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Everything posted by Lpgk

  1. You're right. He was the one that offed some people in the earlier episode, was in the sarcophagus and had the different accent. I guess he would be the other alter since Stephen appears to be dead. It wouldn't be Moon Knight if he didn't have MPD after all.
  2. You may want to check your Walmarts and Best Buys. The stores around me have clearanced all the of the Kingdom stuff.
  3. maybe because a lot of people are expecting a standard superhero series with a lot of action? they clearly went in a different direction with this series. I'm enjoying it so far.
  4. Agreed. I liked all the episodes so far, and while a part of me wishes there was some MK or Mr. Knight in E5, I understand why they did it this way. After slowly taking off the layers of this character, you get the emotional payoff in E5. The only bad part is there is only episode left and we really haven't see any extended action scenes with MK or Mr. Knight. And what about the third personality we've been teased with? Is Jake only going to appear in the last episode only?
  5. Depending how they do Gorr and the necrosword, it may pop after Thor. I'm definitely bullish on that 3rd print.
  6. I would rather follow Bad Bunny and El Muerto than Silver Sable, Nightwatch, Jackpot, Morbius and even Kraven. At least El Muerto is more or less a blank slate and they are free to do what they want with the property. Also, as a previous poster wrote, he was very impressive in WWE; the guy seriously trained for it and was all in.
  7. Nothing wrong with taking your profits. For every Aphra, there's tons of losers out there that head to the dollar bins
  8. I could be wrong, but I thought they actually removed some pages or switched them to another artist's rendition of the original pages? I do remember some added pages but I was more concerned about the switched/removed pages.
  9. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this, but have you ever read any of those CLassic Xmen? Many of them, especially the Claremont/ Byrne run are missing some of the original pages and some house artist at the time substituted their version of the art. It's awful. No wonder people would dump these. Outside of the cover, it's not even a passable reprint.
  10. I wouldn't consider Marvel Tales or Xmen Classics to be hard to find. I still find these routinely in collections. Newsstands, maybe a tad harder.
  11. I was actually more into action figures than comics. I only got back into comics with Darth Vader 3. I read somewhere that this new character was going to debut and supposedly she was going to be huge. So I drove around and bought every copy and variant I could find. I may not be able to guess a lot of comics specs right but I know my SW stuff since I follow the action figure/ movie market closely. Still going long on Aphra, she is gonna blow up big..... like Ahsoka big.
  12. Of his Marvel offerings, the only one that sorta fizzled out was GoTG. But he had three solid hits: Thor/ Black Winter might be a solid double, but Venom and Thanos were walk off home runs. Knull and Cosmic GR are here to stay and I am going long on both. They fact that they are making toys and merchandise for those characters tells me they have long term plans to grow and promote them.
  13. I am also a fan of Cates work as well. He seems to be "the man" there are Marvel, especially after Bendis departure. I am hoping since he writes THor as well, perhaps there will be some tie in between the two titles. I have to say the idea of piloting a mecha hulk is rather stupid, but knowing Cates, I think there is some twist coming to the story. If you look at his two biggest series hits, Thanos and Ghost Rider, it took some time before it reached critical mass.
  14. how in the world this guy wasn't fired after the first arrest is beyond me. it's not like he's a household name, where they would be an outrage over firing the Flash guy. I bet most of the general populace doesn't even know who he is. He was an ensemble cast member in the DC universe, not even close to a franchise star. Easily replaceable. This to me, sums up the lack of direction within WB. Remember Marvel fired James Gunn, a guy who took D list characters (Guardians of the Galaxy) and built a franchise around them, 3 films and counting. Some internet warrior drudges through his past tweets from years ago and they fire him over that. Swift decisive action. Not neccesarily the popular or right choice, but they took action. Later, it seemed they realized their mistake and brought back. There's a similar thing unfolding where they may replace or reduce Shuri's role. But at least they seem to have some direction behind their moves. On the other hand, WB doesn't seem to be doing anything with Miller. Just letting him go on his merry way and acting out. Better to axe him, cauterize the wound and do some early damage control.
  15. That looks like bleed through from the front cover, not color touch. Solid book, I'd say in the 4.0 range, maybe 5.0 on a good day.
  16. Many employers require adherance to a code of conduct. Getting arrested, regardless of a conviction would fall in that category of potentially being fired.
  17. Not only are you fired, but when future employers go through your resume, the firing thing gets held against you. Nothing there about cancel culture, it's doing due diligence on potential applicants.
  18. I don't think we can compare Iron Man 7 or 9 to Hulk. Iron Man wasn't a hyped up book at the time and it took some time for the character to take off. I remember going around to stores and finding these months after release. Also, IM didn't have hype man Cates tweeting about it months before FOC. THere's going to be tons of 6 out there including store exclusives. To me, only Hulk 3 will be worth getting. It's not even really a cameo as he appears in several panels and speaks.
  19. I love Cates too. To me he makes interesting stories and characters. Hulk 3 is the one to get; retailers are going gangbusters on 6. It will be common.