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Dale Roberts

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Posts posted by Dale Roberts

  1. After much perusing through pages and pages of searches on the internet it seems that the Michael Turner Gijoe 21 and 33 foil variants are extremely hard to find and are in extremely high demand. There were only 500 produced of each.


    I thought it might be interesting to get some feedback from members about how many copies they have in their collection (if any). Please don't leave out unslabbed copies but also keep in mind this is about the silver foil variants and not the regular non-foil variant.


    If anyone can add some info about signatures or sketches on theirs I think it would be very interesting for some of us at least.


    myself I have:


    1 x #21 CGC 9.6 SS zeck, beatty with head sketches

    1 x #21 CGC 9.4 SS zeck, beatty, blaylock with head sketches

    1 x #21 nm/nm+


    2 x #33 nm and nm/nm+ both signed by Turner with coa from GCC




    #21 - 3

    #33 - 2


    please update the total to include your issues....




    You should probably take that 500 number with a grain of salt. I know the guys that made this book (and many others) and those numbers are always low. There are extras made just in case of damages, and those books usually leak out as well. Occasionally books like this go back to printing or occasionally the printed number is kept low, to drive the perception that the book is hard to find. Not saying this isn't a popular book, but I would bet dollars to donuts there are more than 500 copies out there.


    I know for a fact that the Darkness #7 variant made by the same guys was a 5K print run book, but after various printings/etc, the actual number on the book was 15K. There have been MANY books like this over the years.

  2. You see this trend in the hobby. Good stuff stays locked away, until the prices get high enough that some people begin to let stuff go.


    The reason you see OOAW #81 is that it is no longer the 1st appearance of Rock. Now the book you don't see is #83.

  3. I think some people are confusing the story he made up about the slow brother, with Trey's actual abilities. Anyone who can write such a creative epic, should be OK. As for other possible problems, I'll leave that to the people on the board who actually have degrees in psychology, but my guess is, they can't diagnose from rants/posts, alone.


    From my own non professional observations, Trey is a very normal person who gets emotional when he thinks he's in a bit of trouble. Many people do, also something that is very normal.





    I have a child with special needs. I have gone to classes, support groups. Work with his class on a regular basis. I cannot count how many dollars have been spent on social bridges groups, tutoring, etc. If anyone has compassion for the handicapped it is me. It has hit close to home. I don't see this in Trey, I don't. Maybe he is a little off socially but the elaborate stories he concocts tells me he knows exactly what he is doing.


    After all the years I have been here I know Roy will be Roy so I take that with a grain of salt. I personally feel there is never a reason to condone any action based on the "handicap" card. Some things are truly beyond a persons control, but that is not the case with Trey. He was deceptive twice in the same thread first listing a cropped PGX scan and then lying about it and telling those asking to take their business elsewhere.


    For the record, I don't think he's handicapped or special needs. I just think that he is a little socially inept. He just happens to react exactly the wrong way when backed into a corner.


    We're all a little socially inept in one way or another. Trey just happens to be socially internet inept from what I can see.


    Also, I'm not asking anyone excuse his behavior, all I am saying is to keep it in context and perspective. Other well respected, well beloved board members have all sold PGX books knowing that the rules were in place but Trey is going to be the poster boy and I think that's a little unfair.


    It was a learning experience, Trey can answer for himself when his strike is over and Joey and Trey can settle this mano a mano.


    Most drama can be averted with a few simple principles like if your brother offends you go and talk to him about it directly.



    I did. His reaction was not one to indicate a smooth road to resolution.


    Context and perspective is a round about way of saying "excuse his behavior".



    I wouldn't say context and perspective is a round about way of saying excuse his behaviour.


    I would say that context and perspective is a way to keep things fair rather than get tunnel visioned and form a witch hunt.


    The fact that other board members have sold PGX graded books here without facing the wrath of the system simply because they were well liked is one thing to keep in mind,


    I think Chris (comix4fun) said it well, it's obviously an area where the Mods have jurisdiction and he's already been given a strike and a vacation.


    OT to Dale, Just to be clear I wasn't trying to accuse you of anything I was just going by names that were named in this thread over the course of the weekend. Heck, I don't remember but I may have even sold a PGX book or two on here before the rules were put into place.




    (thumbs u

  4. Who else has been selling PGX slabs? Allegedly.
    There was another too. Some GA catman comics iirc, but i dont remember the seller.


    Gator and Alannas


    My 2c


    I think Trey just felt it was OK to bend the rules deal with PGX books "under the table" so to speak in a "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" kind of way because


    a) he'd bought PGX books from other's selling threads

    b) he's seen others selling "non CGC graded" books in other selling threads


    and assumed that on the sly he could slide a sale through. Kind of like not making a full stop at a stop sign or crossing over the yellow lines in a parking lot.


    In the end if it gets enforced you will get caught and fined.


    Because Trey isn't a master mind criminal he got caught with his pants down, and badly and got taken to town on it.


    When he got pressed he reacted in exactly the wrong way. As if all the people that followed his first thread didn't know how he was going to react this time around.




    I personally don't see it as Probation List material as he wasn't trying to defraud anyone although he did break the rules (technically) and should be possibly nominated to the HOS and asked to apologize.


    And you have to be fair to Trey, so if this is the precedent that people want to set then maybe GAtor and alanna and Dale Roberts should have their knuckles rapped too for allegedly selling PGX books.


    Is this starting to sound a little ridiculous to anybody else?




    ps. I like Trey, Watson, Joey, GAtor, Alanna and Dale. Just trying to show a point.



