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Everything posted by Boba

  1. Darn, with so many comic-related shows and plot lines to keep up with, I don't remember this - did that really happen? Is so, that would seem significant. He did stand up in the first episode we saw him in before he was 'crippled' and in the subsequent flashback to the night the accelerator exploded. (he was popping a champagne bottle to celebrate). I know he stood up when he was in that secret room he went into - but I didn't remember him standing in front of them. That would suggest they know what's up.
  2. Darn, with so many comic-related shows and plot lines to keep up with, I don't remember this - did that really happen? Is so, that would seem significant. I thought about that as well, as much as it's far-fetched, it could also explain the above - in that maybe Grodd has both Catlin and Cisco under his mind-control.
  3. Hmmmm, maybe Well's was somehow involved in the creation of Zoom's powers, but then he was brought to and trapped in the past by the reverse-Flash, and he's created the present day Flash so he can get back to his time? I know, a stretch, but when you mentioned that he's " . . . obviously being protective for some unknown reason but it's obvious he wants or needs Barry for some purpose . . . " it got me to thinking maybe he really needs him to get back to his own time. . . . and maybe Zoom brought him to the past to destroy Flash before he was created - hence killing his mom.
  4. Let's not forget this guy slipped a blade into a mans chest and killed him in cold blood. I'm not sure why Barry Allen would do that. It's also puzzling why the same guy that did this supposedly invented the technology that gave Flash his powers. It's very confusing to me, this evidence of both good and evil intentions.
  5. We already know he's faking it, we saw him get out of the wheelchair. Interesting concept, that Well's could be Grodd cloaked in illusion, but I don't know, that may be a little too out there.
  6. Irrational exuberance, or wishful thinking I suppose
  7. It's the old comic reality, don't try to make sense of it, it'll drive you nuts. I mean Clark Kent only needed glasses and a little change of tonality to fool everyone.
  8. Ray referred to someone named Gardner I think the name was - something about transferring ownership of the mine to (or from) a person by that name. Did anyone pick that up? It has been pointed out that Guy Gardner is the GA GL and Gardner Fox created Atom.
  9. Population numbers from the CGC census for both books in the grade 6.0 AF15 6.0 - UNIV: 47 - QUAL: 2 - SS: 3 - RESTO: 47 = TOTAL: 99 SC4 6.0 - UNIV: 6 - QUAL: 0 - SS: 0 - RESTO: 8 = TOTAL: 14
  10. It's a long way to the end, maybe $25k is achievable with the juice.
  11. I think that is in there to appeal to their demographic, but I also think it'll get better as time passes. They have a heck of a lot more skin in the superhero game then Smallville, which only nibbled around the edges of it until close to the end of the series. They already are changing to calling him the Flash, and there's plans fOr some totally full-tilt superhero vs super villain battles. And then there's Grodd, Time-Travel, Zoom . . . well you see where I'm going. There's a lot on the menu. We got to stick with it.
