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Everything posted by grebal

  1. When I watch "Woodstock" I wonder what ever came of the toddlers shown sitting on the blanket or in mud puddle while mom sways to the jams. Simpler times. Good thing Andy didn't come out with a rifle. : D
  2. Phew. At least it wasn't the lions that got him. Apparently in the US there were just three reported selfie deaths in 2011. By 2016 that number had shot up to 98.
  3. Perhaps, but women's voting rights in America did not coincide with a revolution that left around ten million dead like it did in Russia.
  4. If I was 80 or a filmmaker I'd have given a different opinion. I completely understand your points, have read about Citizen Kane, and understand its importance in film history. To a young guy seeing CK and Third Man in 80s, and a couple of times each since my opinion stands (just saw Kane again last week). Had similar conversation with my millennials about Pulp Fiction, with roles reverse, but didn't defend PF, just explained context. Not the same thing I know, just an analogy.
  5. Movie snob. Though I actually love the black & white bubble world. Oblivious to all that SJ nonsense and other that's permeated every other aspect of life practically. Good movies, though I think CK is way overrated, it's just 3 star not 4 imo and not even in my top 20 faves or "best." Bosco gave you a great list of 3 star or better movies from geek world. As you already know, stay away from DD and Elektra.
  6. I figured the same thing; that Marvel would be satisfied with break-even or modest losses from their comics division. Based on absolutely no data whatsoever, I'd guess one middle of pack MCU movie makes more than annual profits from new material for Marvel (maybe one hit for DC). And (pretending I'm a suit) it seems useful that they keep churning out new stuff of any quality to keep the brands 'alive' (if not to avoid being Shazammed with a stale trademark), again based on no evidence, heh, which means my guess is just a guess.
  7. I thought of it as a "tax" too, a slab-surcharge imposed by the creator. I'm not a sig guy (though I love sigs on splash page), so my opinion probably holds less weight - except OTOH it also means I'm a disinterested person so my opinion is less likely an emotional reaction or the result of bias (and more likely to be reason-based). I have no problem with creator charging a slab surcharge - if forced to guess I would assume that creator who charges extra for SS books is mind reading that the collector buying his SS signature is adding sig for higher value for future resale. But I don't care that creator is mind reading since I don't care what his motive is for discriminating, since buyer retains his free choice to buy/not buy. I discriminate all the time - when I see a shadowy figure in a hoodie while walking down street at night I discriminate and cross the street. I sometime choose a fillet instead of a burger. So won't complain about another discriminating when I can conceive of a rational basis for that person to discriminate.
  8. Not a bad % provided the other 35% was about the stuff that really mattered. Who cares if the tv show started at 8 pm and not 830 pm or if Kirby not Ditko drew the cover of St Tales Ann 2 or ASM 1?
  9. Based on what you've said, it sounds like a good place to sell if you're a good seller (boardie-level on grading pics and pricing), but a sub-optimal place to shop as a buyer. Is that about right? And that doing either requires patience and a bit of perseverance?
  10. Why relieved? Fear of counterfeit? Wouldn't a mystery edition be cooler?
  11. After 45 years of life in NY I moved from NY to Texas - part was the culture of taxation and regulation (and a lot of a-holes but after all consider my profession). No doubt some comic shops can still find ways to stay profitable - but damn they gotta be tight - well run, constantly updating to keep with trends of changing marketplace, millennial friendly with multiple income streams etc. Because they got a lot of forces working against them, like youthful politicians with captive audience that think higher taxes and more regs is a solution to everything.
  12. You're good bud - I still have 'bad buys' burned into memory from over a decade ago. The more successful dealers are those that build relationships over time, they get both repeat customers and good word of mouth. OTOH the scumbags console themselves with thoughts of CAVEAT EMPTOR and might (hopefully) pay for it in the long run. Though I fully agree with caveat emptor in principle.
  13. Hey man I told you once I told you a thousand times, you gotta stop wearing that hat with "Sucker" written on it.
  14. Hey! Isn't that the point of the thread? ; ) just messing with you m'dear.
  15. Yeah, I think I'm going to keep one (re MSH 13), the 5.5 copy probably.
  16. When you see a comic market price in what you think is 'stratosphere' or a must-sell price do you sell or keep? Of course it depends on the book, but the point is if you thought this (whichever) particular book is cruising for a bruising (can replace later, or don't care enough about letting it go, no sentimental value, etc.)? I mean your last or only copy, in particular. Question is posed to collectors, of course; I would've included a poll but there are a lot of dealers active on the board so poll would be even more meaningless than most other RL polls. [edit, turns out I figured how to add poll] Dealers don't have the emotional aspect that I'm after in this question, for most of them it's more a question of market timing - when they think they can do better if they had cash (or lock in return, other opportunity cost or business reasons like taxes or something). I've got a few dupes like ASM 101 I'll be selling eventually, and two copies (one my "collection" copy) a low and a mid grade of the MSH 13 - the book that prompted me to ask. Curious about both the specific book (movie out soon) and in general (like the MSH 18 back in the Guardians day).