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Whoever is notifying my posts: cut it out. Learn how to deal with how other people express themselves within the confines of the board rules, or ignore them. Stop making this a krappy place to be by trying to force people to conform to what you think is, and is not, appropriate posting. If no one is being insulted or attacked, you shouldn't have a problem.


I can't help but notice that kav's posts aren't notified, doohick's posts aren't notified, buzzetta's posts aren't notified, and CAK's posts aren't notified....all people involved in this discussion, too.



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RMA there's a flaw in your argument. And that is the is the existence of phone hackers who use social engineering. You can get different results depending on the approach. There's a whole subculture devoted to this. And they do stuff like get into NORAD. I am not President or CEO because I have no interest in that. Any job I had where I was offered a supervisory position I declined. Also having a skill that gets phone reps to do what you want the one time you call them is different from running for President and having to fight others for the job. I assumed you were mad because you became insulting. People usually don't insult others unless they are angry at some level. If someone does insult when they aren't even mad that's baffling to me. I can see how you would think that I want to be 'right'. But really I have this annoying trait of wanting to help people even when they don't really want help. It's caused people to get annoyed with me many times. "Look all you have to do is' "THAT WON'T WORK BECAUSE". Not saying it applies to you but some people hold on dearly to their problems. Trying to 'help' them is not really helping them. THEY ENJOY HAVING AN INSOLUBLE PROBLEM.

I used to tutor math in college. This one angry dude came in. He had a problem that no one in the math lab could solve. The teacher couldn't explain it. He was smug in that he had been assigned problems that were insoluble and spent a lot of time ranting about it. After a bit I figured out the problem and showed him how to solve it. He slammed the book down, cursed and left.


Ok, kav. Sure.

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Whoever is notifying my posts: cut it out. Learn how to deal with how other people express themselves within the confines of the board rules, or ignore them. Stop making this a krappy place to be by trying to force people to conform to what you think is, and is not, appropriate posting. If no one is being insulted or attacked, you shouldn't have a problem.


I can't help but notice that kav's posts aren't notified, doohick's posts aren't notified, buzzetta's posts aren't notified, and CAK's posts aren't notified....all people involved in this discussion, too.




Agreed... not cool


But there does not seem to be anything inflammatory with them so the person notifying is simply antagonizing moderation and that in itself has been grounds for a warning. (for wasting moderation time)

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Rocky gets a lot of flack but he's a very knowledgable guy. A bit grumpy but so what.

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Pretty sure it was chemistry, not math class, if you're talking insoluble.


he used it correctly, though most use it to describe something that won't dissolve into a liquid. It also means impossible to solve.






adjective: insoluble



impossible to solve.

"the problem is not insoluble"

synonyms: unsolvable, unanswerable, unresolvable; More

unfathomable, impenetrable, unexplainable, inscrutable, inexplicable

"some problems are insoluble"


(of a substance) incapable of being dissolved.

"once dry, the paints become insoluble in water"

synonyms: indissoluble, incapable of dissolving

"these minerals are insoluble in water"

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Did I say it would only take a 5 minute phone call to resolve your negative feedback?


Nope, not even close.


You really need to pay attention to what is said, CAK, and not what you think is said.


I said "My God, if only it were as easy as just "knowing how to talk to people"! I'd spend 5 minutes on the phone sweet-talking some nice Filipino CS rep, and that would be that."...in other words, if it was JUST about "knowing how to talk to people", it would take ME 5 minutes and that would be that. No one said YOU said it would only take "a 5 minute phone call."


Reading is fundamental.


The issue here is that "knowing how to talk to people", while certainly an important part of conflict resolution, isn't relevant when dealing with eBay's feedback department. You're dealing with people who 1. have no interest whatsoever in helping you...none...and 2. do not HAVE to help you.


Their sole and only goal is to make you hang up. That's it. They are there to be brick walls, to shield eBay from actually having to deal with whatever problem you might have, or, in eBay's opinion, what you might think you have.


I think it's pretty clear that you're not aware of how eBay and Paypal have operated, and what governs their corporate mentality.


Are you aware that eBay has been taken to federal court and SUED...successfully, I might add...because they effectively shielded themselves from customer service complaints for years? For years, you could not even contact eBay directly...there was no way to talk to a live human being until around 2004. Did you know that...? You could only e-mail them, and then they chose whether or not they would respond...and most of the time, they ignored you.


Why do you think all the changes that favor buyers came into being? eBay's savvy business sense? Their good will?


No. It came about because eBay was forced to make these changes because buyers were tired of being defrauded through eBay, and took their cases to court.


As far as your vast amount of experience and assuming I have much less.Wrong again.


I don't need to assume you have less. What you say, and the way you say it, demonstrates that. No assumption needed.


Just like it is wrong to say the likes of: " It is impossible to take uou seriously. CAK."


You know nothing about me, other than what you assume, via this forum.


That is the common claim of those who don't like being called out. "You don't know me!" On the contrary...anyone can learn quite a bit about you, simply by reading what you post. Do you think that's a skill people don't have, or can't develop? My words are me, they express what I think, and perhaps more importantly, how I think. They paint a pretty clear picture of who I am as a person, as does everyone's...even those pretending to be something they are not.


The same goes for everybody. I don't need to "assume" anything about you....the body of your posts says a tremendous amount about you.


That you think it doesn't, by the way, is another indicator of your lack of general experience. Your words say things you aren't even aware they say.


Keep on shaking your head as long as you want.That is why you will not get that negative feedback removed.


You resign yourself to that predictiment, by once again *assuming* that you cannot reason with people....or in your words, "the faceless corporation that is eBay".


Your posts make my hair hurt.


You have an unrealistic view of life, CAK, and on top of that, you don't comprehend what people are saying...yet speak all the same. That's a problem, and a very big one.


Suffice it to say: no one said anything about "resigning" to anything, and no one said anything about not being able to "reason" with people. You fundamentally don't understand the issue, and I've explained it already many times. You think you have it all figured out, and it's obviously just a matter of "gosh, if that RMA would just stop being so negative and just TRY, it would be resolved in a jiff!"


...but you use subterfuge to get what you want, which is cheating. Anyone can cheat their way through life...like asking how to remove a sale from GPA because you didn't like the price it got, and you refused to sell it to the high bidder...who then left you a deserved feedback which you then managed to convince someone, contrary to their own policy, to remove.


You cheat, CAK, and you presume to give advice about "reasoning" with people...? You advise people to be stoned and drunk before talking to customer service, and you presume to give advice about "not giving up"...?




You and Kav...you are two of a kind.


"Just use a Jedi mind trick on them, and that will work!"


I forgot to pay my Jedi Academy dues, and some dude named "Annie" was causing trouble down at the temple, last I heard....


You are dead wrong.


I will say that I think you're an intelligent guy, as far as comics are concerned and I respect your opinions on the comivs mstket but other than that.....meh.


You win at the internet.


I'm done.


FTR, I was not the one who reported your posts.




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You are dead wrong.


No, I think I pretty much nailed it, here. Reason, CAK...it's one of the best tools one can develop.


I will say that I think you're an intelligent guy, as far as comics are concerned and I respect your opinions on the comivs mstket but other than that.....meh.


That should come as no surprise to anyone.


You win at the internet.


I'm done.


FTR, I was not the one who reported your posts.




No, and I didn't think you were. I have a reasonable suspicion about who it is. I do wish they'd cut it out. It's harassment, plain and simple.

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