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+1 for Goodash on the HOS.


I said I wouldnt post again, but, your comments, especially about the passing of a relative, my GRANDMOTHER as a excuse for the most part has me infuriated.


I sure you are all pissed at me as well. I get it. I understand it. Not looking for a boo hoo sympathy vote. I don't care what anyone thinks here. My life, MY REAL LIFE, not a comic board, has been shattered, destroyed, shredded by people I thought I could trust, people I loved and confided in.


When I made all of these agreements, no where in my foggiest did I imagine what has happened would. My grandma passed suddenly out of nowhere. I am now, with my dad, in the financial fight of our lives to retain the families 70 acres. This land, this place is my childhood. And, due to my grandmothers dementia, and evil people, her will, and living trust were minipulated in certain peoples favor.


I admit I was wrong, in how I handled things, I shut down COMPLETELY.


If I had a deal with you, and if you still would like me to purchase the book/books email me, and I will see what,if anything we can work out I am not on here ever. someone just let me know what was being said.


Again, I am sorry to everyone to how things went down the sh iter.


With all the boardies that he failed to follow through with and how he went about it, makes me even wonder if his relative did indeed pass. I hate to think that way but it just makes me wonder if it wasn't an excuse he used to flake out and get out of these transactions. So add my name to the list of those who wish to see him added to the HOS. Here you go.


All this could've been avoided if you had simply said due to the passing of my grandmother, I cannot go through with the purchase at this time. I for one would've understood. But you didn't, you lingered and ignored PMs and emails and then blew up in this thread. So what are we supposed to think? You talk about people who you thought you could trust and then you do this to others? The dis-respect you showed to those who are not "in your real life" here on the boards is confounding!

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+1 for Goodash on the HOS.


I said I wouldnt post again, but, your comments, especially about the passing of a relative, my GRANDMOTHER as a excuse for the most part has me infuriated.


I sure you are all pissed at me as well. I get it. I understand it. Not looking for a boo hoo sympathy vote. I don't care what anyone thinks here. My life, MY REAL LIFE, not a comic board, has been shattered, destroyed, shredded by people I thought I could trust, people I loved and confided in.


When I made all of these agreements, no where in my foggiest did I imagine what has happened would. My grandma passed suddenly out of nowhere. I am now, with my dad, in the financial fight of our lives to retain the families 70 acres. This land, this place is my childhood. And, due to my grandmothers dementia, and evil people, her will, and living trust were minipulated in certain peoples favor.


I admit I was wrong, in how I handled things, I shut down COMPLETELY.


If I had a deal with you, and if you still would like me to purchase the book/books email me, and I will see what,if anything we can work out I am not on here ever. someone just let me know what was being said.


Again, I am sorry to everyone to how things went down the sh iter.


With all the boardies that he failed to follow through with and how he went about it, makes me even wonder if his relative did indeed pass. I hate to think that way but it just makes me wonder if it wasn't an excuse he used to flake out and get out of these transactions. So add my name to the list of those who wish to see him added to the HOS. Here you go.


The number of failed transactions and his earlier poor attitude was concerning to me but this seems sincere and the story rings true to me. Sometimes bad things happen and people can't follow through on their commitments. And I can understand how someone under a great deal of stress will ignore PMs that add to their stress.


I'm usually the first guy to throw someone under the probation bus but wonder if goodash and those he has promised payment to can't work this out.


As far as draken, who has given the probation list and the community the virtual finger and failed to pay for several deals, he ticks off my personal requirements for HOS; repeat offender and a selfish attitude.

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S-man, if you want to try and complete the transaction lmk. And we can see if we can.


My words were choosen poorly when regarding real life and mistrust. I am going to do the best I can to work thus out with ALL THOSE I had pending stuff with if they would choose to.


I have never handled death well. And this was the hardest thing I have ever and continue to deal with.


Pm me, or email me if you want to try and work things out.



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S-man, if you want to try and complete the transaction lmk. And we can see if we can.


