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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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here's a non-media mail question...



If in a sales thread I listed a rareish Sig Series book with say its a Dark Knight book signed by director Christopher Nolan. I list it for $1k.


and I say something in the listing like


""These books cost a little over $1,000 a piece"


what do you take from a statement like that? What do you think it implies?


That the guy is a little special.


It might be one thing if the person said "Christopher Nolan charges $950 for signatures and grading fees were around $100" and the seller were the one who got the books signed (originator?).


However, if the seller is not the originator, rather they purchased the Nolan SS from the originator, then the fact that the original seller charged "a little over $1,000 a piece" has little bearing in the current sale.


The fact that someone paid $X for a book doesn't automatically make the book worth $X.

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I saw the words "media mail" last night, and woke up this morning to 5 new pages of posts. You guys are so predictable!


I love seeing the citation for the rules and such, when they are all moot because what matters is what is DONE, not what rule is on the books (since we've already established that the rule is interpreted a variety of ways by your local postmasters).


So you can go ahead and send the books media mail, and deal with the potential of the books being delayed, inspected at an increased frequency, and possibly damaged.


Im going to base my decision not on what rule is on the book, but on how the people behave.


Like I said...the discussion isn't about trying to convince anyone of anything. You will do what you will do, your local PO will do what it does, and there will remain inconsistency until the issue is resolved in the DMM.


But if you think there is no value in discussing these things, then you miss out on the chance for things to change and, perhaps, improve. And nothing is really "moot", if enough customers rise up and demand a change, or, at the very least, a judgment about the issue.


Not that the USPS is a small business, but do you know what one of the biggest problems small businesspeople consistently claim? Very few people are willing to say anything about an issue they have because they don't want to "rock the boat." They just suck it up and deal with it, or quietly move on, when the business would happily, gladly address it if they only knew.


But very few say anything, because of fear, to whatever degree. Fear of confrontation, fear of rejection, fear of conflict, fear of offending someone. "Go along to get along" has been a pretty damaging attitude throughout history.


There is value in the discussion, if for no other reason than to work out all the angles and understand the issue for those who happen to read this, so they can make a more informed decision for themselves.

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Yeah, that pretty much sums it up, doesn't it...?


I wish that wasn't the case, for your sake AND mine.


The reality is that if you step up to the counter with a box and tell the usps you want to ship media mail and when asked what's inside and you reply comic books, you can tell them everything you want. You will not be shipping that box media mail.


I do it twice a week. My Postmaster even talks to me about comics and her kids. She knows what's in the box. She is very nice. Pretty sure she is aware it could be an issue cause sometimes she says, "These are graphic novels, right".


Small town Post Office. Gotta love it.


There you go. And, on the very rare occasions when I have shipped Media Mail, my local PO has no problem with it, either, and I've never had a problem. And my PO is suburban Los Angeles. There isn't any "you will not be shipping that box media mail" that is system-wide.


That's not an endorsement...just anecdotal observations that there isn't consistency, and there's a legitimate argument to be made to be able to do it.

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Yeah, that pretty much sums it up, doesn't it...?


I wish that wasn't the case, for your sake AND mine.



I appreciate your concern. (thumbs u


Someday, you'll give up your snark and derisiveness.


That will be a good day.


Sounds like a very boring day to me.

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I knew this was gonna happen when someone said "media mail" and "comics" in the same sentence


Yep. We might as well go on and air out the whole trifecta....


#2: Is pressing restoration?


#3: Is it OK to use PayPal personal to pay each other for comics?






no but really when does the copper age end?

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I feel like to comment because I hold both wombat and RMA in high esteem, and I’m sorry to see this misunderstanding.


RMA, I believe most people would be agreeing with most of your reasonings, and with your care for principles, but I believe they are often put off by the verbose nature of your posts, and the fact that they might give an impression of presumpion.