    Maybe if Lennie Small was taught it was not OK to kill small animals and stroke them he would not have killed Curly's wife.


    Personally, I can't remember ever offering any PGX books on the boards. I have never owned more than 8 or 10 PGX books, and most of them I have cracked out and subbed to CGC. It is possible I might have done this in the early days, but I certainly don't remember ever doing it.

  5. This is what I have read in the past 2 months...all by L'Amour


    Sackett’s Land


    To the Far Blue Mountains


    The Warrior’s Path


    Jubal Sackett


    Ride the River


    The Daybreakers


    The Courting of Griselda

    (short story in “End of the Drive”)






    Booty for a Badman

    (short story in “War Party”)


    Mojave Crossing


    The Sackett Brand


    The Skyliners


    The Lonely Men


    Mustang Man



  6. I am currently reading the Sacketts series by Louis L'amour.


    I was in Florida on vacation and the condo where I was staying had some books, and one of them was the Searchers. Well, I liked the movie so I gave the book a go, and it was great. My dad had read all the L'amour westerns and told me how good they were, but I had never read one. Following a theme, I read Hondo first (another John Wayne movie) and the style was elegant and very fast moving, and I liked it alot.


    So I decided to give the Sackett series a try, not really knowing what to expect, except it was a western. Much to my surprise, the first story was one about how the Sacketts came to America and was set in the late 1500s/early 1600s. Lots of high seas adventure and an outstanding read. I would highly recommend it to anyone.


    Actually the first 2 books of the series would make a fantastic series of graphic novels.

  7. Great books, Darwin. Did you get any of them from Joe V? He had a nice new collection.

    Right you are Barton, the FF, Cap and Subby's came from Joe, the DD came from Dale Roberts. Started working on some of the black covers, passed on his Amazing Adventures # 9 tho, not nice enough.


    Hey, the Cap, one of the Subbys, and the DD all came from me (shrug)

  8. Thank goodness the world didn't end or else I wouldn't have picked these up at the NYC show today.




    :applause: Holy smokes, such a tough comic. A Marvel origin story by Lee and Kirby, with only a single 8.5 copy at the top of the slabbed census. Your copy is gorgeous, and looks like it might be nicer than that.


    That was purchased from me. First time I ever met Mark. Seems like a heck of a nice guy. Glad it went to a good home.


    If I knew you were hiding these western gems I would have been bugging you about what you have hm any more?


    Yeah, have a few more, plus some Atlas War and Teen humor in the same grades

  9. Thank goodness the world didn't end or else I wouldn't have picked these up at the NYC show today.




    :applause: Holy smokes, such a tough comic. A Marvel origin story by Lee and Kirby, with only a single 8.5 copy at the top of the slabbed census. Your copy is gorgeous, and looks like it might be nicer than that.


    That was purchased from me. First time I ever met Mark. Seems like a heck of a nice guy. Glad it went to a good home.


    Hulk's strength is not limitless. The limit has simply never been seen yet. The fact that he is powered by gamma radiation and a human body would indicate that his power has limits. At some point, his heart would simply explode.



    Human bodies shouldn't be able to lift mountains either, but in Hulk form it's easy peasy.


    There's never been a limit shown to Hulk's strength, ever. Based on all available data, history and precedent there's no basis for saying there's a limit.


    For further corroboration:


    "During times of high stress or anger, an increase in adrenaline causes the Hulk's strength to increase dramatically. There has never been a limit shown as to the highest strength the Hulk can reach thus it is assumed it is limitless. The Hulk has shown many incredible feats of the years, including holding up a 150 billion ton mountain during the Secret Wars and breaking open Onslaught's armor when the combined might of the rest of the world's heroes couldn't even make a scratch in it."



    The Hulk possesses the potential for limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger. (From Hulk 109-111) This has been reflected in the repeated comment, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside." (Secret Wars #8) His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper.(Hulk #394)



    So the Beyonder, who'd be able to tell, says his power and strength have no limits.


    That last part refutes the "Heart will just explode" hypothesis. As he grows in strength so does his entire physical structure to allow for the additional strength.


    This from Marvel Universe Online:


    His capacity for physical strength is potentially limitless due to the fact that the Hulk's strength increases proportionally with his level of great emotional stress, anger in particular.


    No limit has ever been found. Limitless at this point. Without proof the contrary all proof points to no limit.


    From The Hulk Library Online:


    The Hulk has not yet found an endpoint to his maximum strength, so its upper limit remains a mystery. While described as Class 100 strength, the Hulk has at times proven capable of exceeding this parameter several times over; following exposure to the warp core breach on planet Sakaar, his baseline strength is even higher.


    Given that class 100 is ability to lift 100 tons, and the Hulk's lifted 150 BILLION tons at times...off the charts is a logical area to rate his strength.


    Given all the evidence the Hulk is the only one with unlimited strength of the group...Superman making the 'passing a kidney stone" face BA cover excepted. lol


    While i agree with you that Hulk is strongest, the Hulk did NOT "lift" a 150 billion ton mountain. That was my all time favorite comic book as a kid and i must have read it 1,000 times. I distinctly remember one of the heroes asking how he was holding up the mountain and Hulk said something back like "I'm not holding it, just bracing it with some leverage".


    Still impressive though. Take that Supes! (thumbs u



    If a mountain weighs 150 billion tons, how much do you think the entire earth weighs, and Superman would be pulling that weight from a dead stop, with no earth to push against, not to mention, pulling against gravitational forces.


    No contest.