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Everything posted by marvelmaniac

  1. And I remember those feelings, so glad to hear that you and others can still feel/get excited about just finding a book you need/want even if though it is a low grade reader, for me that is what it was all about. It was never about an investment and how much I could make selling them at a later date, never planned on selling them and still do not. There are still a few books I need/want but even at $40.00 they are currently out of my price range so I check eBay every week and hope something shows up, I have purchased 6 books over the past 3 years so if something in my price range range should show up maybe I will feel some of that excitement again.
  2. As much as I loved F.F 48 - 50 some of my favorite reads were not keys. Though not Silver Age you can also include F.F. 111 - 116, F.F. 208 - 214 and Rom Spaceknight 23 - 26
  3. The excitement that lad is feeling brings back fond memories for me. I used to be that excited even in my 30's, 40's, 50's when I would visit one of my local comic shops and there would be a new wall book I could afford or a book I had been looking for/wanting in the bin that was not there before. I used to feel excitement like that when we were going to a small/local show, what will they have, what will I add to my collection today???!!! The excitement, the anticipation!!! eBay, age and a restricted income ended that excitement for me but it is GREAT that it still exists in some of the younger generation.
  4. If she does sell them hopefully they will be loved and enjoyed by new owners/collectors just as I have enjoyed having them. The comics should/will outlive all of us and hopefully be enjoyed by future generations.
  5. And my Daughter will be looking for you and others like you after I am gone, she see's my comics as $$$.
  6. I spent the first 7 month's of 2016 re-grading, cataloging and photographing 3400 raw books not just for me as a reference but because they are already divided and willed to my Son and Daughter with detailed instructions on handling, storing and selling their comics after I am gone. I have already seen and read the threads on "why you should sell your collection when you age and not burden your family with having to get rid of your books after you are gone" and to me that is "stupid". Why should I stop enjoying my comics that I spent so much time and effort over the last 38 years to accumulate just because I am getting older and will one day "cash out"?
  7. Yes, this is a I am a boomer and do not "plan" to ever cash out (at least my comic books, I will eventually cash out ) I have spent the last 38 years collecting the books I had as a kid (and more) and had to get rid of when we moved in 69. Why would I want to get rid of a collection I loved attaining and still love having just because I am getting older? I never collected as an investment, I collected because of my love for the comics and the enjoyment they bring me. And for whomever these so called "snobs" are... I have completed runs of Amazing Adventures/Amazing Adult Fantasy (1-14) ASM (No #1 2-441 All Annuals) Avengers,(No #1, 2-125 Annuals 1/2) DD (1-250), F.F. (No #1, 2-416 All Annuals), JIM (GRR 83 -125 Annual 1), Incredible Hulk (No #1 2-6, 102-200 Annuals 1-3), ST (43-134 Annuals 1/2), TOS (1-99), TTA (1-101), Thor (126-265 Annual 1), X-Men (No #1 2-66, 94-150) Plus complete runs of Rom Spaceknight, All Sad Sack 10 cent issues, Two Gun Kid (1-60) Rawhide Kid 10 cent issues (missing 1 and 15) Kid Colt Outlaw (up to #101, missing 1, 2, 12, 24) plus misc Four Color, Beany and Cecil, Tom Terrific, etc. The reason I posted all of that is that many of my "older/early" books fall into the Poor .5 - Good 2.0 range and I am still proud to own them and have them as part of my collection. Here a couple of examples...
  8. Picked up the GRR in a local comic shop at least 25 years ago for $30.00. Shop was within walking distance so I used to stop in every month. The shop closed 15 (???) or more years ago, do not know if it was due to retirement or passing, one day it was just closed. The JIM 84 was also purchased in a local comic shop that was in a nearby mall about 20 years ago for $20.00. That store is also no longer there. All though I was able to complete most of my runs through eBay, My Comic Shop, etc. it is not the same as walking into your LCS or small weekend hotel/national guard armory con and finding those treasures, I really miss those days.
  9. I go from JIM 83 up to Thor 265, that is where I stopped. All raw with the early JIM's in lower grade. Unfortunately my JIM 83 is a GRR in VF- 7.5
  10. One of the things that bothers me about the movies is that they do not follow original storylines, (or appearances or origins or...) they played out F.F. 57 - 60 and bypassed 48-50, so you are going to introduce the Watcher and Galactus after the fact...??? Again, just an old guy rant, I am not in the demographic they are looking to appeal to.
