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Everything posted by ExNihilo

  1. And then you watch The Clone Wars and Rebels and accept the faults of the Prequel Trilogy because The Clone Wars is pure magnificence.
  2. https://jscottcampbell.com/products/harley-quinn-75-jsc-exclusive?utm_campaign=Harley Quinn %2375 TEASER (YA6HFZ)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=J Scott Campbell VIP List&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjYmJnZWZhY2VAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJIcm5OQ1kifQ%3D%3D I've been deleting the JSC emails without even opening them, but the fact that Harley Quinn was up issue #75 caught my attention. I just didn't realize that the current run had gotten that high. Now, I've kinda stopped buying JSC exclusive covers, but then I saw this was Harley vs Punchline. The covers themselves aren't anything over the top special (still not as breathtaking as the Black Cat "Le Chat Noir" cover), but the contents do seem intriguing. Then I saw the price (of the Premium unsigned). Easy nope for me. Honestly surprised there isn't some cover D wraparound edition for $100.
  3. Fandom also has The Maker listed as first appearance in the comic summary page for Fallout #4. I've never read Fallout so I don't know if it's another ASM 299/300 or IH 180/181 situation where maybe he only appears in one panel. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_Comics_Fallout_Vol_1_4
  4. The Wikipedia entry for The Maker lists Ultimate Fallout #4 as his first appearance. However, the Marvel Fandom page has it as Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1. A) which is correct? B) if it's Ultimate Fallout #4, what potential does it have on the value of the book? For that second one, I suppose the answer is very little, but I keep hoping the MCU does the Secret Wars story. And if that's the case, what could potentially happen should Marvel decide to introduce the Maker to the MCU in some shape or form.
  5. 1) I don't like exposing my books to direct light. 2) It looks like it could tip over. (I live in California so "something something earthquakes").
  6. Jesus, these boards have been around for 18+ years? I came across the boards when researching how to get Stan Lee's signature. Since then, this has been a cesspool of bad decisions, wants over needs, and an absence of willpower on my part. I went from having a few modern keys to now having random cover variants, signed books, major keys, and a room devoted to the hobby all at the expense of my bank account. I can't in good conscience blame myself so I'll just blame you lot instead. Thanks fam.
  7. Thank God. I've been waiting for someone to take this to eliminate the temptation from me. I was about to pull a Thanos "Fine I'll do it myself" type post. :P
  8. Late to the party, but is that an original ASM #1 9.6?! (Like, not a Golden Record Reprint) Wow those fit absolutely perfectly. If only I had the space (and 100 graded books ) for that.
  9. I have no idea how this guy consistently gets paid doing interior and exterior art. Him and modern JRJR. And modern Frank Miller.
  10. Are we railing on Desert Wind again? Where's the end of the line? I'm never subbing with them again and have no idea how they're still allowed to serve as an official facilitator. It's a shame too since they work with some good creators. But back to the point of the thread, it's unfortunate, but a lower grade is the risk you run by cracking it and re-submitting. Maybe it's actually been damaged during signing, or maybe you got a tougher grader. I once had a prestige format modern go from 9.8 to 9.6. Not sure how that happened since it's not like the spine could get creased during signing. Maybe one of the corners got bumped somewhere along the way? Who knows, the book still looks sharp to me, maybe I got a grader on a bad day. It is what it is.
  11. Is there a way to set up a "want list" and then receive notifications when a book becomes available in the app?
  12. It was in the dollar bin...the $175 dollar bin.
  13. how are you guys finding ASM 361's and UXM 266's in a quarter/dollar bin?!?
  14. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  15. Hey man, saving supper is a thankless task, but one that needs to be done. The Supper Savers are the real heroes this world needs.
  16. If I remember correctly, those are the ones you want to put your hand right up to and wait for a high five. (And in case anyone doesn't know, I'm kidding. Their punch is strong enough to break your nail.)
  17. You have three comic shops all on the same block? That's unheard of.
  18. As I understood it, prior to DC's cancelled agreement with Diamond, DCBS served as a retailer (like any other LCS) and had a Diamond account. The new set up has them distributing at a wholesale level (thus setting them up as a competitor to Diamond). (now to the speculative bit as I don't have any information on the microeconomics of the comics industry) I suppose the part that confuses me is whether DCBS will still have an account with Diamond for all other publishers (Marvel, Image, etc). From Diamond's perspective, it would seem counterproductive to continue providing books to someone who is now your direct competitor. On the other hand, I have to imagine that DCBS must be one of Diamond's biggest accounts and probably not one they can afford to lose if they are experiencing major financial issues.
  19. I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with the original response I had to your question regarding the profitability of DCBS vs an LCS. That being said, since this is a thread about Diamond, if a competitor has enough financial backing to ramp up to a point of financial viability, then there's nothing stopping them from setting up shop alongside Diamond. At that point it's a matter of how deep are your pockets and how long can you sustain yourself in an attempt to take market share away from Diamond because you would undoubtedly have to provide a better deal to the publishers and the shops to pull business away from an established distributor who's start-up costs have long been amortized and are no longer a concern. There are other factors of course (as we see playing out here) which seems to be DC's absence of faith in Diamond's ability to function amidst a growing financial struggle.
  20. You misunderstand my example. The point I'm trying to make is that the actual breakeven price for the producer is much less than the eventual retail price. The producer makes a cut selling to a distributor who takes a small cut selling to a retailer who takes a cut from the eventual end consumer. In the end, none of that denies the fact that the reason DCBS is able to sell at a discount goes back to economies of scale and their ability to reach a much broader market.
  21. Not in the industry, but growing up, I was basically taught that the difference in price between retail and the provider of goods was about 50%. That's not a factual rule, but a generalization (it could be more, it could be less). I see avocados straight from farmers for like 7/$1, but those same avocado's are like 1/$2 at the store. But I digress. The point I'm trying to make is that DCBS is able to beat every shops price by 40% due to economies of scale. While local shops are selling maybe 30-100 of a particular title, DCBS is selling in the thousands because their business model is national. The cost of overhead is averaged out over thousands of customers while local stores are probably spending more per customer. This is likely seen in the difference in freight costs, rent, wages, etc.
  22. So true. I priced out about 30 books i was interested in getting and it was like $90 after the discount. I then dug around on eBay where I found about 25 of those books for $38 (shipping included).
  23. It's the gatefold poster from ASM #365. You can see the tagline below.