Which, I am sure, mostly it’s not there as you hardly take offense on a "personal" level, but that is the way they might come through.


My 2¢, or better my 2 Euro cents, as they would say… :)

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is it me or is it silly to argue about a price on a book a grade higher than the book that's actually listed?


That was pretty ridiculous. Some people have zero self control in posting where they shouldn't be.

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is it me or is it silly to argue about a price on a book a grade higher than the book that's actually listed?


its silly to discuss a sales thread here without posting a link to said sales thread.


Roy's listing of a WBN 32 9.2. For some reason it got derailed into a discussion of what 9.4s sell for.

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I feel like to comment because I hold both wombat and RMA in high esteem, and Im sorry to see this misunderstanding.


RMA, I believe most people would be agreeing with most of your reasonings, and with your care for principles, but I believe they are often put off by the verbose nature of your posts, and the fact that they might give an impression of presumpion.

Which, I am sure, mostly its not there as you hardly take offense on a "personal" level, but that is the way they might come through.


My 2¢, or better my 2 Euro cents, as they would say :)


There's no misunderstanding between wombat and I, vaillant. We understand each other quite well.


As for the rest...I've been posting on internet message boards for the better part of two and a half decades, and I assume most everyone over the age of 35 has, too. With that experience usually comes understanding about how you are "perceived" by others.


I'm aware of, and ok with, how I am perceived (though I certainly reserve the right to challenge erroneous perception), and won't be changing my "verbosity" at any point in the near (and probably distant) future. I can think of...maybe...100 posts of my 45,000+ that have been longer than, say, an average newspaper article, which isn't really all that taxing.


I am fully aware, in this Attention Deficit, Twitter world we live in, that "too many words hurt Hulk's head"...and, frankly, don't care. If someone can't be bothered to read more than 144 characters, how is that my problem? And, if people choose to be personally offended at comments that aren't personal to begin with...again, that's their problem, and it is a genuine problem, no doubt. And, if you made it this far, congratulations! You're in the top 5% of all message board denizens!


I make no apologies for making a concerted effort to communicate clearly, and neither should anyone else.

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is it me or is it silly to argue about a price on a book a grade higher than the book that's actually listed?


its silly to discuss a sales thread here without posting a link to said sales thread.


Roy's listing of a WBN 32 9.2. For some reason it got derailed into a discussion of what 9.4s sell for.



I can't understand why people throw out "that's a steal at that price". If it were a steal, it would have sold in a minute or the boardie making the comment would have bought it. It WAS priced in the ball park and Roy got a sale a few hours later. Good for him, as that was his intention. All the commentary was just ridiculous. If you want to comment about a book, do it in the GA/SA/BA sections, not in someone's sales thread, whether the seller cares or not if you comment is beside the point.



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As for the rest...I've been posting on internet message boards for the better part of two and a half decades, and I assume most everyone over the age of 35 has, too. With that experience usually comes understanding about how you are "perceived" by others.


I'm aware of, and ok with, how I am perceived (though I certainly reserve the right to challenge erroneous perception), and won't be changing my "verbosity" at any point in the near (and probably distant) future. I can think of...maybe...100 posts of my 45,000+ that have been longer than, say, an average newspaper article, which isn't really all that taxing.


I am fully aware, in this Attention Deficit, Twitter world we live in, that "too many words hurt Hulk's head"...and, frankly, don't care. If someone can't be bothered to read more than 144 characters, how is that my problem? And, if people choose to be personally offended at comments that aren't personal to begin with...again, that's their problem, and it is a genuine problem, no doubt. And, if you made it this far, congratulations! You're in the top 5% of all message board denizens!


I make no apologies for making a concerted effort to communicate clearly, and neither should anyone else.


tl; dr

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I feel like to comment because I hold both wombat and RMA in high esteem, and Im sorry to see this misunderstanding.


RMA, I believe most people would be agreeing with most of your reasonings, and with your care for principles, but I believe they are often put off by the verbose nature of your posts, and the fact that they might give an impression of presumpion.

