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Everything posted by marvelmaniac

  1. Lovin this thread and your collection of MVS books, love the spinner racks. Makes me feel good and puts a smile on my face to see somebody collecting and having a collection because it means something to them other than $$$ signs.
  2. Just to add to the baseball comments and why it is not as popular as it was... When I was growing up I LOVED baseball and baseball cards. Collected baseball cards as a kid and never felt excitement like I did when I opened a new pack and the next "series" was out. Each week with my allowance it was, do I buy comic books, baseball cards or both??? Dad used to take me to Connie Mack Stadium to watch the Phils (pre-1965) and grew up at the VET with TON's of memories that I will have and cherish forever, would go on a whim and buy $4 general admission ticket and enjoy the game. When I was growing up Baseball was only televised on local TV and we only had 6 channels, remember watching Jim Bunning throw his perfect game against the Mets on Fathers Day of 1964, did not understand the significance of that feat at the time (I was 8) but I still remember Dad saying, "we just watched history." Dad took me to meet Johnny Callison in person, he was managing a bowling alley in Phila. during the off season, he became my favorite player. Also, I remember being picked up after school in Phila. to go to Hebrew school and the driver had the Giant's/Yankee's world seines on the radio. (1962) There was one national "game of the week" televised on Saturdays on NBC I think. Back in the 80's my Sister (who was an avid Dodger fan) and I went to the VET to see the Phils/Dodgers (Steve Garvey era). After the game we went around back where the dodgers exited to board their bus to get player autographs. After getting 5-6 autographs I asked did you get so and so, and she was not sure, all of a sudden Ken Landreaux (Dodger outfielder) said to my Sister, "give me your book", he then proceeded to board the bus and then came back with another 10 or so autographs. I went to a "scheduled" double header between the Phils and Expo's in 1980, 5:35 PM start, 7 hours of rain delays later, Greg Luzinski hitting a home run at 3 AM and me getting home at 5 AM, still a GREAT memory. All of the things I mentioned above could/would never happen in today's society. Baseball is a game played by real people and other than a few rule changes has not changed, the players however have changed and are not fan friendly anymore, all games are now televised on cable TV (I cannot watch the Phils because I do not have Comcast cable), not local TV, there are numerous games on everyday of the week (CSN/Fox/ESPN) with 150 other channels to choose from, it costs a family of 4 over $200.00 to go to a ball game so kids are not exposed, so it is not special anymore Comic books are about fictional characters and change as "pop culture" changes and Hollywood keeps the interest going so kids are always exposed. After that rant, As much as I Love both baseball and comic books I cannot explain why I collect comics and not baseball cards.
  3. I own that book now but F.F. 12 was published before I was interested in/or even looking at comics and IMO the cover of F.F.12 does not have the "WOW" effect of #25 that caught my eye as a youth.
  4. These are the two books that I saw in the 60's that created the "WOW" for me and turned me into the "marvelmaniac" I am today.
  5. To sell them individually on CL or eBay will require a lot of work, selling on eBay requires shipping. If you are looking for a quick sale or a sale that requires very little effort on your part... I have not been to a local comic shop in years but the numerous shops in my area used to sell books on consignment. That is another avenue you may want to explore, you can probably find your local shops online/facebook etc and message them online, does not get any easier than that. You will still need to make a list or just pop them in the car and drive them over. They may also buy the entire lot for, pennies on the dollar, but if a quick sale is what you are looking for...
  6. I have had my books insured with https://collectinsure.com/?gclid=CJu3heLP8cUCFYuPHwod4kgAww for 7/8 years now. Luckily I have never had to file a claim and hopefully never will. The best insurance in the world is insurance you have but never have to use, if you have to use it something went wrong, so... Here's to all of us never having to file a claim.
  7. Thanks for keeping an eye out. I just wish there was somebody to contact that may have the info or know who may have the info. I have two threads opened on this forum related to this issue, they were opened one year apart and other than checking Pinterest (which I did) nobody had any answers. I even found this and if you notice #12 is missing. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/sad-sack-comics/4050-33904/
  8. Sad Sack Armed Forces Complimentary Issue #12 seems to be non-existent, no pics, no nothing anywhere on the web or in our known universe. I have not found hide nor hair of it in the 3 years I have been exclusively looking for this issue and nobody can seem to tell me if it was ever published, so at this point #12 is "Schrodinger's Cat", it both exists and does not exist.
  9. One of the things I find appealing about this book from what I have read/heard about the story is these are the "real" western hero's, not impersonators, so to have 5 together at one time is something special, and add in Patsy Walker (before she was a "Super Hero") and you have both the Western and Romance stories covered in one book.
  10. One of the things I LOVE about going into a LCS is the Smell of "Degrading" Paper from Old Comics. All Part of the Collecting Experience for Me.
  11. I was scrolling through eBay yesterday and came across this book, first time I have ever seen this. My Avengers collection stops at issue 125. May have to buy a copy, just because.
  12. Gunsmoke Western was not a book I read as a kid and that is what comics are all about for me. It was the three Westerns I mentioned that my friends had and I read or traded for. I never bought any Westerns as a kid, I barley had enough money to buy my superhero books (.25 cent a week allowance and comics were .12 cents, baseball cards were .5 cents a pack and of course Slurpee's when you went to 7-11 to get baseball cards, tough choice's for a guy. I decided to start collecting Westerns and Pre-Hero Marvel after I had completed all of my superhero runs and my Sad Sack runs. (another title I enjoyed reading as a kid)
  13. I collect and Love the old Westerns. I collect Kid Colt Outlaw, Rawhide Kid and Two Gun Kid but only collect the .10 cent issues so... Kid Colt Outlaw 1 - 102 (Need 1, 2, 12, 24) Rawhide Kid 1-25 (Need 1 and 15) Two Gun Kid 1-60 (Complete) (Yes I know #60 is a .12 cent book but new origin by Kirby, had to have it, also have issue #75 Love the Alamo cover) Unfortunately the books I am looking for/need to complete my runs very seldom come up for auction and the eBay BIN books and MCS "consignment" issues are vastly Overpriced, even for lower grade reading copies which I am fine with, so I wait.