My words were choosen poorly when regarding real life and mistrust. I am going to do the best I can to work thus out with ALL THOSE I had pending stuff with if they would choose to.


I have never handled death well. And this was the hardest thing I have ever and continue to deal with.


Pm me, or email me if you want to try and work things out.




:golfclap: ... that should make them all happy sir.

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I buy and sell on 3 non comic related forums and the sales forums are the most heavily moderated areas. On any of them, if you back out of a deal or dont send merch.... ban hammer with very little questions asked. Some of them (like Niketalk) are not easy to join.


I think the difference is who/what is behind the boards. Niketalk is not affiliated with Nike in any way. It seems to be a private board. Not sure about the other two you refer to.


This is a corporate board owned and operated by CGC. I don't see any corporation singling out individuals like this in a forum they make available to the public.

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This is Daken reaction to what happen


I hope we can add him to the HOS


lol @all of you




Now we've reached the "implied threat" portion of Daken's board meltdown.





Someone should compile a forum list :


"12 Steps to a Complete Forum Implosion"




"How I learned to stop worrying and love the ban."

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S-man, if you want to try and complete the transaction lmk. And we can see if we can.


My words were choosen poorly when regarding real life and mistrust. I am going to do the best I can to work thus out with ALL THOSE I had pending stuff with if they would choose to.


I have never handled death well. And this was the hardest thing I have ever and continue to deal with.


Pm me, or email me if you want to try and work things out.




:golfclap: ... that should make them all happy sir.


I suggest giving him a chance to resolve this with S-Man, rather than ridicule him and causing this transaction not to be completed.



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+1 for Goodash on the HOS.


I said I wouldnt post again, but, your comments, especially about the passing of a relative, my GRANDMOTHER as a excuse for the most part has me infuriated.


I sure you are all pissed at me as well. I get it. I understand it. Not looking for a boo hoo sympathy vote. I don't care what anyone thinks here. My life, MY REAL LIFE, not a comic board, has been shattered, destroyed, shredded by people I thought I could trust, people I loved and confided in.


When I made all of these agreements, no where in my foggiest did I imagine what has happened would. My grandma passed suddenly out of nowhere. I am now, with my dad, in the financial fight of our lives to retain the families 70 acres. This land, this place is my childhood. And, due to my grandmothers dementia, and evil people, her will, and living trust were minipulated in certain peoples favor.


I admit I was wrong, in how I handled things, I shut down COMPLETELY.


If I had a deal with you, and if you still would like me to purchase the book/books email me, and I will see what,if anything we can work out I am not on here ever. someone just let me know what was being said.


Again, I am sorry to everyone to how things went down the sh iter.


I'm always amused at those who compare their "REAL LIFE" to others implied FAKE comic lives. Just go ahead and say "None of your mess matters. Only my life is important."

Or better yet, roll with the truth, "I am a narcissist."

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Maybe we can set up a new rule where if a probation Lister is wanting to buy a book, and the seller thinks the probation Lister has full intentions of buying the book, the probation Lister will have a certain time limit (24 or 48 hours or some timeframe that's reasonable) to pay for the book via PayPal. If he doesn't pay for the book in the alotted time frame, the deal is canceled and the books are put back up for sale and the probation Lister will then be lynched in a town square for everyone to see. If anyone wants to accept another form of payment or buy a book from a probation lister, i think thats completely at their own risk. Maybe this new rule can be another step towards redemption or another step towards the HOS. That's my 2¢. What do you guys think?


I think the problem with this is something I referenced earlier. By agreeing to let a PL person buy from you the deal hoses the boardie with the transaction that was never completed. Kind of an aiding and abetting thing in my mind.


For example...I :takeit:on $100 worth of stuff from Rupp. I fail to pay, get thrown on the PL and reside there for a few months. After the hubbub dies down, I quietly attempt to buy things by PM from folks. I think a seller that takes the funds knowing I am on the list is essentially taking funds that should rightfully go to the original seller (Rupp) that I failed to complete the transaction with. I had the ability to correct matters, but by selling to me while I am on the PL we allow the original issue to carry over :frustrated:


Biatch-azz Snake betta have my money ! :cool:


Here's a suggestion...


