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51 minutes ago, blazingbob said:

And I'm sure when you are filling up the ferrari John will tell you how overpriced gas is in California.

Why, is the price for gasoline in California the same now as it was when the price for a barrel of oil was touching $100?

It is where I live give or take probably a drop of only 5% on a lucky day, from when oil was at a $100 a barrel.

Somebody must be making a ton of money on the poor consumers up here. 

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2 hours ago, delekkerste said:

CC, you know I love ya, bro, but this is yet another example of your worldview being completely unsupported by the facts.  Baseball attendance is down in 2017, and 2016 was already like the 11th highest in history, as attendance has been edging downward, while the average age of viewers keeps rising. 

Baseball, like comics, has a long-term demographic problem.  Hear me now and believe me later - this is going to be a trainwreck eventually for both. 

Should really be fun and interesting to come back and look at these posts in 5 years. (thumbsu

I will say if I was a betting man I would pick AF#15 over Bitcoin and Aaron Judge rookie cards for maintaining and increasing in value long-term.



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1 hour ago, Glassman10 said:

Indeed. I love basball but I fall asleep now at 8:00 PM and fast forward the games I want to see in the early morning. I do enjoy going to red sox games with my son. He actually wants me to explain something. A novelty. 

Cool. Another Red Sox fan. :headbang:

I suggest you should visit the MLB thread in the water cooler next season.

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when I look at my kids and their spouses, they live in totally different worlds. They are between 25-30. One lives in Cyprus with the State Dept, one in Mass. All of them do the same thing when it comes to entertainment. They play games- board games not computer games. The one in Cyprus used to go to gaming cafe's when she was stationed in Toronto. You could rent games.  Now they have other state people over to do it. They'd probably get the russians from the embassy across the street.  My son does the same thing. When I go visit, they want to show us the newest game. My daughter in Cyprus collect nothing except she loves that Ted Geisel drawing her grandfather gave her.  The younger would like to have my Thor but would never buy comics.  They have tons of friends who do the same stuff with games. 

Values change yet they both grew up around me collecting the things.  My daughter likes Guardians of the Galaxy but only had a shrug it off interest in the Iron man 55 when I still had it.  They both want to sock away money. 

I used to go watch Ted Williams play as a very young kid. Mom threw out the baseball cards too. 

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7 hours ago, delekkerste said:

It is true that there are a lot more Spidey fans now than 20 years ago, but, you and others keep conflating fans of the movies & merchandising with fans of the comics.  None of those new fans who only get their Spidey fix from movies and merchandising is a potential AF #15 buyer.  Yes, the greater sized fan base may embolden existing comic collectors (or maybe even lapsed comic collectors re-entering the fold) to stretch and buy an AF #15 (which is exactly what has been happening over the past 15 years), but, this cohort is not growing meaningfully and has, on balance, aged considerably since the first Spidey movie was released in 2002.  

Just wishing something to be true does not make it true.  

Your limited analysis only takes into account parts of the U.S equation (the U.S is no longer the whole world there are tons of people outside the U.S that collect as well). You seem to forget comic books and superheros are now a global thing unlike even a decade ago (the movies have changed it). So if the U.S markets don't do good and certain other variables tank for a little while the global collectors will still be buying up key material.

China alone could easily absorb all AF15's. Maybe they are only staring to collect but once it becomes a thing over there watch out!! And that is only one other nation. Here in Canada lots of people have good incomes and are collectors and can and do buy expensive stuff. The U.S owes China a massive amount of debt so let them pay it and let the Chinese use those funds on what they enjoy. As a collector it really does not matter to me what country slows it's collecting habits down for a while as long as there is another one to pick up the pace when that happens (and that is very much likely now that this hobby if gaining momentum worldwide each and every single year). Don't get me wrong I don't want to see people suffer when their countries have major economic slow downs but it happens regardless of what I feel. It is very sad seen the poor suffer while the rich still enjoy life.

The U.S economy is no longer the key factor for a whole lot of people worldwide. Of course some countries are ultra dependent on the U.S but some will strive even if they U.S is having a financial so called meltdown (witch they always seem to come back from anyway).

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28 minutes ago, SC22 said:

Your limited analysis only takes into account parts of the U.S equation (the U.S is no longer the whole world there are tons of people outside the U.S that collect as well). You seem to forget comic books and superheros are now a global thing unlike even a decade ago (the movies have changed it). So if the U.S markets don't do good and certain other variables tank for a little while the global collectors will still be buying up key material.

China alone could easily absorb all AF15's. Maybe they are only staring to collect but once it becomes a thing over there watch out!! And that is only one other nation. Here in Canada lots of people have good incomes and are collectors and can and do buy expensive stuff. The U.S owes China a massive amount of debt so let them pay it and let the Chinese use those funds on what they enjoy. As a collector it really does not matter to me what country slows it's collecting habits down for a while as long as there is another one to pick up the pace when that happens (and that is very much likely now that this hobby if gaining momentum worldwide each and every single year). Don't get me wrong I don't want to see people suffer when their countries have major economic slow downs but it happens regardless of what I feel. It is very sad seen the poor suffer while the rich still enjoy life.

The U.S economy is no longer the key factor for a whole lot of people worldwide. Of course some countries are ultra dependent on the U.S but some will strive even if they U.S is having a financial so called meltdown (witch they always seem to come back from).

Yeah, let me know when the Chinese come to buy up all the AF #15s.  As if everyone in the world grows up dreaming to own US comic books once they've made it and haven't been harboring their own hopes, dreams and aspirations. 

