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Giant Size X-Men #1 for investment?
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792 posts in this topic

So much could be avoided if people just walked away


Nevertheless, I don't always agree with what Chuck says (ASM2) but I enjoy his posts. There is a no nonsense approach that is refreshing.


It sure beats all the emojis some seem to use instead of engaging in actual discussion.




Watching people throw their own poo is super entertaining though.

That post (poo throwing) is nearly as awesome as the legendary eff you .

Now I have"Eff you,I throw poo at you!" ahaha(not you in particular)

...and "vole" ,and well,of course,the rhyming "butthole"

Great days indeed.

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I've been a member of several forums and even spent yyears building my own.


While bullying can be used as a case of people interacting, i am going to agree with RMA.


Most people claiming cyber bullying are whining buttholes who need to stop and take a look at their thought process and what they are actually taking a stance on


That simply isn't true. People handle things differently, but that doesn't make bullying not exist. If anything it is worse online because people have no fear of repercussions due to the anonymous nature and physical separation of the Internet.


What you call "bullying" is simply people being people. You are abusing the word by applying it to people being "mean."


If one can readily confront, walk away from, or avoid the situation, they are not, under ANY circumstances, being "bullied."


I agree that you can argue about my interpretation of another's behavior and whether or not I should have feeled bullied. While ultimately it is about how the person feels about a situation that is important, it is subjective to outside parties.


However, being able to leave or avoid a situation or not has nothing to do with qualifying said situation as bullying. The act does not require a captive audience. That is your interpretation of "bullying" not an accurate definition or a fact.


straight out of wikipedia


If I said quoting a source which anyone can edit at any time, and which is legendary for fostering specific views while vociferously claiming not to, is the surest way to lose an argument, would that be bullying...?




But yes, it does, in fact, require a captive audience. If someone calls me an individual_without_enough_empathy on the street, am I being bullied? No. I have complete control over the situation, regardless of the behavior of the other person.


If I am 8 years old, and the person calling me an individual_without_enough_empathy is a parent/guardian/authority figure...that's a completely different story.


You are misusing the words "bully", "bullying", and "bullied."


Teddy Roosevelt would not be pleased.



Stop, pick a source - they are all consistent.



The Free Dictionary



Bullying does not require a captive audience.


Let's not make up buzz phrases that oversimply the situation. "Captive audience" is your phrase, not mine. I said ""Bullying" occurs when people are in abusive situations which they cannot, due to circumstance, readily escape. "


You are making personal opinion statements and trying to pass them off as if they are facts


That's another internet buzz statement that also holds no water. It doesn't mean anything.


It goes entirely without saying that just about everyone posts their opinion in just about every post they make. Are they trying to "pass off their opinion as if they are facts?" Aren't you doing the exact same thing, trying to "pass off" your opinion as "fact"?


Yes, you are, because that is what debate is: disagreement, dispute, differing opinions.


It's an intellectually lazy charge. It has no meaning, but it sure sounds impressive, doesn't it? Must we sit and play silly semantic games and sign all of our posts with a disclaimer that says "the above post is only my opinion, and may or may not reflect reality"...?


No, obviously not. How silly!


As a side note, it is a charge that has been made by certain others here in the past. Are you getting private advice from others..? Be honest, now....




I am not misusing or misinterpreting a word, you are. Plain and simple you are incorrect.


If that's what you believe, I'm ok with that. I disagree with you. But....you have just made a statement that you believe is a fact, without disclaiming that it is just your opinion.


Is it only someone's opinion if you disagree with it, but actual fact if you agree....?



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Unfortunately not everyone is fortunate enough to work for a company that offers matching 401 k benefits, stock options, etc. And if someone is willing to put $500, $1000 into one comic book, he would be foolish to not treat it at least as a quasi-investment. That's a lot of money to most people.


