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L.B. Cole cover thread! Post your favorites by the master!
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Pretty good. I'd say at worst maybe .5 off on a book here and there...


No, just a little joke. I probably should have bolded the relevant part... tongue.gif


I was gonna say.......I've lost quite a few auctions to that guy poke2.gif


But I have also sold him a few things over the years. thumbsup2.gif


I'm set for Wednesday for the "pick up". cloud9.gif

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I was gonna say.......I've lost quite a few auctions to that guy


I was always suprised when I outbid him (which happened maybe twice - cheap bastid that I am). I dreaded seeing his name as high bidder on an auction.

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I just picked up a VG copy of SPOOK #24 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=002&item=120020148424&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1) for cheap and an FN copy of STARTLING TERROR TALES #13 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=002&item=120020148469&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1) for $100 shipped.


The STT 13 is really nice! I've wanted that one for a while. I'd "like" to complete the STT run, but I need an 11. Gggggrr.........


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Some one asked me re LB Cole where i had posted on another thread, I began collecting LB Cole in the late 1960s, long before the craze hit


Back in 1975 at the El Cortez Hotel, LB Cole began coming to the San Diego comicon. he came every year until circa 1981 when i think his diabetes took its toll and he stopped coming.


LB Cole I first met at his first San Diego comicon in 1975 as he was making the rounds up and down the rows of tables in the dealers room.


I proudly announced to him i had some 400 comic book covers by him and inquired how many he drew.


he responded with "over 1500 covers"


I go so depressed that i would never be able to collect that many covers, i sold off my LB Cole cover holdings


The next year i talked with him again, and he clarified that the 1500 number was his total cover output in comic books, PBs, the digest mags he worked on, etc


The 400 was his comic book total and i almost had all of them


so, i began collecting his covers again


then the LB Cole craze hit...................

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Here's the only Cole cover I have right now. I always liked his signature.

The Holidays reminded me of it. BTW, did Frazetta ever do any funny animal covers. Also, who did the old Terry Toon covers, those might give Cole a run for his money for 3rd place as far as funny animal books go.



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Even though this thread has been a little quiet...here are some additions (with a couple more to be scanned)






2 of the D copies from Heritage that i couldn't bypass (missed out on the number 2)


The funny animal books he did are generally harder to find and often just as much fun! 893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif


Looking forward to the others! popcorn.gif

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Here is a group shot I just took. Hoping to add a few more soon!




That's awesome! 893applaud-thumb.gif


Missing you BA books much? I would be hard pressed to think of a set of BA covers that could compete with this little group.

Edited by adamstrange
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Here's the only Cole cover I have right now. I always liked his signature.

The Holidays reminded me of it. BTW, did Frazetta ever do any funny animal covers. Also, who did the old Terry Toon covers, those might give Cole a run for his money for 3rd place as far as funny animal books go.




Holiday # 5 is my all time favorite Holiday cover ! Have 2 copies from Chucky boy.

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