  12. He 1st appeared in Showcase #4 too http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Showcase_Vol_1_4
  13. I hear you Boba. I agree with alot of what you said. Having said that, I do think that some of the scenes that have Flash running around and getting ready to do whatever look like they're straight out of the pages of a comic. I love how they are doing that stylized slow-motion and simultaneous rotation. BTW: If last night's episode wasn't evidence enough of Wells being Zoom I don't know what is....however: I agree - a lot of good stuff there. (thumbs u
  14. Maybe a distant relative of the cop? Was this posted anywhere? http://www.cinemablend.com/television/Flash-Getting-More-Powers-Soon-Here-Details-68480.html "So far on The Flash, Barry Allen has accomplished impressive feats like running up a building and running on water, but his powers haven’t been used much for non-running uses (other than healing fast and disguising his voice). In the comics, Barry is capable of doing more with his powers than just running fast, and fortunately, future Flash episodes will delve into Barry’s extended power set. According to executive producer Greg Berlanti, we will soon get to see time travel, which has been a crucial concept in Flash comics over the decades. “That is the one that we deal with directly in the winter. We, obviously, hint at it from the pilot episode. That is a big — “theme” is the wrong word for it — but that is a big part of the DNA of who The Flash was, so we do deal with that.” The series has been hinting at time travel since episode 1, most notably with series regular Harrison Wells, who seems to hail from the future and has traveled to the present for unknown reasons. Barry’s own time travel has been teased with his treadmill, indirectly referring to the Cosmic Treadmill from the comics, which Barry and Wally West used to travel precisely to a specific date. If time travel isn’t necessarily your thing, not to worry. Berlanti told TV Line that a variety of Barry’s abilities would be explored, though not necessarily right away. “Oh, he has tons. Definitely. We’re holding back on some big ones still. He famously can phase through things. We haven’t seen him do that yet.” In the comics, Barry is able to vibrate his molecules so fast that he can phase through solid objects. This makes tracking down criminals holed up in a hideout much easier, although when Wally West, who succeeded Barry as The Flash, was unable to phase through objects without making them explode. Barry’s other abilities range from creating vortexes with his arms to absorbing vast amounts of knowledge to stealing speed from other objects. He’s one multifaceted metahuman! We're about to get into some serious spoilers for the comics, so click away if you don't want spoilers. Another character from the Flash mythos that has similar abilities to Barry is Eobard Thawne, also known as Professor Zoom and The Reverse-Flash, who famously used time travel to ruin Barry’s life, specifically by going back and killing Barry’s mother as seen in The Flash: Rebirth. This particular plot is a driving force in the TV series, and viewers may be meeting the “man in the lightning” responsible for Nora Allen’s death soon. In fact, the Dec. 9 episode of The Flash is titled “The Man in the Yellow Suit, and it is expected to introduce The Reverse-Flash... if the leaked set pictures of Barry fighting a man in a yellow Flash costume are any indication. It’s still unclear who will be wearing the yellow suit in the fall finale, although the two likeliest culprits are Eddie Thawne (going off the name similarity and his secret past) and Harrison Wells (going off his knowledge of the future). Then again, it may be a character that the show hasn’t introduced yet. Regardless, Barry will need these extra abilities if he’s going to take down his bizarre doppelgänger. Running fast won’t get the job done alone."
  15. Giving this thread a bump in honor of tonight's broadcast
  16. As always, your books epitomize the concept of having fun collecting with out the plastic between the sheets. It puzzles me how ComicConnect can list these Showcases from a bound set as 6.0's with trimmed and heavily taped spines? http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=563011 Are they giving us what-if grades, what if all this terrible stuff wasn't done to the book it'd be a 6.0 I hate to think what'd come down if anyone here tried to pull that stunt. Bastions of the hobby they are
  17. 2017 is too far off for me. I think they should move it up on the schedule. Before Marvel brings out a great female superhero lead and beats them to it yet again.
  18. I saw that. I'm gonna sit on my hands promise There's a few in the Heritage November 20th auction as well, a #4 in 6.0 is especially intriguing and a #17 in 8.0 that is already close to $2500 (with BP). I was wondering if anyone here snagged that #16 in 8.0 on eBay from Collectors Comics. I was watching that for a while, but the $2200 price was a bit rich for me. Are we gonna see it on your registry set Sam?
  19. Does anyone else think Thea is looking more alluring this season? I like her now that she's developed a backbone and fighting skills. I didn't like her so much before. But Felicity is my dream-boat
  20. you mean this That was awesome. Truly Absolutely do. When he did his panel at NYCC this was discussed and eluded to. Love how it was executed. I can't believe I didn't get what you meant at first, what with that big ole picture of our hero brandishing the very arrow that you were alluding to. That was a pretty cool nod to the fans of the comics with Green Arrow.
  21. What about the fact he murdered a man in cold blood - remember he stabbed Starr (although we never heard another word about this)