less was such a success & getting a sequel. It's just brilliant & visually amazing & excellent.
  18. That UXM 510 JSC White/Sketch is getting further and further from my reach. That's probably going to be the bane of my existence for the next decade or 3 until I finally find one at a reasonable price. I got a feeling that'll be the last book I get to finish my UXM complete (including variants/reprints) collection.
  19. Give it time. He may actually BE purple but we're not going to find out that he's been tricking everyone into seeing him with a caucasian skin tone until near the end? I'm convinced we're going to see some really weird & disturbing things with this show.
  20. I picked up a full run (1-28) for $32 earlier this year. Even included a MGC Alias 1 as well, and those seem to be going for about $15 each as well. My 9.4 came out of that & then I picked up a raw recently for $40 that is definitely an upgrade. Might be parting ways with the 9.4 soon tho.
  21. This book is killing me!!! It's beautiful & so wildly outside of my price range anymore.