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speculators picks for the next upcomming week.

171 posts in this topic

Wow! I had no idea how many copies some you guys actually buy. I saw someone bought 200 copies of a few new moderns. I have no where near that kind of income to spend. I'll buy 10 of something maybe... Most of the time it's maybe 3 to 5 max. What the most you've bought of one book and what book was it? Mine is currently Letter 44 I got 13 copies because well, it's a buck!

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East of west 16 copies


but I have 15 copies of bedlam and dhp #11....


But this topic got derailed....


I was hoping to talk about peoples picks for next week...


I check this site out first,,,,see what's hot then I make judgements....





he figures out what's selling out on the week...





Noir is getting attention, but I can't remember ( cept mocking dead ) when dynamite stuff did well on the secondary market...

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East of west 16 copies


but I have 15 copies of bedlam and dhp #11....


But this topic got derailed....


I was hoping to talk about peoples picks for next week...


I check this site out first,,,,see what's hot then I make judgements....





he figures out what's selling out on the week...





Noir is getting attention, but I can't remember ( cept mocking dead ) when dynamite stuff did well on the secondary market...


Always weary of anyone who makes picks then resells on his site.


Its like a bank who does both commercial and investment banking.


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East of west 16 copies


but I have 15 copies of bedlam and dhp #11....


But this topic got derailed....


I was hoping to talk about peoples picks for next week...


I check this site out first,,,,see what's hot then I make judgements....





he figures out what's selling out on the week...





Noir is getting attention, but I can't remember ( cept mocking dead ) when dynamite stuff did well on the secondary market...


Always weary of anyone who makes picks then resells on his site.


Its like a bank who does both commercial and investment banking.



Not sure that's applicable, as he doesn't list these 'future' items on his site for sale?


....I just like the data about what items are selling out at Diamond. I mean I usually check around Sunday and then make my own judgement, it's how I knew to buy the 'Betty' cover on afterlife....and the Fiona Staples cover on 'fox'...

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Buying a book at cover and selling it for $10 with free shipping on eBay (and that's before fees) sounds like a lot of work for such a small profit. If you've got the time, more power to you, but it just seems a like fruitless endeavor, for the most part...

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Buying a book at cover and selling it for $10 with free shipping on eBay (and that's before fees) sounds like a lot of work for such a small profit. If you've got the time, more power to you, but it just seems a like fruitless endeavor, for the most part...


Have a look back here




After what was it... 3 months? Not bad, not bad at all. It's all about stacking.

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Buying a book at cover and selling it for $10 with free shipping on eBay (and that's before fees) sounds like a lot of work for such a small profit. If you've got the time, more power to you, but it just seems a like fruitless endeavor, for the most part...


Have a look back here




After what was it... 3 months? Not bad, not bad at all. It's all about stacking.


Very true, but I believe the plan of that was to start with $20 and go from there. Thus, being judicious with your picks was paramount. It sounds like the OP is throwing money at a bunch of books and hoping they stick.


THB and sd2416 made out pretty well, and Branget's pull wasn't too shabby. With that said, there are less time consuming ways to make $144/month on comics, even moderns.


I guess it all really boils down to if you are having fun or not. If so, keep it up. If not, reevaluate your money making or collecting goals/priorities.


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So, nobody make any losses? At least from the thread, it seems most are doing well.

Do you guys count the comic that are unsold as losses or you just let them be?


It's like poker. Ask anyone who plays poker even semi-seriously and they'll tell you they are a winning player (or at worst, that they break even).


I'd be willing to bet that at least half of the people posting on this site who buy multiple copies of multiple series are losing money in the long run. I just don't see 100s of copies of many of the issues talked about being offloaded on eBay (for cover or otherwise), so my guess is there are still a lot of stacks sitting around gathering dust that'll never turn a profit. And that's ignoring the fact that you have to sell a $3 comic for at least what, $5.50 on eBay to break even, once you factor in eBay fees, Paypal fees, shipping etc.

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Ugh, Mind the Gap...I still have a stack of Mind The Gap #1s.


Of course what I don't have anymore are the stacks of Saga and Thief of Thieves that sat next to the MTGs at one point. :)

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A) I have boxes of what will soon be seen as Drek

B) I usually make enough to pay for that months comic bill and sometimes pick up an inexpensive slab

C) there are months I haven't

D) pre ordering books from places like DCBS you get 40-50 % off titles so they aren't costing that much if you only buy 3-5 per book you speculate on

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My #1 spec books in the last couple years (only pre-orders, not books I went and tracked down):


(1) Sixth Gun 4 copies

(2) Morning Glories 4 copies

(3) The Scourge 4 copies

(4) Punisher vs. The Marvel Universe 4 copies

(5) Larry's Justin Bieber book 6 copies (from GACollectibles pre-order so it kind of counts)

(6) Action 1 and Detective 1 5 copies each (but not Batman 1 :frustrated: )

(7) Mind the Gap 6 copies total


Probably some other ones, but they were all terrible, too. From a percentage standpoint, I have been terrible. But from a pure profit standpoint, I have crushed because 6th Gun and MG were big hits.


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Ugh, Mind the Gap...I still have a stack of Mind The Gap #1s.


Of course what I don't have anymore are the stacks of Saga and Thief of Thieves that sat next to the MTGs at one point. :)


You did the right thing by selling the hot items instead of sitting on them too long.


I do the same thing only sell just enough to cover the cost for the next batch and getting some extra goodies I want for long term such as my spidey run or any other silver and Bronze Age books that I can afford to buy.


I don't really profit from any of this. In fact, some months I'm short so I have to dig in to the hot items to generate the cash I need to buy more future dreks. It's an addicting hobby.

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Ugh, Mind the Gap...I still have a stack of Mind The Gap #1s.


Of course what I don't have anymore are the stacks of Saga and Thief of Thieves that sat next to the MTGs at one point. :)


I have no idea where my MTGs are...If the series gets hot, I'll have to do some digging.


I'm sure I have missed something, but when did speculating change from an anticipated release (Saga, ToT, MTG, Bedlam) or "holy mess, check out Chew and Peter Panzerfaust," to "what's hot this week"?

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Ugh, Mind the Gap...I still have a stack of Mind The Gap #1s.


Of course what I don't have anymore are the stacks of Saga and Thief of Thieves that sat next to the MTGs at one point. :)


I have no idea where my MTGs are...If the series gets hot, I'll have to do some digging.


I'm sure I have missed something, but when did speculating change from an anticipated release (Saga, ToT, MTG, Bedlam) or "holy mess, check out Chew and Peter Panzerfaust," to "what's hot this week"?


Yesterday, at 12:02 A.M.

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Just wondered if you guys think that speculation in general is getting harder in general? Perhaps over crowded?


For example most of us noticed ToT in the distance and took advantage but the next Kirkman book isn't really going to be the same opportunity is it? This will probably also be the case if BKV releases something else.


... or is there always going to be the next thing around the corner?


I don't think TSG or NWM have inspired much confidence in buyers either. Looking at some of the choices that have been good in the past versus my reading list I cringe a little inside at the books that get passed on which deserve a lot more attention (*cough*SoL*cough*).



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