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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. hey Bob, there's something strange about your copy. Is it the scan or are the letters "AMERICA" really gray on your copy? And look at Jonn Jonnz cape, is it also grey? no blue at all? I dont have a copy handy, but I seem to recall the letters being just CYAN/blue, without any black/grey plate at all. We discussed this a few pages ago...it's definitely missing the blues. I also posted a book that was missing blue and had weak reds. Looks like the guy watching the printing occasionally took a coffee break. I was there... read all that. What I meant was that while theres too little blue, I dont get why theres grey underneath the blue, especially in the logo. Thats a bright blue, almost 100 cyan. Your copy shows a mid grey. Almost like the grey was printed INSTEAD of the blue. THAT would be exceptional. Thats what Im getting at. unless its just a scan issue. Hmmm...I see what you're saying. Maybe early in the print run and then they noticed they missed the blue? I think we need someone who's an expert on how printing worked back then. I really have no clue. So maybe I have what they call a First Day issue in the coin world ?!? Seriously, it's an interesting theory. The book is in a Bank Vault so I cannot state for sure if it is a scan issue. I'll verify on my next visit to the Vault. well, I finally took a close look at my copy. And Ive solved the mystery as far as my questions were concerned. I still cant explain why your copy looks grey though. Im leaning on the bad scan solution though. But what I discovered is that the cyan/blue that DC used in 1960 was a darker richer cyan ink than what is used today. As such, the blue areas we see on BB28 are 100% cyan with NO black/grey ink nor magenta at all. Jon Jonzz cape, boots, pants, WWs hot pants, the word AMERICA are all just cyan. GLS greens and Aquamans pants are 100 cyan/100 yellow. No grey. The sky is all a cyan tint, no black ink. Starro's center star (around the magenta circles is a tint of just black. The rest of Starro is black and cyan tints. So, there's NO black/grey in any of the areas that are blue on all other copies. So your copy is either a special run (I highly doubt it) or just a bad scan probably from the scanner settings. Maybe a light is out? If you ever get to your vault and take a close look, Im still curious why yours appears grey though. Nice copy too!
  2. its probably a 20-30% grey under 100% cyan..... at least in the artwork. But I always saw the logo as having no black/gray. however, Im blowing this out of proportion. its a 99% chance that the blues ALL have some black/grey in them. Theres only a 1% chance that any were printed with grey only. Probably a weak underinked cyan plate, faded since then, and a scan pushed away from blues.
  3. hey Bob, there's something strange about your copy. Is it the scan or are the letters "AMERICA" really gray on your copy? And look at Jonn Jonnz cape, is it also grey? no blue at all? I dont have a copy handy, but I seem to recall the letters being just CYAN/blue, without any black/grey plate at all. We discussed this a few pages ago...it's definitely missing the blues. I also posted a book that was missing blue and had weak reds. Looks like the guy watching the printing occasionally took a coffee break. I was there... read all that. What I meant was that while theres too little blue, I dont get why theres grey underneath the blue, especially in the logo. Thats a bright blue, almost 100 cyan. Your copy shows a mid grey. Almost like the grey was printed INSTEAD of the blue. THAT would be exceptional. Thats what Im getting at. unless its just a scan issue.
  4. hey Bob, there's something strange about your copy. Is it the scan or are the letters "AMERICA" really gray on your copy? And look at Jonn Jonnz cape, is it also grey? no blue at all? I dont have a copy handy, but I seem to recall the letters being just CYAN/blue, without any black/grey plate at all.
  5. dont apologize for having a life! I wish I had one. : )
  6. ya think? actually the Boards are all over this collection and the auctioneer has posted repeatedly with updates.
  7. O also don think its necessary or even worth going after any 9.2s or 9.4 (HG) of these books. The "formula" will say they are worth 2k - 4K. but are they? A nice 8.0 is a superfine book here and isnt really cheap anymore. And since you will never complete a 9.2 run, why bother passing on all these nice copies? same for Atlas pre-heroes. and I hope I havent convinced anyone holding out for 9.2s to start feeding on this lower grade junk!
  8. for the earlier DC era, a solid 6.5s are "fine" and dandy. and probably look nicer raw given the scarceness of hg copies. You know the kind of old tough to find book that has a lot of niceness to the cover and you ignore the many little problem areas all around it that--of course--- CGC and their bright lights notice right away..
