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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Although I find this entire conversation to be totally ridiculous, I can attest to two things... 1) KAV once asked me to photoshop something for him, and told me that he did not have the ability to do it himself. I told him I did not know how, but knew someone who could do it for me. He sent me a picture and asked me to show him on the Great Wall of China. He further asked me not to make it look "too real", as it was intended as a joke, not as a deception. 2) When I googled the word in question, what appears to be the exact thing KAV posted came up on my screen. Here is the link.... https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=hAiUXMPDEMSw5wKynZCICw&q=mcguffin&oq=mcguffin&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i10j0l3j0i10j0l4.1892.13911..28153...12.0..0.103.1106.13j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.hkgPOXeMtv0 I don't have any dog in this fight and I really don't even know Mr. Gower (other than as someone who has posted on the boards for many years). I have never had a problem with either of these individuals, however, since I was mentioned in a post (above), I felt I should add my (for that is about all it is worth - and probably not that much).
  2. Maybe I should just start posting comics with train covers. I know I have an Action 13 kicking around somewhere, and probably a few others..
  3. Should I be offended that this thread has fallen so far off track????
  4. @Get Marwood & I This thread is extremely informative. THANK YOU! I appreciate you taking the time not only to gather all this information, but the time you took to share it here on the boards.
  5. I want to thank everyone who weighed in on this. It seems the general consensus is that given this is an "automated message", I should not take it personal. Fair enough. I think what bothered me more than anything was the wording of the "automated message" and the fact that once I paid for the items, I received another email (or automated message), telling me that it could take up to 3 weeks for them to ship. That seemed a little one sided to me. This is not going to keep me from bidding on future CC auctions or from doing business with Metro. Overall, I enjoy their auctions and wish them the best.
  6. I am curious what others (here in the community) think about this. As everyone probably knows, Comic Connect, recently ran an event auction from Monday 03/11 to Friday 03/15. I "won" my first item on Monday, 03/11. Although I am not sure "won" is the correct term, when in fact all I did was agree to pay more than anyone else did, for the item. Although I like to pay for things immediately, since I wanted to bid on several other items (ending 03/12 - 03/15), I figured it made sense to wait until the auction was completely over before paying for the items. I kind of look at this like walking through a store and shopping for a number of items. I usually wait until I have put all my purchases in my shopping cart before I check out. I don't typically walk up to the register every time I pick up one item and pay for that one item. Then on Wednesday 03/13 (with two more full nights of auction ahead), I receive the following email from CC... There is an ACTION REQUIRED for your order on ComicConnect.com. We thank you for making this purchase, and must kindly ask you to PLEASE COMPLETE ONLINE CHECKOUT so we may process the order for the benefit of both you and the seller in a timely manner. You recently committed to buy one or more items, and the seller(s) have already been contacted to ship the item(s) you've purchased to ComicConnect. However, you have not yet provided the necessary shipping & payment information to process your order. Please use the URL below to visit the "Won/Purchased" category of your ComicConnect account, and follow the on-screen instructions. Please note that failure to do so in a timely fashion may result in suspension of your ComicConnect membership and privileges. If you are waiting to purchase more items before you checkout, you may do so, but please do it within a reasonable period of time. Given I have done thousands of dollars in business with CC over the years and have never not paid them immediately, I found this email a little "insulting". I guess the line I found the most insulting was..... Please note that failure to do so in a timely fashion may result in suspension of your ComicConnect membership and privileges. To be fair, they do say, toward the end, "If you are waiting to purchase more items before you checkout, you may do so....", which I thought was nice, however, then they quickly add, "but please do it within a reasonable period of time." I guess maybe I am reading into it, but I don't like the "tone" of this email. As such, I contacted CC and told them that I had intended to bid on additional items, but if it was a problem, I would be happy to pay immediately. CC wrote back and stated that I could wait until the end of the auction and that this was simply an automatic email that went out. Maybe I am being a little over sensitive, however, it seems to me that CC could wait until after their auction was over to send out these emails. I especially believe this way, given the long period of time I have sometimes waited to receive items that I have purchased from CC in the past. To be clear, I have already checked out and paid in FULL. I would like to know what others think about this.
  7. Fantastic looking book, Adam. One you just don't see coming up for sale every day!
  8. This is well stated, and so logically, is an artist's signature not "his property" and thus should he not be able to do with it as he wishes? It is no one else's business what that artist charges someone else for their signature. A signature "buyer" should only be concerned with what they are being charged and whether or not they wish to pay that price or simply walk away. The artist has a right to charge each person whatever he wishes for his signature, because after all, his signature is his property, and as you so correctly stated, "it's none of their business what someone else does with that someone else's property". If the artist wishes to give his signature away for free to some pretty girl and then wants to charge the next person double normal price, then that is up to the artist. In the end, the "buyer" is the ONLY person who can decide whether or not to pay the price. All real power is in the buyer's hands. After all folks, this is a signature. It is not food, clothing, or a roof over your head. Just my 2 cents from a guy who doesn't even like signatures on his books.
  9. Yep. Was waiting on a few of the books that were in the photos, but they have not come up yet. Time to get some sleep, since I probably could not outdraw @Comcav anyway. GREAT THREAD, sir. Congrats!!!!
  10. What is this, Better Homes and Gardens??? Let’s see the books.