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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Funny you should mention the posters - I posted this in another thread the other week: I loved the old weeklies, especially the long ways ones. They're part of my comic history, my first introduction to Marvel and Spider-Man.
  2. Thanks Jennifer, for your reply. There are some wider discussion points here I think in respect of how CGC should label books that were produced and distributed in foreign countries, but which include content originally published in US comic books. Those discussion points could include: Whether foreign publications which directly mirror a US original book (e.g. carry the same titles / cover image) should be annotated as 'editions' or versions of that original book Whether foreign publications which reproduce original US content whether in full or in part should be labelled as 'reprints' as a matter of course Whether foreign publications should stand as their 'own thing' when they have titles which do not exist in the US, regardless of content (i.e. they should not be referred to as, for example, 'UK Editions' where no US equivalent exists) Whether the CGC label should always make reference to the original book(s) that have been reprinted Is there anyone in the grading team who would be prepared to join a discussion thread here to discuss and perhaps agree (as far as possible) a standardised approach and label wording? I appreciate if the answer is no due to time constraints, so don't worry too much. There's just an opportunity to iron out a broad agreement and I am sure many knowledgeable members here would contribute if given the chance.
  3. I know. I was being flippant PooPiece. Which you knew.
  4. That's what I thought. There are web pages about it being the 'first Spider-Woman' appearance.
  5. Yes. I quite like the Wonder Woman covers. They're proper comics aren't they. Of their time though of course. A better one in many respects, I suspect.
  6. Thanks for thinking of me Andy The E-Man (June 74) is one of the later issues which are all dual priced: And the Black Furious looks like a sticker, but it is well outside the UKPV date window anyway. He won't be happy....
  7. Well done. No reply from any of the Marvel contacts, alas. I wonder what the distribution numbers were for these books? @FlyingDonut, was there ever an indication of the numbers for the 30/35 cent variants? Do you have any feel for the likely distribution numbers for our 2.29/2.49 books, now you've been looking for a while?
  8. I've started gathering images and will work on a summary document to help establish what is out there. I suspect it's already been done by one or more of the former thread participants but it's something to do isn't it, while we're here. Keep posting @ganni !
  9. Amazing to see how much he did really - #31 on the most prolific list on this site.
  10. http://www.mikesamazingworld.com/mikes/features/creator.php?creatorid=55&credittype=Story
  11. And here is a DD#29 set of two - one oblong 10d with bonus shilling stamp, one shilling in a circle on its own: Completely the wrong issue 'hiatus-wise', but who's counting
  12. Here's a nice example - the only one I've seen so far - an RV and RW stamp on the same book:
  13. I picked up some nice clean pence copies of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories this week. Here they are, duly ticked off in the wants list book: There were five books in the lot, four pence and one cents (#243). They correlated perfectly with my known copy list, strengthening the likelihood that it is accurate: They're nice looking books I think
  14. That's a nice copy Panto. Matt Nelson called it a 'deeper colour strike' when we were discussing this by email around the time of the labelling change to 'UK Price Variant'. As I noted earlier in the thread, I think it's likely that some pence copies were printed first and some weren't - as Rakehell said above, I doubt the order was consistent in the early years. I've posted printing examples in this and other threads, linking in with the US Price Font Variants, which sort of imply a printing order on certain books, but there's nothing definitive. If you're interested, I posted this thread some time back to see what people thought either way if it were proven:
  15. That's a nice one - presumably the numbering corresponds with the ASM I posted earlier in the thread: I wonder if any of the previous thread participants / collectors established the nature of the pattern
  16. I've been pondering that recently Gaard, and remembering when I was a kid buying comics with my big brother. They were some of the happiest collecting days that I can recall. Even though the books themselves - old UK reprints - had no real value, the excitement came from sharing the experience. The UK weeklies used to have centrespread posters and we would buy a handful of books each - they were priced at 1p and 2p in dirty great marker pens - and we would look excitedly through them to see who got the best posters on the way home. Hulk, Spidey, Galactus etc got a 'wow, look at that!', lesser characters a groan. It was such fun. Now I'm older I can see how collecting has a solitary, almost lonely aspect to it. It's you against the hunt. Your collection, your records. And the thrill you get when 'that book' is found - well, it's one of the greatest feelings there is. But as the years go by, I start to see how meaningless it all is if no one shares those feelings. I suspect a good number of us have had that feeling of elation in respect of our hobbies, and then that tinge of sadness that no one else 'gets it'. There have been times when I have posted new finds here and I am practically falling off of my chair with excitement. And then the slow realisation dawns - once again - that no one shares that excitement - at least not in respect of the specific book you have discovered. And that is when it all starts to become clear. That is when you start to ask yourself, "Why am I doing this? What is the point?" I go in phases myself, up one minute, down the next. But I wish now that I had allowed myself to share what I do more, rather than keep it insular as I have tended - and still tend, to do. It's not just comics either. You go and see a film. It moves you somehow, you want someone else to understand what it meant to you. I suppose it's what Roy Batty was trying to say before his four years were up. Look at what I've seen, look at what I've done. What was the point? Where is the monument to it, however small? In a few years time, who will give a damn that this fool put together the only run of Charlton pence copies in the whole world? So my feeling is this. The best you can hope for is to enjoy what you do in the moment. If you can share it with others, and I mean really share, then that is the next level of success, of joy. So carry on, while you enjoy it, can afford it and have the space and energy to do it. But once you stop enjoying it, once the doubts and negative feelings won't go away, have the courage to knock it on the head. That would be a good last post, to make on a forum wouldn't it?
  17. I checked a few of your books against the plotting of the Action Comics that I did and there were stamp number matches. It helps us establish which slots correlated with actual dates on the ground. You knew those records would come in handy one day didn't you Albert
  18. ....another 'J&P': The Hulk doesn't look to happy about it... Two different sellers, same copy?