Since Arch/Mods pretty much have the power to put quotes up themselves (as the recent large font fiasco proved in RMA's post...


...well why can't when a boardie goes on either list, the Arch can't just put a big ole "HOS" or "PL" next to the boardies name or in a large font in their sig line.


That way, each and every time that boardie posts, his HOS or PL designation is easily seen. When they make right, the Arch just has to remove the 'brand" just like we would remove them from the HOS or PL list.


Seems easy to me hm


A la Hester Prynne? :grin:

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Or better yet, roll with the truth, "I am a narcissist."



The guys from "The Big Lebowski"?


in nihilists, man.





me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

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S-man, if you want to try and complete the transaction lmk. And we can see if we can.


My words were choosen poorly when regarding real life and mistrust. I am going to do the best I can to work thus out with ALL THOSE I had pending stuff with if they would choose to.


I have never handled death well. And this was the hardest thing I have ever and continue to deal with.


Pm me, or email me if you want to try and work things out.




:golfclap: ... that should make them all happy sir.


I suggest giving him a chance to resolve this with S-Man, rather than ridicule him and causing this transaction not to be completed.




So I extended the olive branch with a PM to tell him the offer is still on the table if he wants and got this as an answer:


I will have to talk a look at my finances after I get paid, and see if those are amounts I can afford right now.



Nine minutes after receiving that, I then got this in the same PM:


GoodAsh has removed themself from this topic.


And with that, I am done playing games with this guy. The deal is null and void and the book will be offered at some point again on the boards.

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S-man, if you want to try and complete the transaction lmk. And we can see if we can.


My words were choosen poorly when regarding real life and mistrust. I am going to do the best I can to work thus out with ALL THOSE I had pending stuff with if they would choose to.


I have never handled death well. And this was the hardest thing I have ever and continue to deal with.


Pm me, or email me if you want to try and work things out.




:golfclap: ... that should make them all happy sir.


I suggest giving him a chance to resolve this with S-Man, rather than ridicule him and causing this transaction not to be completed.




So I extended the olive branch with a PM to tell him the offer is still on the table if he wants and got this as an answer:


I will have to talk a look at my finances after I get paid, and see if those are amounts I can afford right now.



Nine minutes after receiving that, I then got this in the same PM:


GoodAsh has removed themself from this topic.


And with that, I am done playing games with this guy. The deal is null and void and the book will be offered at some point again on the boards.

Its easy to tell when someoone truly wants to make amends. They seek out the people they have wronged, not wait for the begrudged to come back to them lol.
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S-man, if you want to try and complete the transaction lmk. And we can see if we can.


My words were choosen poorly when regarding real life and mistrust. I am going to do the best I can to work thus out with ALL THOSE I had pending stuff with if they would choose to.


I have never handled death well. And this was the hardest thing I have ever and continue to deal with.


Pm me, or email me if you want to try and work things out.




:golfclap: ... that should make them all happy sir.


I suggest giving him a chance to resolve this with S-Man, rather than ridicule him and causing this transaction not to be completed.




So I extended the olive branch with a PM to tell him the offer is still on the table if he wants and got this as an answer:


I will have to talk a look at my finances after I get paid, and see if those are amounts I can afford right now.



Nine minutes after receiving that, I then got this in the same PM:


GoodAsh has removed themself from this topic.


And with that, I am done playing games with this guy. The deal is null and void and the book will be offered at some point again on the boards.

Wow! He's a tool, you did the right thing.
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Or better yet, roll with the truth, "I am a narcissist."



The guys from "The Big Lebowski"?


in nihilists, man.





me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

I always thought of you two as the Bunny to other's Uli. I just can't figure which is which. Maybe it's the Maude to the other's Knox Harrington.
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