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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. Also how long have you been "grading" cards? I am curious because if it is something you just recently picked up or started doing, my guess is this is your first taste of "hey maybe I am not as good at self grading cards as I thought" and that's okay. Happened to me with comics....took a solid 20 years of self grading to even feel 75% confident when I self grade a book.
  2. You have posted nothing. Posting a bunch of lower grades doesn't mean diddly to me. It means you think they dinged you. But did you look at WHY they might have dinged you? Did you look at grader's notes? Have you seen these 6.5 and 7.0 and 7.5 cards and compared to others in that grade to determine if they legitimately screwed you or (and here is something to consider that might blow your mind) maybe they really are those grades? No you have not done that. Until you do, you are just a mad whiner. Show some images OF THE CARDS, not of CGC's grades. Show some images OF THE GRADER NOTES.
  3. Okay....like I said, post pics of these poorly graded cards. Share the notes. You are just posting a grade and saying they did a bad job in comparison to other batches you sent. Prove it beyond just posting the grade. Show me your cards you think are 9.0-9.5 that were graded 6.5-8.0 or whatever and then you have me interested in your supposed dilemma. Until then, you are just whining because you did not get what you wanted.
  4. Sounds like you are upset with some grades because they weren't as high as another company....so then use the other company exclusively and don't bother with CGC. Also, you do know that condition, while important, is far from the only way cards are graded. Unlike with comics, which CGC tends to be forgiving with manufacturing defects, cards are not that way at all. Centering, strike, etc. all play a huge roll. So until you get some pics of these supposedly "badly" graded cards, it is just you yelling about nothing.
  5. Exactly I am just not sure who these buyers are and would love to talk to one.
  6. Are there die hard card people who don't already have these? Are they sports card fans seemingly thinking that an influx in their own hobby will immediately translate into the comic hobby too? I am so confused.... Maybe I am in the minority when I say this but for me, these cards are just fun to have. If I see packs here and there for a couple bucks at thrift shops, antique malls, etc., sure I buy em. Heck, I might even spend $50-100 or so on an unopened box if I found them. But to spend more on a card than the actual comic that the card is depicting!?!?!? for $1500 you can get an entry level condition of that actual comic!!!! Even spending $500 on such a card seems incredible. This is something that, if I had any of value or unopened boxes, they would be going up for sale yesterday.
  7. This market has to implode.....right!?! Late last year, cards like this ONLY sold if they were PSA 10's and even then when they sold it barely even covered the cost to grade the cards in the first place. I would love to understand the buyers here...I feel like many of us as comic collectors, we have happened into these cards perhaps simply because of the connection or in conjunction when we collected in the 90s. These cards are plentiful. Even still boxed and wrapped. Is this just extremely amateur people no knowing this and spending a ton on these cards? Which has now lead to the demand for unopened packs and boxes with the thoughts of getting PSA 10's? Grading cards though is very dependent upon the card appearance, meaning even a perfect condition card could not get a PSA 10 if centering is off or colours are not as bright. I think the market will be flooded this year with PSA 10's. I don't see these being things that you can buy for (gulp) $1500 now, and expect to profit off in 5-10 years. I just don't. But could I be very very wrong!?!?
  8. " And do you, interior splash page, take this incomplete comic to be your lawfully wedded book....through Marvel chipping and sun fade, through the spine stresses and daily wear that life may bring?" "I do" "I now pronounce you .....a CGC Qualified 7.0"...
  9. I mean unless your shelves are in a dingy basement (where you should not store comics to begin with), I doubt they would ever affect the boxes. Even if they did after 40-50 years, just get new boxes.... Elevating your books is a good idea though. Even if it is just a couple inches, as most flooding does not go behind that (unless it is flooding from an extreme weather event).
  10. True it is a late Silver Age book so it still had value. I still think it’s being bought for more than it should be but I agree that Defenders issue is a better example.
  11. True^^^ For me, I don’t own any sadly except Nick Fury 1. A Silver Surfer, Iron Man and Subby 1 top my list in that order. The Hulk, Cap and Dr Strange books do little for me personally.
  12. Is it bad that I don’t think any of it happens without both? Kirby had a lot of ideas and took a lot of vague ideas and turned them into the visual history we know. Stan contributed ideas too but without his persona to drive the company, I wonder if Marvel would have survived like it has.
  13. I agree it is a plausible theory and makes some sense but it’s a deep dive. I was simply acknowledging that I believe it had an effect on the market, whether intentional or not, and that has me curious. As someone who has these issues, maybe I should rejoice and just sell them for this insane amount but I more so feel for someone trying to get into Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver history and now they have to pay $40-50 for that issue because everyone is now listing it as “1st Chthon” like it matters.....
