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Everything posted by joe_collector

  1. A low print run has absolutely nothing to do with an issue's valuation, otherwise Hulk 181 would be worthless and those "1-issue print run" museum books would be worth billions. And how many issues of GA Superman/Batman/etc. did they print? A few million a month? Plus, The Walking Dead isn't a true marketable commodity, as there is nothing intrinsically different from their zombies than anyone else's zombies, so let's how much of a "mega key" Walking Dead 1 is a few years after the TV show gets cancelled. Trust me, it won't be a pretty sight.
  2. The time to buy Walking Dead was off the shelf or very early one, but anyone investing heavily today is a Grade A sucker.
  3. Same here and with something like Borderlands/Borderlands 2 with cel-shaded graphics, it really can't get much better. And I'd rather have Skyrim, KOA, Sacred 2, etc. RPGs than just the latest TES game because every one else went out of business. I think this current gen is really going to suck for anyone who doesn't exclusively play sequel-shooters like CoD, Halo, Gears of War and Medal of Honor, as that's about all we're going to get. Innovation drops every single generation, and I can see this one being especially bad for RPG, strategy and action games.
  4. X-Com was kinda fun but I really wish they didn't go with canned maps and limit the number of soldiers to 6/8. The original X-Com had randomly generated maps, unlimited soldier pools and even tank vehicles. The remake just seemed so canned, with scripted surprises and events. Plus, I got the same map multiple times during the playthrough, which was incredibly lame.
  5. Of course, and as long as you don't mind playing CoD games all day then it's great. Just don't expect anything new or innovative as the next-gen platforms don't make economic sense for anything but sequels or spin-offs.
  6. I hope the PS4 doesn't have a $600 price tag on launch day Why buy it as soon as it comes out? I waited months for a PS3 and when I did buy one it was half the price almost! Same with games, I buy pre-owned all the time. I'm probably about a year and half behind the current releases This is the smartest way to do it, especially if the PS4 will not have backwards compatibility and there will be minimal improvements to graphics this generation. Remember, this is not PS2 to PS3 but just a firm move from 720p/1080i to 1080p. Developers are already screaming about going out of business the next generation, so don't expect anything too wild in terms of graphics as that costs lots and lots of money. With no BC there is no reason not to to wait for the inevitable price drop and better console revisions.
  7. Bah, just like every other Aliens-based game I'll pick that up from the $9.99 bin real soon. And I am excited for Aliens:Colonial Marines. I'm a fan of the franchise,I hope the game is good as it looks I'm just a fan os saving money and no way this holds any kind of retail value. Any kid these days hears "Aliens" and they think of that terrible AvP movie before going back to CoD.
  8. Bah, just like every other Aliens-based game I'll pick that up from the $9.99 bin real soon.
  9. Now that is some great news! Any idea what 50% off would equal to? I need to add some funds to my PSN wallet as I'd never load a CC there.
  10. Welcome to 2008. I love discovering older classics that I missed the first time around. In fact, I just got the 5th anniversary Oblivion steelcase from Futureshop for $4.99 (couldn't resist at that price) and I'm gonna give it a go this weekend, and this is after playing through Skyrim.
  11. It's more like the Rule of 20-30. Some collectibles take a little ore time and some a little less.
  12. I think he means that micro-transaction where you would have to pay a fee for each individual game just to play it online. And yes, I expect that will go over well with the gaming public.
  13. Agreed, and that would be cool with me. Just put BC in the first year's systems so we can play through our backlog and then get rid of it if you want. But to not include it at all is kind of insane, and will really give Microsoft a big advantage. If I have a library full of PS3 games and I'm looking at the Xbox 720 that should tell you something.
  14. While X-Men 176 was a downer, as I thought Paul Smith was almost as good as Byrne, there were some later issues and runs that were quite good in the 180-200 range. Like the Nimrod stuff, the return of the Hellfire Club, Mutant Massacre, etc. Read those and then go pick up the 220's and 230's - Ugh!
  15. Well dev costs are already out of control and studios are closing in droves, and no one wants to sink 10-100+ million into a new IP. Sadly, those days seem to be long gone and all we'll get next-gen is sequel after spinoff after revamp. Oh, and lots and lots of CoD games. Actually, you are kinda right there, as buying a non-BC PS4 would be "betting on the wrong horse" as the PS3 has been good to me.
  16. , do you really think Sony is going to give this service away for free? So I paid 60 bucks for FarCry 3 and they'll make me pay another 60 bucks to play it digital streaming on the PS4? Yeah, I'll be signing my wallet up to be raped real soon.
  17. Definitely in the 220's for me. I think Marc Silvestri was doing the art then and the stories were just horrible with stupid premises. They were just phoning it in at that point.
  18. Exactly my thoughts and I only want BC to play a few PS3 games I still have unfinished, but I just may skip the PS4 for a year or two if they don't include any kind of BC. I am also going to give the Xbox 720 a very close look if it has BC as I can then pick up cheap Xbox 360 cross-platform games to play through instead of the PS3. If I'm trading PS3 for Xbox 360 then I'd better do it quick as PS3 games will be worthless once Sony announces the lack of BC on the PS4.
  19. Yeah Sony made that decision after the first round of PS3's. Would have loved to have been able to keep playing my ps2 games on my PS3... You realize we're talking about the PS4/Orbis right? Sony did offer PS2 backwards compatibility with the PS3 but phased it out as their PS3 title list increased, but the PS4 is apparently without BC from day 1. The usual strategy is to offer if initially and then drop it later (PS3) or push it to the backburner (Xbox 360) after the next-gen title list hits a certain number.
  20. The only problem this generation is that Sony is reportedly getting rid of backwards compatibility while the Xbox 720 will include it. BC is incredibly valuable at the start of the generation, when there are few new titles and you still have a lot of backlog to push through, and no one wants to keep two consoles/gamepads/etc. laying around unless they're classic. Damn, I guess I picked the wrong horse this generation and Sony can bite me.
  21. It won't, as development costs need to be kept realistic and this next generation will just upgrade officially to 1080p across the board and with better graphics, but certainly not the jump from the PS2 to the PS3. Plus the rumored Radeon 6670 graphics chip is pretty low-end and since both Sony and Microsoft realize they can't push graphics that much right now they are probably looking to make the consoles lower cost and more mainstream. Also, since these are hiome entertainment devices, and not PCs, they need to keep power, heat, radiation, etc. to much lower levels than PC makers.
  22. A lot of those are on iOS, Android, Steam, etc. and are a real blast. I just wish they'd port the entire Leisure Suit Larry series to Steam rather than a start-up bid to remake the first one in HD.
  23. Two great, highly-recommended games I got for Christmas: FarCry 3 and Dishonored
  24. It's a tougher one and also has a solo Ant-Man story back-up that's his first since his TTA series was canceled - this was pre-Marvel Feature. Yup. I think it's one of the toughest superhero picture frames. No 9.8s and only 5 9.6s. It's not surprising when Millie the Model #194 is scarce in high grade. But an issue of Iron Man from 1972? I've mentioned this before, but I think Iron Man 44 had serious production issues as I've bought several high-grade remainder sets of Iron Man PF issues and 44 always has some type of prod-related problem with the cover or spine. Back in the day, I bought maybe 10 sets of Iron Man PF from an eBay seller I dealt with and it was all NM-range but the 44 which was always downgraded to VF or so. And he's not the only seller I've found this on, and had any delivered a NM copy I would have saved a lot of money.