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CGC Journals
Posts posted by Paratrooper
Wow (thumbs u , that is some book. Nice MGA #4 Z!
Never seen it. Wonder if Trooper has it on his list?
What book is it? Photobucket is blocked here.
really great pics. i just start to drewl every time i see one of those shadow books. that would be me walking around a con looking like michael jackson.
just trying to show my dedictaion to being at the place i need to be.
I have no idea what you just said.
Are we going to live long enough to see you post an Action 2 in this thread? :
I've been going after trooper books since 2006, someday you'll see an Action 2....just wait a few more years/decades...
occassionally I'll find gems like this, and cheaply!
Lost Valley, one of my Heritage tracker bids actually won this!
A couple of Masters - Sultan goodness
Airborne! (thumbs u
Here's a few nice books just back from CGC.
Wonder how much room I'll need to do a paratrooper groupshot? Might need my whole living room
I bought Madhouse #4 from Shiverbones a few years ago...but recently sold it back to him because he liked it so much. Only when it left my collection did I really miss it, so by chance I went onto ebay that same day I mailed it... and bought another one.
SNot to be overly pessimistic, but to think that you're going to generate enough money to cover all of expenditures necessary for a qualified attorney to bring Dupcak to justice here on these messages boards is insane. You're looking at a minimum of six figures, hours and hours of time spent and who's to say he doesn't deny it all, hire his own defense team and counter sue you right back?
Uh, no. I think you misunderstand the situation and the proceedings. First, it wouldn't cost six figures, as I believe Mark is simply retaining this attorney as specialized help. This isn't going to cost six figiures. I think Mark will be doing a great deal of the work, but as he mentioned, he may need oe help with respect to how family court works, issues about who the judge is, nuances with regards to child support
Second, this isn't a situation where he can counter sue. This is a child support hearing in family court. If he wanted to sue Jan, he'd have to do so in a separate action.
I haven't misunderstood anything. You are kidding youself if you don't think Dupcak if he feels he is wrongly accused wouldn't file suit against esquirecomics or anyone else whom he feels is ruining his buisness and public reputation. Simply bringing up what some feel are unethical buisness practices at a single custody hearing and to think that you're going to get the answers you're looking for isn't even realistic.
I can only hope for such an opportunity to delve into every aspect of his life and financial business. Bring it on Danny!!! Please, please, please.
My law firm address for service of the legal papers is 1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Ste. 200, Washington, D.C. 20036.
I didn't mean for you to get so on the defensive; I was just playing devils advocate. I wouldn't know the slightest about criminal litigation as I haven't been into a courtroom in over six years. To be perfectly honest I also haven't read to much into this Dupcak situtation other than he was defrauding clientele. Does it not make sense to you though that he may take on any retalitory means necessary in order to salvage his reputation?
-David (who will stay out of this)
you got a damn good lawyer on your azz, you are sooooo screwed D-bag
Very very!
Ah, I've been watching that book for two years on Comicconnect. Just couldn't pull the trigger because I have an ok copy. Congrats, sweet book.
When I see the term "original owner" used (without qualification) in a sale description, I take it to mean that the seller purchased the subject book off the rack. Is it acceptable to describe something as "original owner" (without qualification) when the book was either purchased directly from the original owner (which makes the seller its second owner) or purchased from the dealer who purchased it from the original owner (which makes the seller its third owner)? At what point does the "original owner" characterization (which implies first-hand knowledge of everything that's been done to/with the book to date) become inaccurate and/or misleading?
Just askin'
It's a gimmick that should be ignored, just pay attention to the condition of the book and price.
wow, that is a great book from the fuelcave! congrats!just one rivet book to go--who wants to see that 1-22 run complete? whoever you are, p.m. me a holdays price on a planet 8.One meeeeellion dollars!
Careful Stevie, he just might do it.
I don't think he will.....
prescient as always, our fuelman. no he didn't do THAT one--but he did do this one---run done, baby. to borrow from steve, thanks a MILLION bob!!
WOOT !!!
awesome awesome book. i want one!!!
back off mister
Just didn't seem like this had been quoted enough.
Looked to me like it had.
Maybe you're right.
One more time!
I see a theme...
can't put my finger on what it is though.
in the end it doesn't matter, If I want a book and have the money, trust me...Money wins!
Not with everyone. I'll start a list
1) joeypost
3) thehumantorch
4) Count
5) DRX
6) flatrock02
7) slym2none
8) scottish
9) Paratrooper
Anyone care to join?
If you're on the Probation list I don't want to buy from you or sell to you.
(thumbs u
(thumbs u
Here are few more.
Umm, the guy in the middle should re-think his position
Don't see this book that often!
I would like to make some sort of wager that the sale wasn't paid for by a legit buyer.
Does anyone know if it was actually paid for? Looking at the final bid in auction houses is fine and all, but knowing if it was PAID for says a lot more.
Are you up to your old shenanigans, Troop?
Nope, eventhough the beginings of Pedigree was on the foundation of fraud and theft. I didn't mess with this auction.
Does anyone know if it was actually paid for? Looking at the final bid in auction houses is fine and all, but knowing if it was PAID for says a lot more.
2nd String DC Sci-Fi
in Silver Age Comic Books
I think that's on my list, I forget. I'm pretty sure I don't have it yet though