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Everything posted by Boba

  1. I bet the price is lowered or a lower bid excepted.
  2. I bet the price is lowered or a lower bid excepted.
  3. Another 4.5 had me looking, off-white pages and nice looking colors on cover, but there's a "23" in pencil on the cover (inside the white SHOWCASE banner) and small amount of glue is noted in CGC notes. http://www.comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fitems.asp%3Fid%3D3863&id=875710
  4. Well, this sale almost slipped past me - one day on comiclink and poof, it's sold. I've seen this book before (with it's distinct rubber-stamped cover). I guess the time was right to sell it. http://www.comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch%5Fadv%2Easp%3Fall%3Dy%26TITLE%3D%26TITLEOPT%3DALL%26ISSUE%3D%26Condition%3D%26ConditionTo%3D%26CensusRank%3D%26SearchPageQuality%3D%26Pedigree%3D%26PRICEF%3D%26PRICET%3D%26DESCRIPTION%3D%26DESCRIPTIONOPT%3DALL%26SearchRemarks%3D%26SearchCGC%3D%26EXCLUDE%3D%26CATEGORIES%3D%2D1%26WCATEGORIES%3D%2D1%26SORT%3DNEW%26%5Fwhere%5Fforsale%3Dy%26%5Fwhere%5Fauctions%3Dy%26x%3D27%26y%3D12%26where%5Fforsale%3Dy%26pg%3D3&id=875538
  5. As a result you probably do more drawing then I've done lately
  6. Really well done I love the subject matter, Charlie Chaplin, as well.
  7. On way of drawing fingers, is to draw lots of them. This a detail of an unpublished work, albeit it is unfinished, there was going to be a critter in the jar.
  8. True. I had a vintage car, dumped tons of money into it, and when it came time to sell it, I was lucky to get what I originally paid for it before I did all the work. But it was fun to drive with the top down, and let's face it, comics aren't exactly a chick-magnet, whereas a red convertible can be
  9. Take it from me, it will never be enough
  10. Might not make me happy, but it makes sense. I like my 4.0 LT/OW just fine, although as PQ has become more critical, I'm getting the wandering eyes Bob
  11. Time for an upgrade I wonder what a decent 5.0 could be had for . . if one could find one that is
  12. I saw the disclosure, but didn't see it was cdpaoli. I guess this is another handle he uses? I took it as the seller wasn't sure if it was trimmed, but if it's really "him" then it likely was. The concensus is that this is most likely a new Ebay Id of theirs from a satellite location,in northern cali...maybe a friend/family members unused ebay id,ect...but it smells of the said scammers... Consensus, where? If there's a bulletin board with a list of these scoundrels please tell me I want to know
  13. I saw the disclosure, but didn't see it was cdpaoli. I guess this is another handle he uses? I took it as the seller wasn't sure if it was trimmed, but if it's really "him" then it likely was.
  14. Well, home sick today so time to burn. Found this on ebay.Trimmed? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120653103140&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  15. There's more at stake then the momentary fluctuations of comic book values with comic book superheros moving from the magazine pages to the silver screen. With kids not buying comics like they used to, the medium itself is at risk of becoming obsolete. So, no matter how well they do, I'm happy to see these properties being option for films and video games. I don't know if it will save the comic medium as a whole, but maybe it will help to keep the characters in the mainstream enough to create the next generation of collectors.
  16. That could be related as well Do you think a lot of this collection is going through the Economy/Value Tier ? Doubtful. But it could still draw resources away from other customers books.
  17. Economy can take longer than estimated. I'd call CGC and ask what the status is. Lately their online status has been behind, in that I've seen items go from "verified" to "shipped/safe" and then arrive the day the status changed. No joke. Maybe they're backlogged with all the recent conventions and don't have time to update the online status screen.