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Everything posted by grebal

  1. Yeah, I was going to post something similar, that she matured that little bit more (more or less) that cause her to change who she was at that point, in response to the exact same quote about "true nature." She'd become less frivolous and more serious regardless of whether or not we'd never seen that side of her before; it mirrors something we often see in RL or at least good fiction. But picking the right words is a pain especially given our (comic geeks) propensities to argue over almost nothing at times. You said it well.
  2. I sold a few of these over past two years (just sold my last 'extra' recently, a nice F/VF), and I'm keeping my 9.0 raw. I agree demand will probably be lower a few months from now, but I don't think it will drop like, e.g. FF 45 when Inhumans tv show bombed. (I don't think that's only reason, because the first Silver Surfer movie bombed but his keys never plunged). I don't think it's necessarily at its high water mark over the coming years whatever might happen in endgame, Thanos is an unusual creation. OTOH I sold my 'personal' copy of MSH 13 a little while ago because I thought the popularity for that book exceeded my need to have that book in between MSH 12 and 18. I never even considered giving up my IM 55 because of its current hotness, though that could be because I'm a long time fan of Starlin's bronze age work, and this is right up there with his Capt Marvels and the Warlock saga.
  3. The etiquette is about the same as any one-on-one transaction. Treat him with the same regard as you'd like if your positions were reversed. Turtle gave some good advice - many sellers on ebay (especially the more experienced or cynical) might see you as playing an old game, because some buyers in past have abused lenient policies. They may balk if it looks like you're just fishing for a part-refund and mistakenly think you are insincere. Best is to politely explain why you're unhappy, and be prepared to return book for full refund (like others I don't offer part-refunds, but I'm a tiny seller there and rarely miss any important defect or wear in desciption). The best chance of getting a part refund might be to not ask for that.
  4. You're English?! Sorry, Marwood, low hanging fruit.
  5. I kind of hope I never complete my ASM run since I'm missing his first 2 appearances and the only way they will drop to a price I'm willing to pay will mean the market melted down and I wouldn't wish that (I have 2-500, and also FF 2-200, so same applies to FF 1). I've got a few Golden Record Repr. placeholders, and plenty of 'keys' in form of Marvel Tales 1-32 and MCIC 1-24. Also have some full runs like Hulk 1-6, Silver Surfer and Nick Fury 1-18s, Amazing Adventures 1-39 (I've since started work on Amazing Adv. vol 1, and still need AA 6, and 4 issues of Amazing Adult Fantasy), Captain Marvel 1-62, Fear 1- 31, Werewolf by Night 1-43, Howard the Duck 1-33, Warlock 1-15, Marvel Spotlight 1-33, stuff like Inhumans and Marvel Feature and Marv. Presents and Secret Wars 1-12, and partly completed runs like JiM/Thor 96-225 (just need a handful in 90s, and grail #83 remaining), Hulk 102-200, Avengers 1-200, X-Men/Uncanny 2-150 (excluding the reprints 67-93), Strange Tales 101-150, Tomb of Dracula 1-50, Master of Kung Fu 15-50, Marvel Premiere 1-25, Defenders 1-20, Dr. Strange 169-183 and 1-20. And generally have the Annuals and Giant Size issues for applicable time periods and a few magazine runs like Epic, Rampaging Hulk and Howard the Duck complete. Started buying golden age a couple of years ago, will probably never have a run of any of that stuff.
  6. ^I'm sure you know it but just to be clear, I wasn't referring to you my friend. Your listing rock !! And I would call that copy with the reds an example of fraudulent scan. Pics can help a lot. And I also agree sometimes adjustments are required, especially when scan is not an accurate representation of what it depicts.
  7. I'm with you, I just click out, avoid taking chances. I don't assume it is a fact that scan (or scanner settings) was manipulated just because colors look more vibrant, but like you I consider caution 'better safe than sorry.' I once sent a PM to seller with advice to double-check his scanner settings possibly to turn down color because his images always seem brighter and more colorful, assuming it was not on purpose.
  8. Shill bidding is fraud. It's a crime. It involves a fake bid that bears no connection to reality, a false "buyer" not really bidding to buy - a shill is just a liar. Shills are cheaters, liars, thieves, criminals. Bad news. Snipe bidding is a last minute bid. In some cases it's placed to avoid a bidding war that the sniper thinks hopefully will result in sniper paying less if he wins. This is not a cheat or a violation of any rules or ethics (except some people don't like sniping, so it bothers those people). The sniper might lose and walk away with nothing. The sniper might drive the price up and still end up with nothing. The sniper might win, but pay top dollar anyway because the runner-up bidder had a high bid. And the sniper might end up with a bargain. No cheating involved.
  9. It was either Empire Strikes Back or Crying Game - so be glad I didn't go for full trigger by spoiling that it turns out to be a dude! Oops, guess I blew that one. Stay safe!
  10. No, but this art is featured on the cover (and inside) of vol. 1 of the Frazetta art book series.
  11. Yeah, that 205 is a classic, though I'm still partial to 203. Congrats to sneatstuff !
  12. You could hire a life coach, and then delegate to them the task of starting a FB page and posting 'hearts' on others' facebook pages. If you ever decided to hire a life coach I mean. You could start a list of reasons, and make that item 1 on the list.
  13. Lizzie buys DC. Beautiful books as always, thanks for sharing.
  14. He came back a couple of times, did the last one stick?
  15. I sent you that graphic novel with the only superhero case I know about, from Marvel. Though I hear Uncle Ben is dead, and once upon a time maybe Bucky qualified.
  16. No, can travel to US only (and may not visit college campuses) if you want to meet those strict criteria presented by newshane - even UK has threatened wrongspeak with prison. Safe travel amigo.
  17. I've been selling on ebay. I haven't sold here in a while. I may accelerate what has been my lethargic selling - the horizon is looking less and less pleasant (fees, taxes, shipping hikes). I'll adapt my policy to the extent possible not to absorb this confiscatory penalty without a fight. My first try will be to impose 3% fee on returns (so I just take the one- or two-way shipping hit). Next I'll try a policy of 'checks or MO' only. Then maybe I'll seek out a popular newfangled way of e-pay, particularly if there's a new upstart that become widespread, or maybe feebay will devise a new one in-house. Worst comes to worst, I'll use my business account to take credit cards, and explain to customer why the receipt will show name of a Mexican restaurant. Heh, won't that be fun?
  18. That's an amazing looking 5.0 - do you think the reduction just because of the back cover, it looks much nicer than VG/F?
  19. I want some of whatever you got dude.
  20. A problem with living life according to the 'do unto others …' rule is that we share a planet with many a-holes. Still, if you're a Golden Rule kind of guy, the morality of others doesn't really come into play. To be clear, I'm not saying that everyone who would just buy the comic and remain silent is an a-hole. Many just and ethical people live their lives according to a more Caveat Emptor philosophy (it's the buyer's job to find defects, and similarly the seller's responsibility if they didn't know a movie announcement tripled the price of that comic). You be you bud.
  21. sarcasm or bluntness warning All we need to avert collapse of comics value is a bit of inflation and at least 1 for 1 replacement of "collector" as the old generation dies off. Add in Brie Larson fans and our global planet of coca cola consumers who adore wolvie or spiderman even more than they do america for some added market growth. end sarcasm or bluntness zone