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Everything posted by flashlites

  1. One thing crossed my mind about WWT 9.4. The infamous "nut sack wrinkle" . You had noted that all books were being pressed, so I guess that took care of it? Could you shed some light on that please? Back cover defects are one of my many blind spots in the grading process. Thank you! Sincerely, Mat Murdock comic grading services (maybe its already been addressed, if so I apologize.)
  2. Yeah, I tend to agree. I gave it a 7.0. But I have slipped back into my tight grading ways. I thought I learned this lesson last year?? Its great to calibrate like this every year. I scored so badly on the seeding round LoL! All I can do is laugh at this point and try and do better?? I need to call my therapist...
  3. Be sure to show them off when they come in! Any 114's in the bunch?😀
  4. Still unable to up load anything -200 error! We haven't heard from Speedy D in a while and were getting close to page 115! Love his icon from Flash 115!
  5. That's even worse than what happened to me! I fell on hard times twice and had to sell my previous collections. I like to think Flash came to my rescue twice😀. But it was very difficult each time! The second time I managed somehow to keep my small GA collection. About 2 years latter. I had to sell some of them too. The dealer did not want to pay my price on my #3. But agreed to display it on consignment. About a month later my situation had changed and I brought it home. Talk about a close call!!! I feel fortunate indeed. I don't know how I'd feel if they were stolen!
  6. I am looking for a little technical help with uploading scans. I have been happily scanning and uploading for a while but now I am getting a "-200" upload failed message. Does anyone know what that means?
  7. I just figured out this is where I'll see the results lol! Kinda glad things are going slow? I might be behind 2 rounds and not even know. I guess i'd be out then, after the seeding round its sudden death right?
  8. This is going to be fun!!! This will be my first year entering the March Madness! Is this where the results from the seeding round will be posted? I haven't missed something have I? (I'm a total nube)
  9. You always have the Flashiest Flash's Bill! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful collection! Have i ever asked you if you've completed the run?
  10. I have not been able to upload files for the last two days? Will have to resort to cell phone pictures again. Getting a -200 error? Does anyone know what that means? Its only a 13MB file?
  11. I believe we get the results tonight for the March Madness contest. One thing I learned last year was that I tend to grade too tight. This year I plan to back through my Flash collection and re grade everything.
  12. Thanks John! This has been a blast finding this forum! I get to chat with the greatest Flash collectors of all time! I was always the only Flash collector I ever knew! Lol! I've learned so much here. You wouldn't happen to have one last Flash 113 to share before we move on to 114? .
  13. Just FYI, my local comic shop has a CGC 123 cover. If anyone has a coverless 123 out there and wants to put the two together let me know and I can give you the info. Or if you just want the cover...
  14. Part 1 Here's a Flash collectors topic for the CGC guys. I love this forum and next month I've finally decided to take the plunge and send my Flash #3 off to be graded and finally entombed lol!(encapsulated). This will be first time going through the process. I am a bit nervous. I'd much rather take them to a convention in person and kind of be there when they do it. Sadly as I understand it CGC did not do well once here in San Antonio and are unlikely to ever return. (CGC if your listening things are much better we have a huge convention now I believe the last figures were over 150,000! Stan Lee came out 3 years in a row! We had Arnold Schwarznegger and Jim Lee last year! Anyway I hope one day you will reconsider.) I was against the practice when I first heard of it, thinking you'd never get to read them again! But as I realize now most of these I've only dared to read once anyway, their preservation is really the most important thing. I've always been extremely conscience of preservation since the first articles in the OPG on the subject came out in the 70's. So I will start with the Golden Age stuff. Here's part 2 I checked the Registry and there are some 265 SA Flash sets registered. Nearly all incomplete. The reason I imagine is because all books have to go through the process. For a collector on a pretty limited budget its kind of unsettling. I would love for my run, when complete, to be recognized some how. But its unlikely given the cost to do all 245 books. Spending $20 or more to register say a $5 copy of Flash 340 seems, well not likely in my case. It may be a mission of mine once I finish the run. But I will have to wait and see. What are your thoughts on the Registry?
  15. I thought I'd start off by offering a $25 Visa gift card and throw in a winners choice package that features one of the 3 comics pictured below. There will be a few other mystery comics (related) thrown in depending on which feature book you choose. Sound good? There will be 3 choices: Hawk and Dove package Little Lulu package (1950's rescued from HPB. I couldn't let her go unappreciated any longer) Savage Heroes package (Little Lulu would not upload for some reason. I will try and get it in later)
  16. The waiting is the hardest part! I thought last Friday that they were due last Sunday, I racked my brain getting them all graded last Saturday night lol!!! I should just spend a little time over on the prize thread and post my prize already!
  17. You hit the nail on the head. Thor has been consistently the most popular, I think over the years. Bat man has so many other titles and he did not originate in B&B. TOS I believe would always run a distant 2nd or 3rd. Not having looked at all the details I would tend to believe at some point they will become more collectable and sought after. Then the price will climb of course. JIM and early Showcase will always lead the pack I would think. Very interesting though! Thanks for bringing it up! I'm going to have to look into it further and get back to you😀
  18. From a collector's stand point I've always been curious about these kinds of titles and wondered why they weren't more valuable. Are you asking if we think they might jump up in the near future? Its so hard to say. I've always thought they had potential. I would love to own some of these! I'll have to take a look at the data.