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Posts posted by StillOnly25Cents

  1. general question for those who have submitted for SS remarques

    on the submission form there is box where you submit details (limited to 150 characters) for your remarque 

    does CGC read that info that you entered to the artist at time of signing or do you need to make sure and include some details on your window bag?

    also how descriptive do you get, I know it is ultimately up to the artist's digression but 150 characters isn't a lot of info 

    I didn't go into much if any detail on my submission form other than to list the character, the cover I am submitting is a pretty busy cover as it is and just don't know how much more info I need to include or just let the artist wing it and hope for the best

  2. re: "One of more of your submissions cannot be processed as entered.  Please check the order information, and try again" error message when trying to submit for SS event


    how do I know if this is due to CGC server side system issues or if it is because I did something incorrect on the submission?

    I have gone back multiple times and don't see any field that calls out a mistake/error in my entry and I cannot determine if it is on CGCs side because they have refused to take the system completely down


  3. 14 minutes ago, BRUCEK7181975 said:

    this is crazy still can t submit


    same, and all the while they announced a new signing today

    why are they announcing new signings and not just disabling the submission forms until the issues can be fixed?  

    is it still working for select people and how do I know if it's not working because I entered something wrong or not?

  4. 29 minutes ago, Strike W said:

    its working now for me, thank you!

    are you sure about that, I got all the way to the end of a submission and got a "One or more of your submissions cannot be processed as entered. Please check the order information, and try again" yet there is nothing indicating any errors 

  5. 3 minutes ago, ExNihilo said:

    Customer satisfaction trumps in this situation.  When I ask for a signature to be added to a particular book, does my facilitator tell me "tough luck" because they don't want to go dive through the pile of books to make the addition?  No.  Why should a million dollar business provide worst service than someone operating a private business out of their home?  Logistically, I would hope that when my book is received, it's assigned a barcode or reference number and then filed away until it's my turn to get graded.  If a customer wants a book changed, it should just be the case of pulling up the reference number and identifying where that's stored.  This shouldn't be like diving for the Ark of the Covenant at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.  As with anything else, money talks.  The fact that a book isn't in a windowed bag shouldn't be a limiting factor.  They charge $5 to remove a book from a slab.  Go ahead and charge $5 for a windowed bag then.  Just another add-on service/source of revenue.  As a customer, I'd happily pay $30 for some intern to go find my book instead of taking the risk of the book being mailed back to me, then having to package it up, pay shipping charges, slabbing charges all over again, and the added time the book is with the post office.

    sounds like you have all the makings to start your own successful grading company .... good luck in your venture

  6. 10 minutes ago, ExNihilo said:

    Damn, I'd call back and ask to speak to a manager.  That's some bull poop if they can't pull your submission and move it to a different pile.

    it isn't about just moving a book to a different pile

    stop for a second and put yourself in the company's position .... first they have to even locate the book, the invoicing and billing would be different and would all need to be redone, there is no window bag on the book (something they say they will not accept for SS submissions) .... if they make an exception for one person how many others do they need to do the same for .... logistical nightmare not to mention liability to them if something happens to the book in the process.

  7. On 4/25/2021 at 7:31 PM, Gatsby77 said:

    OMG - this is perfect. “The Power Broker...Is it Mephisto?”


    early in this series I believed there was a chance (though a bit of a longshot) that the unrevealed character in the shadows being referred to as the Power Broker could actually be Kingpin.   Crime lord, connection with art gallery, etc 

    After the series concluded I wasn’t any closer or further to believing, however one thing just occurred this evening that now has me still considering .... I happened to be rewatching Netflix’s Daredevil season 1 and just made my way to episode 12 and got to the part at the end where ...... spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn’t seen it and doesn’t want to be spoiled .... Kingpin confronts Ben Urich in his apartment .... as the camera focuses in on Fisk, he is sitting in front of Urich’s bookcase and there is a book on the shelf with a white dust-jacket that clearly stands out .... title of the book, “The Power Broker”