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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Now you're just being silly Pete I've actually got two bits of groundbreaking Charlton news coming soon. Yes, that's right, two. Can you all contain your excitement I wonder? Well, I say 'you all'. Can't have everything can you. Even Foggy's hopped it. Anyroad (Fred Elliott), here's a new arrival: The love may not indeed be flawless, but it will be fine for just a little while longer. That is of course until misery guts in the background brings our lady in red's whole world crashing down. And you know she's going to, don't you. And then only a top up from the blue handed salver will ease that broken heart. None of it makes sense of course. Why I do this I mean. I mean, look at it. All torn and dented. A bit of damp even. No, it doesn't make sense at all. That is until you listen to this: Now it all makes sense, doesn't it. Doesn't it?
  2. What, "You'll have to explain that one you old Goat you"?
  3. You'll have to explain that one you old Goat you.
  4. Whilst I agree with your sentiments to a degree Revat - and I'm speaking as someone who has responded to countless questions here with some very fulsome answers, only to get the almost customary crickets in response - I always take the view that the questioner could either be a) a young kid or b) someone who maybe just wants to join in and thinks that asking a question here might be a way to help them do that (even though the answer may indeed be readily available with a quick root around). You'll soon see which it is. If they're just a lazy millennial, well, you tried to be kind, and maybe God will look more favourably upon you on the Day of Reckoning as a result. If you believe in him that is.
  5. https://thecrowcomics.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/the-crow-trade-paper-back-version-part-3/
  6. I felt bad for my LCS when I stopped. I liked my weekly chat in there. They didn't do back issues of any note so, once I stopped, I had no reason to go there anymore. You can't just pop in for a chat and never buy anything, can you? So a relationship of many years came to a halt because Marvel couldn't stop pumping out low quality tosh in huge numbers with a bazillion variants for every issue. If I'm honest, I spent the last few years buying for the sake of it. I could afford it then, £29.99 for a one in fifty. Now, not only can I not, but I wouldn't want to. £29.99 in the heat of the moment. A fiver in a few months when the heat has died down. Apart from the occasional ASM #667 type anomaly that is. Stopping was the right decison. But I do miss talking comics, music, TV and film with the guys in my LCS.
  7. I liked him in the first three, but I know what you mean. In the last one he was looking old. He looked young, strong and powerful in the first two. When that goes, they start to look silly. And Daniel, alas, has a face that worked young but not old. He was never a looker, let's face it, but it worked because he was at his peak. Past his peak, he just looks like a thin lipped late middle aged bloke. And any noticeable attempt, however small, to embellish his appearance with make up and the like, immediately destroys the youthful aggression that took our breath away when he first crashed through the wall at the start of Casino Royale. I'd have walked at three films and preserved a legacy. But they never do, do they? 100 million must be very hard to turn down I guess, no matter how rich and publicly fed up with the part you are.
  8. Well don't go to Italics. Find somewhere else to holiday.
  9. There is a slight resemblance, yes. But I don't think Yellow Claw ever sported a mohican Maurice, despite living all those years. Nice Buscema there by the way. Even the dead had gaping mouths on his watch. Must've caught a lot of flies.
  10. Pictures or it didn't ha- Oh, no, actually, yes. Yes, yes I believe you. Really. No need for pictures. Really.
  11. Tell me about it Jim! Flipping pence Dell's need special bags and they then don't fit in regular comic boxes. And their bags go wrinkly too. Some of them look like an old man's scrotum. I made myself laugh there.
  12. I've always used Silver Age bags and boards regardless. I was using these recently, as they're the only silver age bags that 1960's Charltons will fit into. They're too big for all the other brands and I'm too tight to buy Golden Age: Trouble is, after a while they go all crinkly. So I might have to bite the bullet and mylar up. Why do comic bags go all crinkly anyway?
  13. Yes. Poor Daniel. And only a seven hundred and eighty five gazillion pounds pay packet and worldwide recognition to ease his burden.
  14. I've just noticed, if you take the letters of 'Daniel Craig in No Time to Die', mix them up, take a few away and add a few, you get 'Old man who's past it'.
  15. Is this card or is it a card from a set Steve I don't recognise the villain? A jigsaw I spotted on eBay Maurice. I recognised the Spidey pose from this: And the villain appears to be lifted from this: It's an odd amalgamation isn't it
  16. I found it a bit up and down. Sometimes the style worked well - that's a great, definitive Parker there... ...and sometimes it didn't. Some pages look rushed, where others look like he took his time. Easy to see the Andru magic underneath, either way though
  17. That's a lot of Eternals. In fact, it took me an Eternity to scroll through them