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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. That is quite remarkable! I have owned two 'no price' copies in my time, both, alas, without stickers. Back in my old ASM completist days this book was considered the holy grail and certain people were prepared to pay in excess of $2K for a stickered copy. Here are my old stickerless ones - long since sold - and no, I didn't try to remove the sticker on the raw copy!: Copies without a sticker sold for a decent premium, still do I believe, but the stickered copies were considered the 'complete article' and were like gold dust. A copy without the sticker was a bit like ASM #238 without it's tattoos. So, to your priced and stickered copy. It looks completely legitimate to me, that is, that it has not been manufactured in an underhand manner with profit / devilment in mind. If I were trying to 'create' a new variant, I would have chosen a better graded copy to put the sticker on! I'd certainly have bought a genuine no price copy, stuck the sticker on that and then called it legit, quadrupling my outlay at least in the process. The sticker itself looks legit too and, as you say, has clearly been on the cover a long time (where would you get one if you were considering 'making' a variant by the way!?). So I would lean towards it being a 'proper' copy, likely used in the original promotion, but for which the price did not get removed for whatever reason. Comic history is littered with examples of errors like this, where things are absent / present that should not be. One thing I note though - the placement of the sticker is out of step with most of the copies I have seen - look at these two examples here compared to yours: As far as value goes, this is an oddity and difficult to gauge. I would have loved to have it back in the day, just for what it is, and perhaps would have paid unstickered / no price copy prices. But it can't be worth the same as a no price copy with a sticker as it is fundamentally at odds with it's historic title - 'no price variant' It puts me in mind a little of the graded ASM #121 with Mark Jewellers insert that surfaced some years back. Anyone who knows their inserts knows that that cannot be, but it still made you think. That particular copy was obviously forged (quite difficult to forge a MJI actually). This 184 Concentrated All looks like a legit oddity. A 'No Price Variant', only with a price! What a thing of beauty. Well done finding it.
  2. Yikes. Sounds grim Reggie. Positive vibes coming your way...
  3. I'll say. Even image upgrades are cause for mild celebration lately. I really need to get a life
  4. I'm always excited by a new Star Wars film. It's like a new Squeeze album. Or season of Doctor Who. Sometimes they soar. Sometimes they don't. Either way, every time I am excited beyond what is reasonable for a fifty plus year old man to feel. Maybe it will be so good that we will all sh ourselves in unexpected glee. It probably won't be of course, but I for one live in hope. For a new hope. I'll shut up now.
  5. Morning Aussies A busy morning on the APV front - first up, a new title courtesy of our collector friend Bill, who lurks in the Australian shadows - Incredible Hulk Annual - yee-flippin-haw! Here's #19, $4.75 AUS price: This means we now have seven (Len Goodman) confirmed annual titles and 96 confirmed titles overall. It also means I have to update my Journal summary in Morlar's Pence Palace of Doom which currently reads: "Only six Annual titles have been found so far – Amazing Spider-Man #27, The Punisher #6, The Mighty Thor #18, The Uncanny X-Men #17, X-Factor #8 and X-Men #2. All are 1993 annuals and all have an AUS cover price of $4.75" I'll get around to that later. So we're up to 1,096 confirmed copies overall, excluding magazines, and only four measly copies off of a round 1,100. You are liking the mathematicia, no? Someone posted a swathe of Iron Mans today, and filled a long standing gap. Only 276 and 300 missing for that title now, if we assume that only first wave copies exist. For a second, I thought there were two different 290's but it's that pesky foil again isn't it, scanning all dark and mysterious: And I added X-Men Unlimited #1 to the pot after a long wait: Possibly only one more to go on that title too, if it's a first wave only title: Finally, a nice write up from Ben here over at Wordpress Towers, well worth a read if this stuff interests you: https://rarecomics.wordpress.com/2019/09/22/australian-price-variants-apvs/ Who knew you could know so much about APVs, eh? All good fun
  6. Here's my (brother's) old copy. Long gone now: As I said, I always found the cover a little weird as a young whipper snapper, probably because it was so different to it's predecessors. But looking at it now with older eyes I can see a fine composition there. It's a great use of space isn't it - the cover is full. No space unused. That fellow on the back cover got on your nerves after a while though didn't he. I wonder what happened to him.
  7. Nice to see some pence copies here! Good luck @hermster - hope you get a sale or six
  8. TTA #17 is very uncommon, and I've only seen one in hand (which I should have bought). I have two examples in the files. The first has a cool Miller ticket attached - I'd love to have one like that: And the second proves it's real: As for WMD #28 & 29, if you find their hiding place you've cracked it: They land in a recognised pence gap, so are 99.9% certain not to exist: "No pence copies have been found for comics cover dated April 1974 to July 1974 inclusive. This 4 issue gap coincides with the transition from 6p to 7p" But I always favour the 0.1 me, so....
  9. I'm not sure I'd like to be awoken by a thunderingly loud "YOU CAME LAST, RUBBISH GRADER, HA HA HA" as it goes
  10. You mean I could stay up and watch Endgame and still have to wait another hour?
  11. So I've got to wait until tomorrow morning to see how sh-, sorry, to see how well I've done?
  12. Come to think of it, didn't The Schemer always wear a cloak with a massive open cowl? You don't think he went to the same cloak shop as The Collector do you?
  13. This is one of those books I never got around to reading Ken and I always found the cover to be weird. Just out of interest, what did The Collector collect? Apart from cloaks with massive open cowls that is. It's not Charlton pence copies is it?
  14. Jim, your comics rock. Your record collection rocks. Your animals rock. You rock. Today sucks. But tomorrow...? Tomorrow will rock.