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Everything posted by mr.schomburg

  1. Top notch book sir! Well done and great to see. Thanks for posting Schommy
  2. Sweet, can't wait to see your books. Thanks for throwing in some more Timely's, Tonights shared books, are amazing...Koudo's to you Bang'z, treamendous comic collection. Paul
  3. SaaaWwwweeet Rick!!!! I want that book so bad, I gotta make that one of my goals for this year. Congrats my friend, I know you were dying to lay your hands on one of these. So how many left including paid but not recieved? 34?.....or so!
  4. Bill, Compared to your recent splurges, thats nothing , and thanks can't wait to have them in hand. Paul
  5. that fonky staple sure isn't hurting anything with it in a slab, now is it? about the best looking 6.0 on record. Yes, that staple doesn't bother me at all, might make it harder to read, but really doesn't detract from cover at all in my opinion. In a slab, well don't know why it got the GLOD, but doesn't matter to me, its unrestored, and presents like a VF. CHECK OUT SOME TIMELY'S ON SALE FROM MY EBAY AUCTIONS END 4/10/2007 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1
  6. This one is on the way from Surfer, as he got a smoking copy last week! Has a some color touch, but still nice copy and solid. I am pleased! CHECK OUT SOME TIMELY'S ON SALE FROM MY EBAY AUCTIONS END 4/10/2007 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1
  7. Thank you, Thank you, you really love me, you really love me! I am taking a bow right now. Gotta love a little oscar speech every once in while! I love it, been on my most wanted for a while. They kept coming up right after big purchases, but it worked out in the end. I got this one cheeper and looks better than the rest. Paul
  8. Thanks, Mr. B Checked out your web site today, nice site with lots of good stuff. I see you have a Cap 3, will keep it in mind. I need it but man I keep blowing my budget. I think I am going to liquidate all of my silver age DC, can't part with the Marvels. I am just addicted to GA books. I really like this copy as it really only has one flaw in my opinion and shouldn't be a Green label, not that I care one way or the other. A small piece of tape inside, the incorrecty manufactured staple posistion is printing error and doesn't bother me a bit. I think it presents like a F/VF or better. I'll know more when I get it in hand. Paul
  9. I won a mini grail of mine tonight on Ebay. One of my very favorite covers. Sweet copy to boot.
  10. I actually find these posts very refreshing and interesting to look at. These books rarely show up in high grade and they have great covers. I am just as curious to see his major keys, but lets face it, I know what the cover to Action 1 and Detective 27 look like almost like the back of my hand. I say show more of this obscure stuff! Ken I agree. I think those Walt Kelly and funny animal books were some of his most interesting posts. You just never see them, let alone in high grade. For the record, I was soooo kidding around. I thought I was clear on that, and yes these are wonderful books.....I just happend to be drinking 2 buck chuck last night!
  11. Ok, Ok, these are incredible books from the time period, but lets be real here. Looking at tonights post after a long wait is like looking at 1950's porn. You don't want to look away, but it does hold a candle what you can see today. So my point is while these are awsome books, I and if everyone else was honest would say is bring on the major keys. Lets see that Tec 27, and some other sick Sh$t you have pilled in that amazing collection of yours. Bless you reguardless, and thanks, but bring out the good stuff. Quit serving your guests 2 buck Chuck! Just Kidding! Post what you want, I just love super hero books Paul
  12. When I started collecting comics again about 4 years ago, I said Paul just focus on Silver age Marvel, and DC's Showcase title. Keep my interests small in hopes of completing nice full silver age runs. Quickly that expanded into a few more DC titles and most early bronze and all bronze keys. When last year I decided after completing 95% of my marvel, and huge chunks of DC at least keys and short and or early runs, to collect GA Timely's, I thought cool I can stay focused on these few titles. Captain America, MMC, All Select, All Winners, and all GA Cap books. That should be more than enough to keep me busy for the next 20 years. I was so wrong, since joining the boards I have found myself interested in so many diff. books my head is spinning. So I just picked up my first two Planet Comics in high grade VF- range issue 50, and 55! I will post pics later next week when they arrive. Very excited, keeping up with my new found interests and the Jones's is expensive!