Which, I am sure, mostly its not there as you hardly take offense on a "personal" level, but that is the way they might come through.


My 2¢, or better my 2 Euro cents, as they would say :)


There's no misunderstanding between wombat and I, vaillant. We understand each other quite well.


As for the rest...I've been posting on internet message boards for the better part of two and a half decades, and I assume most everyone over the age of 35 has, too. With that experience usually comes understanding about how you are "perceived" by others.


I'm aware of, and ok with, how I am perceived (though I certainly reserve the right to challenge erroneous perception), and won't be changing my "verbosity" at any point in the near (and probably distant) future. I can think of...maybe...100 posts of my 45,000+ that have been longer than, say, an average newspaper article, which isn't really all that taxing.


I am fully aware, in this Attention Deficit, Twitter world we live in, that "too many words hurt Hulk's head"...and, frankly, don't care. If someone can't be bothered to read more than 144 characters, how is that my problem? And, if people choose to be personally offended at comments that aren't personal to begin with...again, that's their problem, and it is a genuine problem, no doubt. And, if you made it this far, congratulations! You're in the top 5% of all message board denizens!


I make no apologies for making a concerted effort to communicate clearly, and neither should anyone else.


I agree 100% that you should not have to change your posting style for anyone else. People's attention and manners can be short and rude at times and most people talk on the internet in a way that they've never talk in a public setting.


But I'll also say (as Paul said :D ) that I try to be all things to all men.


I'm pretty verbose as well but Louise has taught me that sometimes the point gets lost to the majority when I'm verbose so I try to be more concise (when possible). She always tells me that less is more.


Why? Life is busy, people are easily distracted, ADD runs rampant? All of the above.


No, mainly because Louise is impatient by nature. lol


But seriously, I've found that she is very good at understanding human nature.



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is it me or is it silly to argue about a price on a book a grade higher than the book that's actually listed?


its silly to discuss a sales thread here without posting a link to said sales thread.


Roy's listing of a WBN 32 9.2. For some reason it got derailed into a discussion of what 9.4s sell for.


I seem to be a lightning rod for that sort of thing. :tonofbricks:

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I agree 100% that you should not have to change your posting style for anyone else. People's attention and manners can be short and rude at times and most people talk on the internet in a way that they've never talk in a public setting.


But I'll also say (as Paul said :D ) that I try to be all things to all men.


I'm pretty verbose as well but Louise has taught me that sometimes the point gets lost to the majority when I'm verbose so I try to be more concise (when possible). She always tells me that less is more.


Why? Life is busy, people are easily distracted, ADD runs rampant? All of the above.


No, mainly because Louise is impatient by nature. lol


But seriously, I've found that she is very good at understanding human nature.



Louise and I spent much of SDCC 2011 chatting about stuff while you ran around the floor buying books. I don't think she had a problem with me being chatty. If she did, I certainly never heard about it.




When less is more, and conciseness isn't a problem, I'm pretty sure I handle that well, and I'm pretty sure my posting record is ample proof of that. But people focus on the "verbose" posts, and ignore the "concise" posts. Not a complaint, just pointing out the inconsistency of human nature.


However, less can be (and often is) less.


I say what I feel must be said, both to make the point AND to forestall possible objections/misunderstandings/misperceptions. Why is legalese so long? Because people WILL find a way to misconstrue/misunderstand/misrepresent, and there needs to be language to cover as many angles as possible.


I pay very, VERY close attention to what I say, how I say it, and why. I must, because I have an official "contentious poster" label on me, and have come under closer scrutiny. Not a complaint, truly, but I must be more careful than most. So yes, I am confident that I say what needs to be said, in a way that gets the point across, without rambling or unnecessary repetition.


A lot of people are loose with their words, and don't pay attention to what they say, concise, verbose, or somewhere in between.

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