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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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Pretty much agree with all of the sideline life coaching advice going on in this thread. We probably all do. Of course he should have done better. I think that's sort of obvious.


The real question in my mind is when is someone not deserving of help? What act makes someone a fool for giving a helping hand? Considering I don't know the guy from Adam, it wasn't a major life decision for me to try to help in some small way, buy many in these various threads seem pretty adamant on the sink or swim philosophy.



It's a lot of things. Most of them boil down to being honest with themselves and being honest with the people they have come to plead for help.


When don't they deserve a helping hand?


When they can't give a straight answer when you ask them what they need the money for and how they will use it.


When they make it sound like they need $15k to avoid total disaster and the loss of everything they own and it's really more like $3k.


When they've been advised for years to change their lifestyle, lower their expenses, take any job they can to get a steady income, and decided to follow the same path that got them into trouble in the first place.


Those are demonstrations of defiance and failure to recognize self destruction. Worse it's a failure to appreciate the sacrifices they are asking of others by being less than 100% honest and transparent from the first moment they choose to take charity. If they can't repay charity with honesty then they don't deserve it.



I agree with the honesty bit. Typically those sort of things don't come to light or of they do, it's all over and done.

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Pretty much agree with all of the sideline life coaching advice going on in this thread. We probably all do. Of course he should have done better. I think that's sort of obvious.


The real question in my mind is when is someone not deserving of help? What act makes someone a fool for giving a helping hand? Considering I don't know the guy from Adam, it wasn't a major life decision for me to try to help in some small way, buy many in these various threads seem pretty adamant on the sink or swim philosophy.



It's a lot of things. Most of them boil down to being honest with themselves and being honest with the people they have come to plead for help.


When don't they deserve a helping hand?


When they can't give a straight answer when you ask them what they need the money for and how they will use it.


When they make it sound like they need $15k to avoid total disaster and the loss of everything they own and it's really more like $3k.


When they've been advised for years to change their lifestyle, lower their expenses, take any job they can to get a steady income, and decided to follow the same path that got them into trouble in the first place.


Those are demonstrations of defiance and failure to recognize self destruction. Worse it's a failure to appreciate the sacrifices they are asking of others by being less than 100% honest and transparent from the first moment they choose to take charity. If they can't repay charity with honesty then they don't deserve it.



I agree with the honesty bit. Typically those sort of things don't come to light or of they do, it's all over and done.



It's a cliche but, you can't help anyone you won't help themselves. That's seeing the problem and not acting. Getting good advice and not taking it. Begging for money and not respecting the people you are asking enough to be straight with them from the get go.



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All I can say is I'm glad the six-million dollar man didn't start a thread asking for repair money....only to find out that he's blowing the $ on fembots and coke. I'm sure Oscar and Rudy would be pretty pissed off.


He started that way but who would blame him after losing Jamie.

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I deserve help.


I'll get you started at Wizard with you're first session.

Thank you sir, may I have another?
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I know the snowball debt payoff method has been mentioned here. Where I learned that from was reading Dave Ramsay (and maybe that's where others have too). I don't agree with everything the guy says, but a lot of it makes sense and it does work. I've read a few of his books over the years and if nothing else, they are a good source of encouragement. I started the snowball method with my debt just over 2 years ago with a small modification: rather than just minimum payments on all but the smallest debt, I make the minimum payment to have every debt paid off in 3 years and put the rest on the smallest debt. I paid my first credit card off last month and my next one will be paid in August, then one in November. The rest will be paid off about this time next year. I know how crippling being in debt can be. I'll tell you, just getting that first card paid off was such a good feeling. And knowing I'll be debt free in just a year is something I've been looking forward to for a long time.


Anyway, the reason for this rant is I just wanted to offer up my copy of Total Money Makeover to you if you're interested. It's helped me out a lot and if you take the time to read it and dedicate yourself to following the steps he outlines I think you'll greatly benefit. Just shoot me a PM with your address if you want to take me up on the offer. I was going to send this in a PM but I wanted to recommend this book to anyone who might be reading this. Even if you are doing well for yourself, I'd recommend giving this book a read, it's a quick read and has some great information.

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A lot of great advice has been given on money management and how to live successfully out of your car, but surprisingly very little on Chip's decision to get himself out of his financial troubles by becoming a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.


Congrats on the job, Chip! I hope everything starts looking up for you!

Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. The best thing about the job is that the more I work, the more I earn. I'm going to hit the ground running and get as many hours in as I can. I just have to make sure I know the product, but that will come with time. The company is doing very well so I know I can make this work.




Although I'm certain some people make a decent living doing this, it would probably not be my first choice if I needed money asap.


I wish you well, Chip, and I hope you fair better than others I have read about.