  14. When I was a kid and I went with Mom to the grocery store or pharmacy in 65/66/67 and I saw the new issues of Avengers, D.D., F.F., X-Men, JIM. TOS, TTA it gave me a sense of Euphoria and Excitement, had to have them, but which ones, can't get them all right now, what can I do to earn an extra .25 or .50 cents and get these books? Then when I got them sharing the excitement of the new books with my other friends that collected. When I got back into collecting in 79 it was the same excitement all over again with back issues being tough to find (27 years before the internet for me). When I was able to find back issues again either at the used book store in the local farmers market, (I LOVED digging through the piles and piles of remainder copies and coverless books,10 cents each, 12 for $1.00), mail order (Got all excited when the new list from Howard Rogofsky would arrive), LCS (starting in the mid 80's for me) local cons (Holiday Inn in Phila, National Guard Armory in Bordentown) etc. I would feel that same sense of euphoria I felt as a kid. Even now where the books I am looking for are a little on the expensive side (for me) and do not show up often for auction if I am able to get a book I am looking for at the price I am willing to pay I still feel like that same kid all over again. I never want that feeling to end.. And that is why I love comics.
  15. Since you did not open a new thread in the "Silver Age" section and the Mods have not moved this thread for you I will respond here. First let me say, Welcome to the World of Comic Collecting!!! The original X-Men (Sept. 1963 - ???) series ran from issue's 1 - 93, issues 1 - 66 were original stories, issues 67 - 93 were reprints of the some of the first 66 issues. The "New X-Men" started with issue #94. The first appearance of the "New X-Men" was in Giant Size X-Men #1. The questions you will be asked are to get the proper response will be.... 1)Are there any specific characters/storylines you are really interested in? Some characters had their first appearance outside of the X-Men series such as Wolverine, Rouge... 2)What is your budget? 3)Are you looking for raw or graded books? I only collected up to #150 so IMO the "Key" (disregarding storyline , individual characters or movie tie in's) books in the original X-Men series would be... X-Men #1, X-Men #4 X-Men #94 The other X-Men books I am partial to include... X-Men 2 - 13, 19, 35 and 66 (9 is an Avengers crossover, 35 is a Spider-Man crossover. 66 is a Hulk crossover) Any other questions, feel free to ask and ENJOY!!!
  16. If you use listings on MCS DO NOT use the books listed as "consignment" books for reference. These books are listed at 2-3 times their actual value, not MCS's fault, they only list them at what the consignor's asking price is.
  17. I do not collect as an investment, I collect for the enjoyment of collecting and to complete my runs so... Any and all grades are OK with me depending on the age/value and how long I have been looking for a certain issue. If it is a higher dollar (which is subjective depending on your income/budget) older book and it is a PR 0.5 - FR-1.0 and does not fall apart in my hand just touching it then that is fine with me.
  18. I have had an OWL card since the first grading guide came out in 1992 but it is not something I use often so I do not know if something else exists, for me it is just another collectible. Here is a pic/scan of the OWL/ONE Card, Vintage 1992/1993
  19. I feel the same way, it was a continuing story line from beginning to end and at one point or another almost everyone in the Marvel Universe appeared. Best part, in the 6 + years of the title there was only one book that crossed over that you needed to buy from another characters title to read the entire story. (PM + IF #73) (Unlike the Onslaught saga that turned me off of new comics completely)
  20. I LOVE these trips down memory lane so whoever is responsible for all of the nostalgia threads lately...KUDOS!!! When I got back into comics in 79 I was buying new stuff off the newsstand and then I found my very first LCS in 81/82(???) and thought I was in heaven. (The wife thought otherwise, but what did she know) Not only could I get back a lot of the books I had collected as a kid (but had to leave behind in 1969) but books that were out before I was collecting that I did not even know about, so it was a little of both. As I got older and more comic shops opened and then "real cons" (when a "Comic" Con was actually about comics) it was all about "I just want to complete the runs/series of the titles I collected as a kid." Then eBay came along..."Nuff Said". Now I am collecting books from before I was born. On another note related to collecting and nostalgia, 10 years ago the nostalgia bug bit me and I spent $100.00 to regain a "Beany Copter by Mattel" because my new born baby sister gave me one as a gift in 3/62 and for whatever reason I needed to have one. These are the very first books I bought at a Comic Shop back in 81/82.
  21. First comic I ever "acquired" as a kid would have been a Harvey or Archie book in the early 60's that my parents got for me. The first book(s) I remember getting on my own with my .25 weekly allowance would have been one of these. I can still remember seeing them and the store(s) they were found/purchased in... A local pharmacy and a local grocery store in/about 1965. These books stand out in my mind as the "beginning" of my Marvel Comics "addiction".
  22. All I can say is...WOW, very, very nice. Also, I knew I was forgetting an action figure when I posted this morning and two of my all time favorite Galactus issues from one of my ALL TIME favorite titles/storylines, so here they are.
  23. There are hundreds of covers featuring Galactus and the Silver Surfer and I do not want to show the same covers that have already been posted so I will show some different covers and some action figures, Enjoy.