I would pick the IH 181 as well from an "investment" standpoint, but it's definitely not by a landslide. Let's not overlook or minimize the importance of GSXM 1. It was, after all, not just the first appearance of storm, nightcrawler, etc, but also of the classic x men team that brought the title back from the dead. It's also wolverine's first appearance as an "x-man" (and 2nd full overall). This book is cheaper than 181 and is far less common on the census. It wouldn't take much for this book to spike, perhaps not to 181 numbers, but it could conceivably close the gap. The 181 is probably a safer bet but with it's lower entry point the GSXM 1 probably has more upside.


lol Okay I just changed my mind, the GSXM 1 might actually be the better pick after all.





I love this statement, and I think it's a point that the naysayers are completely missing. Key issues are investments, because people put a lot of money into these books, and in the long run, there can be return. Many comics have proven this to be true for decades. Sure, there might be better/safer investments than key issue comics, but that doesn't rule out the fact that books like AF 15 are much more of an investment than a hobby. You just need to be wise with which comics you choose to invest in.




1987 Overstreet Price Bulletin




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I've been a member of several forums and even spent yyears building my own.


While bullying can be used as a case of people interacting, i am going to agree with RMA.


Most people claiming cyber bullying are whining buttholes who need to stop and take a look at their thought process and what they are actually taking a stance on


That simply isn't true. People handle things differently, but that doesn't make bullying not exist. If anything it is worse online because people have no fear of repercussions due to the anonymous nature and physical separation of the Internet.


What you call "bullying" is simply people being people. You are abusing the word by applying it to people being "mean."


If one can readily confront, walk away from, or avoid the situation, they are not, under ANY circumstances, being "bullied."


I agree that you can argue about my interpretation of another's behavior and whether or not I should have feeled bullied. While ultimately it is about how the person feels about a situation that is important, it is subjective to outside parties.


However, being able to leave or avoid a situation or not has nothing to do with qualifying said situation as bullying. The act does not require a captive audience. That is your interpretation of "bullying" not an accurate definition or a fact.


straight out of wikipedia


If I said quoting a source which anyone can edit at any time, and which is legendary for fostering specific views while vociferously claiming not to, is the surest way to lose an argument, would that be bullying...?




But yes, it does, in fact, require a captive audience. If someone calls me an individual_without_enough_empathy on the street, am I being bullied? No. I have complete control over the situation, regardless of the behavior of the other person.


If I am 8 years old, and the person calling me an individual_without_enough_empathy is a parent/guardian/authority figure...that's a completely different story.


You are misusing the words "bully", "bullying", and "bullied."


Teddy Roosevelt would not be pleased.



Stop, pick a source - they are all consistent.



The Free Dictionary



Bullying does not require a captive audience.


Let's not make up buzz phrases that oversimply the situation. "Captive audience" is your phrase, not mine. I said ""Bullying" occurs when people are in abusive situations which they cannot, due to circumstance, readily escape. "


You are making personal opinion statements and trying to pass them off as if they are facts


That's another internet buzz statement that also holds no water. It doesn't mean anything.


It goes entirely without saying that just about everyone posts their opinion in just about every post they make. Are they trying to "pass off their opinion as if they are facts?" Aren't you doing the exact same thing, trying to "pass off" your opinion as "fact"?


Yes, you are, because that is what debate is: disagreement, dispute, differing opinions.


It's an intellectually lazy charge. It has no meaning, but it sure sounds impressive, doesn't it? Must we sit and play silly semantic games and sign all of our posts with a disclaimer that says "the above post is only my opinion, and may or may not reflect reality"...?


No, obviously not. How silly!


As a side note, it is a charge that has been made by certain others here in the past. Are you getting private advice from others..? Be honest, now....




I am not misusing or misinterpreting a word, you are. Plain and simple you are incorrect.


If that's what you believe, I'm ok with that. I disagree with you. But....you have just made a statement that you believe is a fact, without disclaiming that it is just your opinion.


Is it only someone's opinion if you disagree with it, but actual fact if you agree....?




For the official record anything I have said (stupid or smart) has been of my own thoughtful or thoughtless creation. I really haven't been getting any advice, but I would be curious as to who your are referring.


