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Everything posted by malvin

  1. ah yes. And relisted at a higher price too. No doubt they clued in that the price was too low when they were hit with too many purchase requests. That happened to me a few times, but you just take note and move on. Malvin
  2. I know it presents better, but I don't understand the mentality of buyers who would pay more for an OA with cover dress (beyond the ~$200 cost of a cover dress). I thought about getting some done for covers I might sell, but since the covers I sell are only typically priced from ~$1K to $2K I didn't think it was worth it. (as in I wasn't confident the new price I can sell the cover for would justify the cost of the cover dress). But others do it, and it seems to work for them. Malvin
  3. Ya, I've seen his auctions for awhile now, he always has those words in the title for whatever reason. Malvin
  4. If it is in the right ebay category, with no typos and decent scans, there is no way it is a good deal if it is still sitting there all this time You probably value it higher than the market, which is something we all do. Malvin
  5. well.. my only useless insight is that if its as too low it would be gone. Malvin
  6. There are tons of 80's Big 2 Super hero cover that won't go anywhere near $1K. I should buy them all and sell to you at $1k! Malvin
  7. the one thing that is odd is that Perez pages are regular sized while Lim's are large art. I talked to Lim about this and he didn't know Perez did his art on regular board, he was under the impression that Perez also drew on large art like he did (and I assume he was told to do so). I joked that maybe thats how they show extra detail on his art! Malvin
  8. If that is true, why wait until now? I assume another reason could be that HA opened some sort of office in the state? Malvin
  9. That guy is on these boards and it's not surprising he has them. Malvin
  10. Awesome, can't wait to get mine too! Malvin
  11. Here are my entries. Big thanks of course to Brian Peck, Bill Cox, and all those who organize this and make it possible. It was quite hard to pick my 5 entries this year, it felt harder than previous years, but here they are: 1. JR JR Daredevil Man Without Fear Cover - Lowry Link And it's the Kingpin one not the Elektra one I also got I like the Kingpin one better despite many friend thinking I am crazy. I thoroughly enjoyed this series. While I am quite happy with the panel page I already had, I felt that I had to act to buy when the cover became available. 2. Brian Bolland Judge Dredd Cover - Lowry Link I enjoy the early Judge Dredd issues, especially the Bolland ones, but I had to look up who mushroom face was. But hey, I finally have Bolland cover! 3. Tim Sale Dark Victory Half Splash - Lowry Link Thoroughly enjoyed both Long Halloween and Dark Victory. Quite pleased with my existing examples but was glad to add another great one. 4. Ron Lim & Al Milgrom Infinity War page with Thanos, Warlock, and more - Lowry link This was actually the hardest to pick, I had to pick this over other great panel pages. Like many I enjoyed Infinity Gauntlet but not the rest, but this one just has the same look and feel and I could not resist 5. Josh Middleton Scarlett of GI Joe Commission - Lowry Link I rarely get commissions, but I always wanted a Josh Middleton Scarlett for my theme so I jumped at the chance and boy, it's so hard to get something well beyond my expectations but I did! And now the honourable mentions that were almost picked but ultimately were not: 1. Walt Simonson X-Factor page - Thought this was a best of entry for sure when I got it, but as they say, you never know! 2. Kilian Plunkett Red Son page with Wonder Woman vs. Batmankoff battle - I love Red Son, it pained me not to include this, but I guess it showed how great a year I had! 3. Tim Sale Catwoman: When In Rome battle page - Any other year this too would be a no brainer entry for e! 4. Gary Frank Hulk vs. Wolverine Convention Sketch - My best convention sketch this year and I didn't even attend it! It's great to have friends in this hobby 5. Matt Wagner Edsel Sketch - The colours just pop! even after all these years! Thanks for looking. Happy collecting everyone! Malvin
  12. I provided page for Miracleman and they sent me a copy too (these were floppies, not TPBs or omnibus) Malvin
  13. For the ones they correct, is it generally upwards or both upwards and downwards? They have a lot of pieces where they claim that Romita Sr, Frank Miller, or others have touched when 99% of collectors feel differently. Malvin
  14. they are doing it. Don't buy any "unused covers" from them. Malvin
  15. I thought the discussion on Batman was an "unreasonable" premium. More popular characters will also be more expensive than less popular characters. So Spiderman and Batman art is generally more expensive than Wonder Man or The Question art (all things being equal, i.e. same artist, both are covers etc). But the thread was talking about Batman as being super high due to what Capullo accomplish and what SGM is doing. Malvin
  16. yeah, that concerns me too. Another phrase they use is "redrawn cover" example on ebay Pricing high is one thing, slapping trade dress on a modern con sketch and calling it a vintage unused cover is a whole other level. Malvin
  17. I exchanged holiday greetings with Spencer. He said he was sick so got behind but will put on a sale "in a day or two". That was a week ago, so not sure if it is still coming or not Malvin
  18. just saw this BIN on ebay, good luck Porter JLA BIN
  19. PUBLISHED GI Joe Cover featuring Scarlett by Howard Chaykin
  20. Thanks for the link. Interesting read. Nothing I really didn't already know in terms of comic art collecting concepts (since I do consider myself a seasoned collector). Lots of artist I don't really follow, which is not surprising since I don't read comics anymore. Its a great introduction into the hobby though! Malvin