You seem to think the entire world revolves around the comic book world.  Good luck with that.    

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35 minutes ago, delekkerste said:

Yeah, let me know when the Chinese come to buy up all the AF #15s.  As if everyone in the world grows up dreaming to own US comic books once they've made it and haven't been harboring their own hopes, dreams and aspirations. 

You seem to think the entire world revolves around the comic book world.  Good luck with that.    

Actually, my biz partner in Shanghai was quite interested in the phenomenon to the point where she looked the whole mess over and just handed me 40K to not fall into selling the collection prematurely . She's a senior VP at Ingersoll Rand and does very well for herself. The Chinese like an awful lot of things American and I would not discount them ever as to the nooks and crannies.. 

Except that they think KFC is great stuff. That's a mystery. 

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1 hour ago, SC22 said:

China alone could easily absorb all AF15's. Maybe they are only staring to collect but once it becomes a thing over there watch out!! And that is only one other nation.


56 minutes ago, delekkerste said:

Yeah, let me know when the Chinese come to buy up all the AF #15s.  As if everyone in the world grows up dreaming to own US comic books once they've made it and haven't been harboring their own hopes, dreams and aspirations. 

You seem to think the entire world revolves around the comic book world.  Good luck with that.    

Looks like I am going to have to go with Gene on this one here, especially if you are hoping for the people from China to buy your AF 15's.

I know a lot of people from China and I haven't heard a single one of them mention comic books, or for that matter, any of the biggies such as Spider-Man, Superman, or even Batman.  And I know that Tim recently picked up the Church copy of Mystery Men 3 for $57K, but that doesn't really count since he's from Hong Kong and also a long-time collector and board member here.

The only topic the Chinese population loves to talk about is real estate and property.  Especially with respect to my better half and most of her friends from China who does nothing but  :blahblah:  :blahblah:  :blahblah:  about the same old boring topic all day.  :pullhair:  :censored:   She tends to natter on every day about the missed opportunities since many of them are putting down payments on pre-built condos and then flipping them for hundreds of thousands of dollars profit before they are even actually built.  Rather depressing for long-time collectors like myself when even a life long collection, similar to Jon Berk's entire collection, might possibly be good enough to pay for a nice big house on the west side of the city, but nothing actually really spectacular or brand new for that matter.  :frown:

But it's still so much more enjoyable to talk about AF 15's and comic books in general, as opposed to yet another dirty piece of land with a run down house on it.  :smile:

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33 minutes ago, lou_fine said:


Looks like I am going to have to go with Gene on this one here, especially if you are hoping for the people from China to buy your AF 15's.

I know a lot of people from China and I haven't heard a single one of them mention comic books, or for that matter, any of the biggies such as Spider-Man, Superman, or even Batman.  And I know that Tim recently picked up the Church copy of Mystery Men 3 for $57K, but that doesn't really count since he's from Hong Kong and also a long-time collector and board member here.

The only topic the Chinese population loves to talk about is real estate and property. 

Uh, yeah, that and the fact that Tim is American. :insane: 

It's a big world out there, and there's like a near-infinite number of different things that people are interested in, especially people who come from very different backgrounds than the people here, oftentimes not even speaking English, let alone ever reading an American comic book.  The world does not revolve around our little niche hobby.  Thinking that the Chinese are all clamoring to buy vintage American comic books for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars because they show the Spider-Man films in China is, um, wishful thinking to say the least. lol    

I mean, I'm a guy who grew up with Spidey.  Loved him on Electric Company, the TV series, the cartoons and eventually the comics and then the movies.  And yet, I never had any desire to own an AF #15, despite spending ludicrous sums on other comics and comic art.  And yet all these people around the world with much less shared history with Spidey are somehow supposed to grow up, get rich, and want to own AF #15.  You'll be lucky if any of these people even picks up a TPB or new issue of ASM.  A slabbed AF #15 or original Spidey piece of artwork?  Are you joking?  Seriously, what planet are people living on, and do they have any Chinese people there???

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6 hours ago, delekkerste said:

Yeah, let me know when the Chinese come to buy up all the AF #15s.  As if everyone in the world grows up dreaming to own US comic books once they've made it and haven't been harboring their own hopes, dreams and aspirations. 

You seem to think the entire world revolves around the comic book world.  Good luck with that.    

Yeah sure not a single Asian (no Canadians either I must be unique) is into superheroes give me a break. Even if a small percentage of people in China get into collecting comics that is still a huge amount of people and again that is one single nation. You just like seen the world crumble. You seem to get a high out of it or maybe you make money off of it.

Like Alfred said about the Joker....''some people just like to see the world burn''. You are so limited in your analysis it's unbelievable. As if you know what every single human is doing just based on a few stats that you provide and throw at us. And based on what others have said here you have been like this for years must be a real joy to be around in real life.

Your so called ''thesis'' would not stand the test even in the worst of universities (the links you try to make have not been proven at all they are just your simple theory....nothing more nothing less). You put so many people in the same basket with just a few variables it is ridiculous. And the worst is it is dogma to you and you want us to buy into it.

You may be a educated man but these things you take for certainties without doing a real profound examination (I don't think it would be even possible since people have changes of heart every single day in what they do as far as hobbies go) of the whole comic book world and what that world realize on to survive simply has no base value whatsoever.

It's like me telling say Gator how the market is doing and not doing at conventions or other such venues where he sells books at. It would be only a so called ''calculated'' guess at best versus his real life experience on the floor (face to face) with collectors for so many years. It would make no sens at all if I did that and certainly would not be dogma to be followed blindly. Reality wins over such theories any day of the week.

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