  14. My point is this.. A couple guys, each with a relatively large number of followers online, pitch the Chthon theory. Prior to Feb 6th, Avengers 186 had sold somewhat, in its typical $5-10 range as it is a fun arc for collectors, and there was the ocassional $15-20 sale for nicer copies. However, since their life stream went up on Feb. 6, there have been 50+ sales (and counting) of Avengers #186. You cannot tell me that they had zero affect on that. Maybe their intentions were for it not to happen but it has (to the point where someone paid $150 for a raw copy!?!?!). I don't know if it is a combo of clueless buyers/collectors, I don't know if it is people thinking they need to have it or FOMO or whatever, and I don't know if these four guys are quietly selling copies that they had for $60-100 now because they can. And I don't know their motivations. But the fact that they used Youtube to share that theory to tens of thousands of followers vs here where hey maybe some like it, maybe some don't.....it has me curious is all.
  15. Ya if you want a 9.4-9.6 copy, they are relatively affordable and best purchased already graded. Plus, an abundance of these exist (remember print runs on comics in the 90s were in the 500000's compared to 100000 or so for mass published comics today. Unless it had a high personal value to you, or you just really love it, I would not grade or buy the grade I want rather than spend to grade and possibly be disappointed by the result.
  16. I apologize, I wrongfully assumed your motivation. I do think it is a very deep and well thought theory by those people. Extremely sensible and connects dots well (which I seem to be having difficulties with today lol).
  17. I never said what anyone collected sucks...I've said I don't like it but I am one guy. Just like I think watching a TV show hoping it will cause a comic to spike and you to make money seems odd to me. If Agatha harkness has zero connection to anything at all by the end of this, are you gonna hate the show because you spend $100 on CGC 6.5, cleaned and pressed it to try to get an 8.0 but now it won't be worth it? Will that make you hate the show?
  18. Yeah well when those guys each have 10000 plus followers and they come up with some info (legit or completely just their own thoughts), you don't think even a small fraction like 1% of viewers dont go out and impulse buy? That is 100 people which will surely make it look like a book is "moving on ebay" as they say.
  19. A very good point. For me as a collector, Golden Age stuff is outta range (for the most part) but I still view Silver Age as stuff I like and can get, even though a lot of it is expensive. For newer collectors (of which I technically am due to age, 32 but having started collecting silver and bronze stuff when I was 12 I think I am the anomaly), maybe they view Silver Age stuff as "unobtainable" or for them, even unreadable, so they focus on the later 60s and 70s as an era that while still corny, they can enjoy at that is where they put their money. Like the guy buying Iron Man 1...it ran until he was a kid (in the 90s I assume) so maybe he started with an Iron Man #300 or something as a kid and wanted to go back and so Iron Man 1 makes sense for him. But going further back, maybe he feels those stories are even more dated and of less interest...
  20. I agree 100%. And here is why With Subby, you have a bunch of GA stuff...hard to find and expensive, but it exists. You also have early FF appearances and Tales to Astonish appearances that precede this first issue. With Iron Man, similar tale. Lots of earlier appearance in Tales of Suspense and Avengers before his own book. With Hulk, same With Cap, same With Dr. Strange, same With Nick Fury, same Silver Surfer also has a handful of appearances in FF and TTA that precede this issue, however none are stories focused solely on him. Yes TTA never solely focused on Hulk but you did get a story where he was the central character in TTA issues. With Surfer, he was always a character who came into the story. For some of those reasons (and because I will argue that that cover plus it being a square bound book) add to the value that book should have and is where I would put my money personally. I would rather that issue in mid high grade above all the others
  21. If you love Wanda and Quicksilve and their history, sure, pick up and read Avengers #184-188 I believe it is. Fun backstory on them. But if you just wanna try to flip money on books and think that is where you should go to find great profits by the end of this show....lol
  22. By speculators you mean a quartet of guys who stream Youtube content whose word you treat as gospel because why not? I know who you mean and while entertaining, I would not take any of their theories to heart. Fun, sure. But they have proposed dozens of theories since episode 1 (and dozens of theories about MCU spec for years now) many of which never happened and likely never will. But because they theorize on it all, of course they will hit on something. I love how they say "oh this is a book to get" and then follow it up with "we aren't telling you to invest in these books". But...but...you just said to do that!?!
  23. It means "I watched one particular Youtube channel where a guy realllllllllllllllllly stretched the dots to make a point and it lead to Chthon somehow making sense so now I am believing that as the holy truth and hoarding his first appearance to sell for mad profits"