  9. Normally I would agree with you. But I have had a shop for twenty years, and had some incredible stuff walk in the door. I've only had one nice DC war collection offered. And it was mostly in the fine range. And that was about fifteen years ago. Also, Keith Marlow lives here in Houston. I have a pretty good idea of how hard he worked to put his collection together. He worked his butt off! I'm kinda lazy...and I didn't have a price guide with me yessir... a solid 70 - 8.0 war book from this era , especially Keith's books, are a tick or two away from an unread survivor! As good as it gets, or, at worst, a when all is said and done top 5 copy. Cant believe Keith is selling again! but, shhite happens. I guess.
  10. seemed like some real bargains on the AAMWs on Comiclink tonight, eh?
  11. woulda been better is the 1 had panned out as well as the others though. Like it was SUPPOSED to... if it hadnt been restored.
  13. I cant remember when it started talking.. or giving fedback. I also couldnt remember exactly what Abin Sur told Hal either, hoping he didnt tip Hal off as to who he worked for. I dont think he did, right? just that he had to find someone worthy, without fear.
  14. thats a great retcon question. My guess is that in our reality, Hal invented his GL moniker. But in the 2009 retcon universe, it was probably a subconciously induced idea from his ring itself, such that Hal THOUGHT he came up with the idea. Another wacky take could be that Abin Sur worked for himself, and once Hal got his ring, he (and the ring) invented this vast backstory of the Guardians etc and its really only been a creation of Hals mind all these years. In the 60s this would have been a cool 8 pager where the villain (Hector Hammond?) convinces GL that the Corps is not real, and he's going crazy... like what Mysterio did to Spidey in #24.
  15. talking about Spideys, someone just dropped $225K on a string of PC and other 9.6 copies under issue 30. All listed as sales pending on Comiclink.
  16. back to the list and the possibility of a 9.2 or 9.4 copy - - -where is the Bethlehem copy? that run was pretty nice overall. No reason to expect the 22 to be subpar. When the run was available around 10 years ago, the 22 was already gone.
  17. oh, you meant 70s Superman? yeah, pretty consistently lousy by then, But IMO, JLA was a total joke too. You young guys love your BA books because you grew up on them. But us SA guys thought they were dreck! And always did until recent price surges made dealers and collectors reevaluate these stragglers in our collections.
  18. I could be wrong in this, but my impression has always been that JLA was much more popular with DC collectors than Avengers was with Marvel collectors. Next to Batman-related titles, I'd say that JLA was usually the 2nd most popularly collected DC title, whereas I think Avengers historically trailed several of the individual titles. The comparisons aren't perfect, because there were multiple Batman titles while Marvel had a limited number of titles plus several anthology titles that featured 2 characters, but I know a lot more DC collectors for whom JLA was their #1 or #2 title than Marvel collectors for whom Avengers was their #1 or #2 title. Sales figures bear out your theory....Thor was actually the # 3 seller in the mid sixties and the GPA for the # 3 Marvel title shows quite a drop off from 1 and 2. GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u P.S. I think Sgt. Fury was rivalling the sales of Avengers at one point. Well, I was talking more about what was popular in the back-issue market rather than new sales. If we're using new sales as a gauge of popularity, then I believe Superman was the king. But in all my years of collecting, I've never actually known anyone who was a SA Superman collector. Literally every other DC hero, including even Hawk & Dove, Creeper and Metamorpho, but never Superman! JLA was always the most popular title after Batman. Interesting that Thor was #3 in new sales, because he was never that popular among back-issue collectors. nope. say hello to another SA Superman collector! And someone who bought but had diminiishing interest in JLA. Superman may have gotten a bit redundant after the 170s, but it was readable. But JLA fought third rate villains with dumb plots 8 times a year, and even the JSA crossovers got more and more boring with lamer and lamer heroes, AND, it was all drawn by Sekowsky!! I appreciate his art now, but he was DCs Don Heck.
  19. this thread keeps on going! No doubt SH22 is a hot commodity right now. As for current and future values, IMO there is still room to expand price wise. This book has been cheap for too long compared to other DC and Marvel keys. But I caution against too much price appreciation, and of it happening too fast. SHould the movie collapse, it reverts to just another minor characters first appearance (minor compared to the pantheon of already worldwide media superstars Bat SUpe SPidey XMen FF Hulk IronMan etc). and then theres the DC price ceiling. Only a 9.4 or maybe a 9.2 will crack the "truly extraordinary" price levels possible for this book. But there ought to be money to be made (even on paper for true collectors) as this undervalued key finally catches up to its comparable DC keys (Flash 105, BB28, SH4, etc?
  20. look pretty minor to me. thats a killer copy. First Space Phantom too!!!
  21. hey, is this noted in Overstreet as a Captain America prototype? : )