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Everything posted by Gaard

  1. A while back, Subby was hot. Not so much anymore.
  2. I'm so glad a little ct doesn't bother me. I needed one of these, so it made sense financially to go purple. All books for the pc get cracked out, so it won't stick out.
  3. I'm probably just not seeing it, but is it still possible to see who left you feedback? Ever since they changed the ;purchase history' page a few weeks ago, I haven't been able to find it.
  4. "So, I have been speaking with management about the 2 week window for ME's. I do have some good news. This pertains to all books. You do not have to be the submitter, and there is no time limit. You can fill out a submission form with the Mechanical Error option. A prepaid shipping label will automatically be sent to you. (Non US customers will have to contact customer service for the shipping label) We will fix books listed below for free in the "Fix for no charge" column. FIX NO CHARGE: Wrong label information Book inserted wrong Book pinched between inner well seal Debris inside holder REHOLDER/REPAIR FEE: Holder scratches Cracked/damaged holders Damaged books"
  5. I'm not a sig guy. What difference does this make?
  6. Regarding letting CGC crack the book out, I never let CGC do this. I'm positive I'm more careful with my books than they are.
  7. Now you did it. They told you to keep mum about this 'situation'.
  8. It also comes with the actual shirt that Jesus was wearing. "
  9. My dad as well....a WWII vet and a body shop owner. Also, he was buddies with many of my teachers. (that's one of those things which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time) Not one of my fondest memories, but I remember when I got kicked off my bike on the way to the comic shop one day, I promised myself not to tell my dad. He wasn't what you'd call a 'turn the other cheek'-kinda guy. I don't really know what he would've done, but in the mind of a teenager, it would've just made things worse. The better choice, in my mind, was to just stop going. It'll be 22 years next week since he passed. My son never got to meet him, but he's heard all about him many, many times.
  10. When I got my license, I drove to Curious a few times. I remember going up to the 3rd floor to look at the comics. I stopped going after a few times - guy kept watching me like a hawk when I would go thru the back issues. Bad vibes.
  11. You're from GR, right? Mind if I ask which store was your LCS? There were 3 that I frequented - The Book Stop, Collector's Corner, and Argos Book's. I'm sure their were more places that sold comics, but I don't remember them. Argos was too far away to walk, so I rode my Schwinn there. It wasn't really in the bad part of town, but you had to pass thru it to get there. After I was kung fu kicked off my bike on the way one time, I pretty much stopped going there.
  12. During the mid 70s, I lived 2 blocks from The Book Stop in Grand Rapids...a used paperback and comic book store. I knew the owner (John) and his sons that worked there (John Jr & Joe). At the time, I was an avid DD collector and a completist, They knew this and would take the new back issues of DD they got in, put them behind the counter, and let me look at them first to see if I needed any for my collection. On my 13th birthday, I walked down there, which I did most days, and when I walked in, John wished me a happy birthday. Back then people weren't worried about perverts/ weirdos/serial killers, so it didn't really concern me that I had never told him it was my birthday. He asked me if I had opened my presents yet and I told him I hadn't and proceeded to thumb thru the many boxes of back issues. *** Oh, how I miss the days where you would walk up to the counter carrying a stack of back issues. The person behind the counter would get out their Overstreet and look at each book. When done looking at a book, he/she would write, in pencil, the price on the upper corner of the back cover. Anyways, unbeknownst to me, my sister had gone to the Book Stop weeks earlier and asked John to locate a DD #1 for her, explaining that it was for my upcoming birthday. On the night of my birthday, my sister handed me a box. Inside were a can of pork -n- beans, a bottle of Tahitian Treat, and a Daredevil #1. side note ... it wasn't long before I had accomplished my goal of completing the full run of Daredevil. Sadly, a few years later ('80), I sold them all when I went off to college. I would've sold them back to The Book Stop but it was gone by then. I heard they moved to Texas.
  13. I stand corrected. (although I'm not sure how you grade a comic without knowing if it's complete or not)
  14. So it looks like both professionals, that CGC guarantees graded it, missed the missing page. Keep in mind, according to CGC's guarantee, each book is graded by at least two professionals. This means that every time a grader-related error happens (including that cut out coupon in the video link), that error was made by both professionals.