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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. ian... im really curios from an organizational standard.. i find mixing the ages together on a title that spans from GA thru MA to be mixing apples with prunes, but splitting up a title is odd too. how do you file them away?
  2. well, the trick is character vs condition and scarcity. Yes Batman 1 in 9.0 is more plentiful than Flash 1. true. But, going out 20 years Batman will still be Batman, while even if the JLA and Flash movies get up to "Flash 3: the Zoom Effect", and JLA5: Final Crisis people will still say "Wheres the Flash? That's a guy with a funny hat!" So, I'd put my money on Batman over a long forgotten prototype Flash. Flash 1 will still be an important comicbook collectible, but no longer able to draw the top dollar like Supes, Bats and Spidey.
  3. I love that the books are stored vertically. I always wonder if my boxes are wrong as the books are standing on end. but.. heres a question. I can see that these images show probably the GA and SA runs, bagged one to a bag/mylar etc. Do you keep Superman 1 thru 650+ in order all together? Or are the Moderns stored elsewhere, and are the moderns 10 to a bag or 5 or two to keep them manageable compared to their lack of value? I put 10 Moderns in a GA bag with a board down in the middle of the books (one per bag) keeps them flat and safe and easy to move around while cutting down bag and board storage.
  4. I suggest everyone take a few minutes an dread the linked documents. Seems they were just filed on 8/5/08. There are many many letters from Lebowitz and Whiney Ellsworth castigating Siegel for bad stories, bad artwork, bad overseeing of talent, lack of cooperation, lack or seriousness, lack of gratitude(!) ... basically, if these were entered by DC, seemingly an effort o set teh stage for DC replacing them after years of generosity. It also includes annual income totals by Siegel/Shuster for 1038 - 1947. Are you ready? $401K. But as you read the little details about their payments and shares in Superman's income, you have to wonder how much DC took in! All in all, DC talks like a frustrated parent, putting up with these unprofessional kids. Certainly, there is some truth to this. But, if they were so bad, perhaps DC should have made good on their threats to replace them. But they apparently knew there was noone to take over until much later in the 40s. Anyway, its a big complicated enchilada. But fascinating.
  5. "this "Superman"" and "that "Superman"" are incredible references.. Just another 13 page filler comic strip.
  6. is this letter really saying what I think it's saying? That here, National signals its interest in publishing Superman? For the first time??STOP THE PRESSES!
  7. nope... were you? But of the three, If I had to pick one, I could make the strongest case for picking up the freakish 9.4 black cover rare-as-hen's-teeth #3 at that price over the 1 and the 2. But who knows, the 1 may have been the way to go like your 28, which, if I owned, would have me sitting back smiling right now.
  8. ok. fess up! who bought em? To me, these prices are NOT spectaularly or scandalously high.... pretty much in line with the 100K figure bandied about here when they were first reported on.
  9. welcome back Ian! Nice to see a "new generation" of boardees become acquainted with your collection. I dont want to bring up the old days even tangentially, but its very cool to see you negotiating yourself away from the less than complimentary comments this time. Why go there?
  10. ahhh. you bought it cause you gots it all! nice bok. great pink cover!
  11. CBM had a great article where he speculated on why they started with #4. And also why DC Special Series started with 13 (Binky)... I forgot all the details though.. : (
  12. has anyone from DC ever explained why they did this? Seems it would have been an internal accounting nightmare as much as it is a collectors headache for us now!
  13. I hate the holes the 100-pagers double numbered issues leave in a run! And since they fit into both runs, which issue number is their REAL number???
  14. this cannot end well, etc etc this time with the image!
  15. you know? even if they take out the tank with that bazooka, this cannot end well for the guys in the jeep! http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q110/FayWilson/OAAW182.jpg
  16. two things about the dune buggie:1) as constructed I dont see how the tires wouldnt just spin on the ground as the engine turns the axle. and two) didnt NASA just design a 16 wheel Mars outside-affiliatelinksnotallowed? I saw one recently on a TV show about space technology etc.
  17. Tim was speaking more about us than Heritage, to my ears. I thought Id be able to grab the Qualified #3 for a song, but I wasnt willing to pay so much for a Qualified book. I dont mind unread glossy book smanufactured with popped staples. But CGC and most collectors arent so flexible.
  18. I dont think an alarm bell hotline call would be made, no. But these guys "chat" like we do and as comics lovers, the 9.6 JLA 1 is a juicy nugget to mention in a call made for other regular business reasons. (Unless proprietary reasons forbid it) It wouldnt be out of the ordinary for other "hovering bodies" in orbit around CGC to glean the info and start chattering... just as we are here. How many collectors and dealers have you guys mentioned this copy to since the news was broken here? Its not exactly like Heritage has to troll the boards to glean info like we do.
  19. obviously, there are many honest reasons not to "manually" update the census as an auction goes along... there are 1000s of lots selling to 1000s of collectors. But, in this case we have a 30K book that when sold appears to be tied for best copy, when in a few weeks time, just about when it arrives in the buyers eager hands, a new BEST copy will be well known. Of course this same argument says that all bidders on this 9.4 are or should already be aware of the 9.6 in the wings. But here again its good business practices for Heritage as they would be protecting their elite customers (the 30K and up a book buyers) thereby prolonging the relationship with honesty and good advice rather than what might be considered short sighted salesmanship. good point that the 9.6 is still just a scan of a picture. Might not be real. right. Arent we here all convinced its the nuts? Just suggesting that Heritage think about going that extra mile in some special cases. Not that they are doing anything wrong.
  20. reading with comprehension AND retention was always a failing of mines. oh, and spelling too. sue me! Shouldnt Heritage still note that the better copies now exist in CGC slabs so that their buyers might not find out later and be a bit upset? Or does "buyer beware/do your own homework" suffice?
  21. its interesting that in the Heritage listings for JLA #1 and #2 that their Census chart INCLUDES a 9.6 #2 but NOT a 9.6 #1. Werent they graded at the same time and neither are in the Official Census as yet? Or was this 9.6 #2 the second 9.6 to appear?