  13. I would not put very much stock in most anything Bob Kane wrote regarding Batman. He was also very quick to state he drew all that stuff as well. His father compiled that original contract in 1939 - leaving out Bill Finger, whom Kane never shared the proceeds with, only acknowledging Finger's close up & personal involvement with Batman's character origins when Kane was close to death's door and some 25 years after Finger died, broke & somewhat bitter. Regarding Siegel & Shuster, even though they did sign away rights to something that had been trying unsuccessfully to get published for some 5 long years, once the Batman contract was evolved at National Periodicals, Irwin Donenfeld went to great lengths to convince me that S&S were well taken care of from 1939 thru 1948, when the 10 year contract was up That if S&S had never sued to get 100% control, they would have had the same Bob Kane deal of a percentage of the profits for life As it was, National paid S&S some half a million dollars each during that 10 years Plus S&S got all the money from McClure Syndicate for the Superman newspaper strip - National got zero from McClure Plus S&S got all the dough from the Fleischer cartoons It wasn't S&S who ponied up the front money to get those first Action Comics published before any one knew why the book was selling From everything I've read, and heard over the years it seems quite evident that Finger, got exactly that, "THE FINGER" considering he co-created one of the most marketed and well liked super heroes ever. Its a shame! That's one perspective. The other is no one held a gun to his head and made him do what he did. Also, from what I know, talking to someone who was there at the time, Finger was paid a lot of money by Kane. If he died broke, he had only himself to blame. No one really knows exactly how he was treated..Good or Bad...but the time dictated a broad based unequality between creators and publishers. Some faired well, and others didn't. I don't have enough details or facts to argue one way or the other at least intelligently, but the figurtive Gun to the Head was in many times relevant during the 30's as we were not completely out of the depression. Do to that I believe many didn't take a risk or rock the boat in fears of having no income and forcing themselves and families into the street. He may have been paid very well for the time period, but just a few years later the income levels skyrocketed and I would imagine the depression dollar didn't go as far. Of course he might have made enough to last a life time and blew it all. Anyway, its all just speculation as we/I was not there and can't possibly know the actuall details of the transactions. Paul
  14. I would not put very much stock in most anything Bob Kane wrote regarding Batman. He was also very quick to state he drew all that stuff as well. His father compiled that original contract in 1939 - leaving out Bill Finger, whom Kane never shared the proceeds with, only acknowledging Finger's close up & personal involvement with Batman's character origins when Kane was close to death's door and some 25 years after Finger died, broke & somewhat bitter. Regarding Siegel & Shuster, even though they did sign away rights to something that had been trying unsuccessfully to get published for some 5 long years, once the Batman contract was evolved at National Periodicals, Irwin Donenfeld went to great lengths to convince me that S&S were well taken care of from 1939 thru 1948, when the 10 year contract was up That if S&S had never sued to get 100% control, they would have had the same Bob Kane deal of a percentage of the profits for life As it was, National paid S&S some half a million dollars each during that 10 years Plus S&S got all the money from McClure Syndicate for the Superman newspaper strip - National got zero from McClure Plus S&S got all the dough from the Fleischer cartoons It wasn't S&S who ponied up the front money to get those first Action Comics published before any one knew why the book was selling From everything I've read, and heard over the years it seems quite evident that Finger, got exactly that, "THE FINGER" considering he co-created one of the most marketed and well liked super heroes ever. Its a shame!
  15. Peter, Sweet book! Nice work...now if only you could find a #9, may your grail come forward. Paul
  16. Well SS if I do have a crack'n party, I will invite you down out of the Cold Frozon Northern Tundra. Well crack a few beers and a few comics... eh! I wanna come too! Bill, You are welcome to join, but bring your Cap 1 so I can drool on myself! Deal! As long as you wear a bib while looking at the Cap! Just as long as you understand, the cap might not leave my house! And where exactly will you be burying my body? Not nessesary, I was planning on the Jedi mind wipe. You would just give me the book freely......There will be no charge for that......you will remember non of this conversation......happy good thoughts.......luke you kissed your sister...... Jedi Mind F#%K complete, Captain #1 now Schommy's........ Bill the Beer fridge is in the Garage next to the Pepsi machine, and no I didn't notice anything funny going on. Would you like to see my new Captain America #1?
  17. Well SS if I do have a crack'n party, I will invite you down out of the Cold Frozon Northern Tundra. Well crack a few beers and a few comics... eh! I wanna come too! Bill, You are welcome to join, but bring your Cap 1 so I can drool on myself! Deal! As long as you wear a bib while looking at the Cap! Just as long as you understand, the cap might not leave my house!
  18. Well SS if I do have a crack'n party, I will invite you down out of the Cold Frozon Northern Tundra. Well crack a few beers and a few comics... eh! I wanna come too! Bill, You are welcome to join, but bring your Cap 1 so I can drool on myself!
  19. Well SS if I do have a crack'n party, I will invite you down out of the Cold Frozon Northern Tundra. Well crack a few beers and a few comics... eh!
  20. Are you tempted to crack those, maybe read them? Took me a few years but I broke down and became a "crack" addict. I read them all before I slabbed them, have been thinking of cracking a few lately...But I don't trust myself. If I do, I should have a party and crack them all in one sitting. Paul
  21. I didn't try, but sure enough thats a silver. Forgot it was in that box! Thats a special book for me, its the first back issue marvel comic I bought back in around 1980. Let me refraze that, first from a comic shop, I had bought harvey's from a second hand book store, but never a super hero book. Somehow able to keep it in VF condition for almost 30 yrs. Without that book, I probably would not be collecting GA Timely's today, so for me it is a key and prized book. I tried to get all three of my timely box's into the shot but then you couldn't read the labels. Paul
  22. As many MMC and Cap's as possible. Actually any Timely would be greatly enjoyed by me and I know of many others. Have fun with your family, I guess we will see if this board is in your blood. I don't think I could stay off for a week, even If I had family at my house...... Once again Bangz, wonderful stuff. Paul