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Thanks for NOTHING Bill Sienkiewicz!
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622 posts in this topic



I'm glad you finally got the sketch you paid for but this is a year and a

half after your last post in this thread and 3 years after the commission.

I think the least he could do is a finished piece for all the aggravation

he has caused you. The very least.

Agreed. It's cool that he finally got what he paid for, but after waiting for three years I think he was owed a little interest on that as well. Oh well, it's a nice sketch he finally has in his hands though.
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Wow geesh if that is what you got I could do better than that lol


I would be haunting him a cons to do better..until he did better..


Anyway if you want doddles I'd be up for the challenge and I'd do it really quickly if you pay cash(while you wait ..not pay me and then three years from now after I attend art classes I will sketch )



I have never paid for a sketch..and had a lot of really nice ones in my collection not to mention books full from con hopping..


But it's like the waiting in long lines thing..I don't do that either..


if I can't finagle an angle to get in front or have no line then I pass..if I can't sweetly talk myself a free sketch then the art doesn't end up on my wall..


The only exception would be maybe getting Rosa to redo me a large sketch he did that got looted from us after the house burned down..I got it for free originally but I don 't know if he would do a redo for free..


but then again he is a very nice man and always friendly so he may take pity and redo for free..


from what I am reading comissions suck anyway..lol

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Well, here it is, tell me what you think... :insane:




I think it looks like a 7th grader drew this at the last minute before the assignment was due in art class...


And what the hell is that supposed to be sticking out of the head?


I have never been a fan of his artwork, and I agree you got a "leave me alone" sketch.


Art is definately subjective, but there is a point where good is good, and bad is bad. Personally I never liked his stuff anyway....to abstract....in comic form it detracted from any story that existed IMO.


Sorry you have a to be filed piece......I've heard that if you can trade it off to someone else for a different piece....an artist will get their talent back.

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Did you pay more than $25 for that?


I really don't understand what it is with some of these guys taking in real money for sketches and failing to deliver. Is business booming for comic artists like Sienkiewicz and Golden who haven't even had much work in the last few years?


Go to his website..his prices are absurd. He's practically charging Neal Adams prices for some of this stuff and criminey, in his prime, he was a second stringer working B-list books (though his Moon Knight covers were pretty sweet ... he was a guy who could do an interesting cover, but by and large couldn't keep up that level for 20+ pages of interiors)



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I'm a fan of Bill's work, and even personally know a friend or two of his that I will mentioned this to, hmm, maybe a leading professional that Bill looks up to ?


Anyways, after all the time and hassle, I feel Mr. B.S. should have given you something refined, or at least decent. You even gave him an open subject, how about that for flexibility? Would this have happened if you asked for a sketch of Dazzler?


To put this in perspective, I once commission a younger artist to do up an X-men piece in the late 80's. It was OK, acceptable, but nothing great. His agent had seen the piece after the fact, and told the artist that he could have done better. The artist then contacted me, asked me if I was to received another piece, what character would I like, I said, "spider-man".


About 3 weeks later I received a nice, huge, on thick stock, super refined Spidey. One of his better Spider-man illustrations, and better than some of his published work.



I still have it to this day, and think fondly of that artist.


As for your situation, I wish it had a similar outcome




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Patience is a virue.
I remember that thread and kept thinking back to that reading this one. I guess artist don't care anymore unless you pay the big bucks :shrug: I don't like the commission fyi lol The question is ...Do you like it?
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Anyways, after all the time and hassle


After all the time and hassle, I wouldn't even want to look at the thing as it would just remind me of all the aggravation, and any potential enjoyment would be totally lost.


Sorry you had to go through this, Scott.


BTW, Bernie Wrightson was walking around Long Beach Comic Con a few weekends ago - go to see him out and about chatting with dealers and fans.

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Well, here it is, tell me what you think... :insane:




I think it looks like a 7th grader drew this at the last minute before the assignment was due in art class...


And what the hell is that supposed to be sticking out of the head?


I have never been a fan of his artwork, and I agree you got a "leave me alone" sketch.


Art is definately subjective, but there is a point where good is good, and bad is bad. Personally I never liked his stuff anyway....to abstract....in comic form it detracted from any story that existed IMO.


Sorry you have a to be filed piece......I've heard that if you can trade it off to someone else for a different piece....an artist will get their talent back.

Worst Electra drawing... ever. As a monster it's okay--he probably would have done better with a specific character. At least you got SOME resolution for your payment... and the tiny forum dinner at Guero's was great!
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Wow...guess I am not alone in my opinion that the sketch sux. lol


I paid 100 for those of you who do not know. When I was just happy to get ANYTHING, I asked for a sketch with a horror theme. HORROR....not cartoony. I think he could tell by the look on my face that it was not what I expected.


For that much money I could have bought 9 sandwiches and 9 Sprites at the con's food court.

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Well looking at his website and that commission I must agree with the rest of the people.


Very disappointing. Thinking how he messed up for the last few years with this he would give you a OA page or something super special..... just not understanding this..make me want to burn my Hulk cgc ss with his sig on it...

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:o $100!!! dude you got ripped! sorry MHO~


I figure it is about 115.00 by now with the interest you would gain for 3 years.


This is just an estimate as I do not need someone with a sliderule telling me the exact amount the interest would be at what percentage rate compounded W.


Man, that rant even made me laugh while I was typing it.

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Well, fast forward to today, 11/14/2010.


I finally have my sketch. Bill was in attendance at the Austin con and I spoke to him yesterday about our previous phone conversation from last year and that I would still like to have my sketch. I told him that I didn't care what it was, a creature of some sort of his creation, I just wanted my sketch that I paid for three years ago. He remembered the situation, was very apologetic, and told me to come back to pick it up today. I did so, shook his hand, and went on my merry way. I showed it to a couple of guys at the con, including Richard (Bedrock), who seemed to like it, or the story that goes with it anyway.


Well, here it is, tell me what you think... :insane:




He should have given you your money back and done to sketch for free.


That would have set things right maybe.


...or at least given you the interest off of the $100.00 from the past 3 years. lol




Edited by Spiderman-on-Tilt
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post it on eBay and let the market decide how much it's worth. :wishluck:


That is not a bad idea....but I might just keep it as a reminder to never ask one of my favorite artists for a sketch ever again. Thank God the Al Williamson sketch experience turned out like a champ about 20 years ago. This was only the second sketch I ever asked and paid for. It is typically something I don't do, kind of like asking for autographs. You get my point.

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