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Everything posted by Lpgk

  1. Secret Wars 6 is a cameo of her in the last few panels where she appears in the shadows. SW7 is her first full as she is prominently featured and is also on the cover.
  2. Sony, I'm still waiting for that Nightwatch movie. Not. LOL
  3. Nobody cares Sony. This is a character that has never even had her own comic mini series or even a stand alone special. #fail
  4. Re: Ahsoka, I'm always amazed that the whiny teenager in the CW movie evolved organically to what she is today, due to great natural character development and storytelling. I didn't hate her in the CW movie, but if she just stayed the way she was, I wouldnt' care less about her. Looking back in retrospect, I think the character development of Anakin was done well too. ROTS is still in my top 3 of SW movies.
  5. He seemed to hype up Knull Hulk just fine. Someone told me to order the farm on Hulk 6, I told him he already appeared in Hulk 3 and that's probably the one to get. Not to mention he'll probably appear in some form in 4 and 5. Retailers will be well prepared for 6, doubt it has any spec value.
  6. Not sure if a CB solo show would be enough to draw audiences, but I'd love to see a bounty hunters show. No, not the long carppy drawn out crossover that Marvel did.
  7. no matter who loses in next week's war, the writers can bring back whoever they want with the mod parlor. apparently anything short of decapitation and you can be revived.
  8. I do agree Rogue One was done very well and I did enjoy it. I guess I don't hate all the Disney live action movie stuff I definitely agree with your assessment of Maul in Solo; it was a bit of a surprise but not a total shock like when I saw Darktroopers, Boba Fett, Luke, Ahsoka, Kryssantan and Cad Bane show up. It seems the way Filoni brought those characters into the series was well thought out and organically done. Maul just felt like a throw in for fan service.
  9. Agreed, by letting us know, it would potentially save some grief for another buyer. I am sure you wouldn't wish this experience on someone else. I really don't think this seller is going to change his practices. He knows what he is doing by sliding in one line of text in the description which gets him off the hook from ebay.
  10. well grogu is also an infant for his species so i doubt he can come to these logical conclusions. he probably just misses his dad and wants to get out of military school there.
  11. I wouldn't consider her voice to be proof that she's dead. I think it's fairly safe to say that Filoni and Favreau, like many of us, are pretending the sequels never happened. And hopefully they largely ignore Solo and Crimson Dawn as well. I may be in the miniority but I want nothing to do with any of the Disney movies, even Qi'ra and Crimson Dawn.
  12. sorry about the incorrect quote, i went ahead and fixed it. yes, we're on the same page. in case it wasn't clear, i think most of those FB posters are full of carp . just pointing out what many are saying there.
  13. The facebook pressing group is saying the majority of it gets a blue label. The fact that someone published a book on how to do it is troubling to say the least. I don't want anything to do with these books that been soaked, sprayed, misted with peroxide and then bleached with blue light. This sounds like resto to me.
  14. storage problem. just takes up too much space and didn't want to keep it around.
  15. Comparing Preacher to YA is not even a fair comparison, and I love Preacher, both the book and the series Preacher had a huge run up in the year leading up to the show and sadly the show couldn't support the hype. I thought it was good show, but nothing could have lived up to the hype. Not to mention, the show is a hard R on AMC; it would have never have gotten the exposure Disney does. YA is a $1K book on just one character so far, Kate. If another character hits out of that book, we are looking at another Ultimate Fallout, easy. Given Disney's track record, it probably points to more characters coming out of YA, rather than not. I'm with fastball on this. i never pass up nice copies of this when I see them. No brainer, long term hold. Years from now, we're gonna look back at this and see that $1K was a bargain.
  16. https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/stunning-photos-show-nyc-house-where-hoarders-body-was-found/ Waiting for the article where a person was crushed under several comic long boxes, empty priority mail boxes, stacks of newspapers and CGC slabs.
  17. I have started to wonder that myself. I have seen some fellow collectors pass away without any succession plan. I have seen the gamut of how their collections were dissolved. Some the spouse just kept and didn't really sell anything. Some of them ended with the spouse asking a trusted collector to help sell it. And I have seen some sell it to a comic shop or a garage sale, getting pennies on the dollar. If something happened to me, the graded stuff would be easy to liquidate but how would they sell the raw comics? Assume we're talking tons of short/ long boxes. At what point does collecting become useless hoarding?
  18. I would still watch this show over Force Awakens, Last Jedi or Rise of Skywalker. I watched those movies once in the theater and never again. I've watched all of the SW and Marvel movies repeatedly but never those. I wanted to walk out of Rise of Skywalker, that's how bad I hated that one. So in that aspect, I guess it's still a win. I actually loved Episode 2; never thought I could care about Sand People. But then again, Mandalorian made me care about an Ugnaught. I think that's Filoni and Favreau's talent; to give us back stories for the unloved background characters that got made into Kenner action figures.