To the first point: "captive audience" or "readily escape" buzz words or not, I disagree with your opinion. Internet Bullying is a widely recognized problem that obviously allows for someone to "readily escape." I maintain that a person's ability to avoid a situation is not directly linked to whether or not they are or will be bullied.


To the second point: of course there are opinions in debate. What I was stating was that your point of view ("readily escape") was not included in any modern definition of bullying I have read and that you were passing it off as fact. We don't need to argue semantics, clearly I am stating that I disagree with your claim and I am supporting my position with outside references - you are not.


To the last point: I am citing outside materials as basis of a statement of fact (bullying and situational physical restraint are not directly linked). If what I have provided isn't enough to support it as fact, I am not sure what is. I am fallible as I am human, but I do try to delineate between fact (or what is accepted as fact by public consensus and science/observation based evidence) and opinion. Either way we can clearly agree to disagree on this one. However, I do hope you reconsider your POV on the subject, even if it is privately.

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Would someone quote a trend on GPA trend of GSX already?


Dunno how to capture/post the graph off GPA. But, here's the GPA Hi for the book (in 9.8) over the years:


2003 - $9356

2004 - $9000

2005 - $12,750

2006 - $11,211

2007 - n/a

2008 - $12,500

2009 - $9210

2010 - $7995

2011 - $7500

2012 - $5900

2013 - $7500

2014 - $7000

2015 - $5200


So, like most books, prices extremely volatile in 9.8. I wouldn't play that game. Buy a 9.6 for half the price. It's much more consistent/steady.


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High/Low prices for the last 6 or so years.


For the most part the book is significantly down since around 2008/2009, with HUGE (50% swings) in any given year)




If you believe this book is going to come back for some reason, might be a good time to buy (should be able to get a copy for around 80% low GPA with patience). However, I am not sure what would drive one to believe it is going to increase greatly in the future.

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Hulk 181 in 9.8 looks just like this...but 9.0 - 9.6 data looks a lot more stable (and increasing, not decreasing or jumping all over the place).

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I am hoping someone takes a hard look at nightcrawler. Not only do I like the character, but I feel he has potential for mass appeal


I like Nightcrawler too, it is just difficult with so many solid characters to choose from and only so much attention from the public. Maybe with the X-men reboot?


If you like GSX 1, a 9.0 would be a great book to buy. You could easily get a copy with excellent eye appeal and a small flaw on the back cover. And to earlier posts, a much more stable pricing track record.


(thumbs u

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When it comes to investment in something like a comic book, I do not believe books of this stature are investments any longer. An investment is something you buy low and sell high. If you can't see a way to double your money or at least take a profit. Then it's not an investment.


Take silver, gold and platnumim. In the past 10 years it was a great investment, but as of late it's dropping on a daily basis. I infact have lost in that market.


And with the market low metals are again a good investment.


you have to look for books that are rare. Giant sized X-men 1 is not that rare any longer. People do have them.


I have an uncanny x-men 510 sketch variant that I consider an investment. Here is a book I got comic con in 2009? For answering some questions at a panel. Now the book is worh over $1000 for even 9.4. Mine is a 9.6


FYI the gold 297 pressman variant is not as rare as the 510 sketch. To me that's the new holy grail of Uncanny X-men.



You need to buy low and sell high.


Personally. Save your money. Unless you want a keepsake. Open a scottrade and put it in a Roth IRA. Or a IRA. You will thank me later.



Ps. That picture of all the x-men 94s. That pic alone could drive the price down for that book. Shows they are in abundance.

Edited by Wampler
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Hulk #181 over GSX #1 and X-Men #94 any day, every day.


Those three (other than a Marvel Comics #1) were the holy trinity for me growing up. Hulk #181 consistently over the past 20 years has grown at a faster, steadier rate than GSX #1 or X-94, and I don't see that not being the case anytime soon.




I agree with Jim and support the notion that all X-Men # 94s are worthless and should be sold immediately to me at a maximum of 1/3 GPA :D


xxx ooo






Very nice set of X-men 94's you've got there Rupp. One of my personal favorites as well. (thumbs u


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