  11. Having said all of the above and should have started with this... I just got around to reading this thread and although I have no idea what could be or should be done to revitalize the F.F. in today's society I felt I needed to defend the F.F in the early 60's. It is those memories that have got me back into collecting in "79" and the reason I am still interested in "my comics" today, basically I do not care for or watch the movies since they are all modernized and do not hold true to the original storylines. Marvel became popular in 61/62 and througout the 60's because it made their characters 3 dimensional with personalities and real world problems outside of fighting crime, aliens and monsters that other publishers did not and because of this teenagers of the day could relate, hence the popularity of Peter Parker and Johnny Storm. So just as I do not care for the modern stuff, you youngsters that were not there in the 60's should not be bashing my memories or the memories of others that were there with "it's hokey","how did the book even survive" "the artwork and stories were terrible" or "if it were DC", etc. Having said that... Get off of my lawn...Punk.
  12. YES!!! F.F. 25 and 26 are the books that got me hooked on Marvel Comics back in 64 and of course...The Trilogy, "Nuff Said" When you are a 8/9 year old boy in 1964 Artwork and Storytelling were not the things you looked for as much as the "cool" covers that captured your imagination, the cover of issue 25 drew me in and got me hooked and then I just wanted cool covers. See the above... Not Hokey when you are 8/9 in 1964. See issues 111 - 116, one of the best stories ever IMO.
  13. All of my books are stored in Mylites with Halfbacks in Comic Storage Boxes away from UV and have been in the same environment (My Apartment) since 1986. I have not experienced any of the concerns you have mentioned, your humidity concerns sound like the issues you would experience if books were stored in a garage, attic or basement where there may be temperature and humidity extremes.
  14. As you stated, this apparently was there way of marking "remainder copies" without clipping the top 1/3 of the cover as was previously done. There is a notation about it in the Grading Standards. 2.0 GOOD (GD): "The largest piece allowed missing from the front or back cover is usually a 1/2" triangle or a 1/4" square, although some Silver Age books such as 1960s Marvels have had the price corner box clipped from the top left front cover and may be considered Good if they would otherwise have graded higher."
  15. I would think that the vents blowing directly on or in very close proximity to the comics is what you are looking to avoid. Unless you have a room where the environment is 100% controlled for archival storage of paper products there is going to be temperature and humidity changes taking place all of the time, all part of living in the same home as your books. Unless you are a museum all you can hope to do is person_having_a_hard_time_understanding_my_point the aging process by attempting to keep the temp and humidity as constant as possible along with controlling other degrading/aging factors such as handling, acids from boards and polypropylene bags and UV (which is probably the worst factor) I have a couple of books I have had since the 60's and others I purchased in the late 70's/early 80's that have been stored in my bedroom, in Mylites with Halfbacks in Comic Storage Boxes some of which are in the open, some in a closet but the blinds and windows are never opened in that room and there has been virtually no aging/degrading of any of my books as far as I can tell. If the books/comic cubes are not in direct line of the vents or in close proximity where the temp changes dramatically when the heat/A/C is running in that area and they are stored properly with acid free boards and Mylites away from Sunlight and UV with no major environmental issues to deal with chances are your books will not degrade in your lifetime. Enjoy Your Books!!!
  16. Funny thing happened while walking through the toy section in Walmart and Toy's R Us the other day. I happened to mention to my Daughter-In-Law that it appears my Action Figure/Memorabilia collecting days were over as far as adding new things to the room since everything that is out now is "Movie" related, not "Comic Book" related and I have absolutely no interest in any of that. She replies with, "well that is what sells" and I sigh... Then I walk to the end of the isle in Walmart and...What is this???!!!, Tiny Action Figures???!!!, although some are movie related some are "Classic" Marvel Characters and I said "WOW" and she says, "guess you were wrong about your collecting days being over. They had DC, Guardians Of The Galaxy and a couple of Spider-Man/Avengers figures I had no interest in. These are the five I picked up and at .97 cents each...!!! (They also had sets of five)
  17. Unless there is a way to put the lists in chronological order this will just be random pages of lists... So far you have... 79/80, 81/82, 85/86, 86/87, 89/90, 98/99, 2015/2016, 2016/2017 I will add 2008/2009
  18. Hello and Welcome, First I would suggest a list of what you have to determine if there is anything of real value and depending what you have will determine weather to sell individually or in lots. After that pics of the books would be very helpful. Just an FYI... If you are going to sell online then stating "The overall condition is very very good" will usually not have good results. You may want to somewhat familiarize yourself with grading standards and condition to post with pics if you are selling on eBay. https://comics.ha.com/tutorial/comics-grading.s?show=comicdefinitions
  19. There is s shop 5 miles from me that sells both and has been in business as long as I can remember. I used to frequent them back when I did the monthly trek to all of the LCS's in the area before eBay and the internet became available to me back in 2006 but they are still there selling the same stuff with no signs of slowing down. http://www-temdee-com.app-hosted.com/
  20. Uhhhhhh.... They already did... See 1996...Duh... http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Amalgam_Comics