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A lot of great advice has been given on money management and how to live successfully out of your car, but surprisingly very little on Chip's decision to get himself out of his financial troubles by becoming a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.


Congrats on the job, Chip! I hope everything starts looking up for you!

Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. The best thing about the job is that the more I work, the more I earn. I'm going to hit the ground running and get as many hours in as I can. I just have to make sure I know the product, but that will come with time. The company is doing very well so I know I can make this work.




Although I'm certain some people make a decent living doing this, it would probably not be my first choice if I needed money asap.


I wish you well, Chip, and I hope you fair better than others I have read about.




Seems to be another wise decision doh!

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That would explain the rapid progression from second interview to hiring to training all in the span of 24 hours.

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A lot of great advice has been given on money management and how to live successfully out of your car, but surprisingly very little on Chip's decision to get himself out of his financial troubles by becoming a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.


Congrats on the job, Chip! I hope everything starts looking up for you!

Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. The best thing about the job is that the more I work, the more I earn. I'm going to hit the ground running and get as many hours in as I can. I just have to make sure I know the product, but that will come with time. The company is doing very well so I know I can make this work.




Although I'm certain some people make a decent living doing this, it would probably not be my first choice if I needed money asap.


I wish you well, Chip, and I hope you fair better than others I have read about.




Seems to be another wise decision doh!


Truth is sometimes MUCH stranger than fiction. This has indentured servitude written all over it.

I hope he's getting a salary and not 100% commission based. Hope the training is truly "free"


He's better off pulling double shifts working 16 hr days at MC D's at $10 an hour, rent a room for a couple hundred a month, buy bare necessities, and save, save, save the rest till he gets it together before jumping into something nutty like this.


I do hope he makes a million selling these though.





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A lot of great advice has been given on money management and how to live successfully out of your car, but surprisingly very little on Chip's decision to get himself out of his financial troubles by becoming a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.


Congrats on the job, Chip! I hope everything starts looking up for you!

Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. The best thing about the job is that the more I work, the more I earn. I'm going to hit the ground running and get as many hours in as I can. I just have to make sure I know the product, but that will come with time. The company is doing very well so I know I can make this work.




Although I'm certain some people make a decent living doing this, it would probably not be my first choice if I needed money asap.


I wish you well, Chip, and I hope you fair better than others I have read about.




Seems to be another wise decision doh!


Truth is sometimes MUCH stranger than fiction. This has indentured servitude written all over it.

I hope he's getting a salary and not 100% commission based. Hope the training is truly "free"


He's better off pulling double shifts working 16 hr days at MC D's at $10 an hour, rent a room for a couple hundred a month, buy bare necessities, and save, save, save the rest till he gets it together before jumping into something nutty like this.


I do hope he makes a million selling these though.





I have to wonder what the job market is in SC. When I was starting out I did temp work, clerical type stuff, data entry. I did OK doing that, don't they have opportunities like this in SC?

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The job said $15/hour.


Now I'm worried because one of the guys named in one of the complaints is the guy who hired and trained me.


Back to the drawing board.


:eek: That's not good if he's specifically mentioned.

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Blocking people or unblocking has nothing to do with maturity. I have like 2-3 people on ignore and I'm better off for it.

Oh well, that’s debatable. :)




Funny you should mention it...


Do you actually have what I consider one of the nicest boardies on the chat forum on ignore?

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Doing a quick search of the area has yielded part time positions at both McDonalds and Wal-mart.


Now, speaking from experience, Wal-Mart is actually a pretty good employer. The benefits are alright, the pay isn't grand, but the team environment is helpful and encouraging.


Worked there two years, first year as a night stock person and second year as full store maintenance manager.


While it's not sitting on your azz, it's not terribly too physical. I actually enjoyed stocking at night because I had my area, stayed in my area and listened to my iPod all night with no disruptions.

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Blocking people or unblocking has nothing to do with maturity. I have like 2-3 people on ignore and I'm better off for it.

Oh well, that’s debatable. :)




Funny you should mention it...


Do you actually have what I consider one of the nicest boardies on the chat forum on ignore?



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I suggest getting your resume sorted out to be desirable to hire, they can be difficult to gain employment with because of their interview style.


I got in because I sold myself. And not to toot my own horn, I work. I don't goof off, I don't play around, I do what I am asked to do, no questions. I do my job, I leave and go home and pretend I don't have a job. I stay professional.


Not sure what marketable skills you have, but in all honesty, to work at WalMart you don't need a skill set. Not to be a stockboy, not to be a department salesperson, department manager, shift manager, shift supervisor, or store manager.


My store manager was a complete moran. He had the position because he applied and was there more than 10 years, starting on the floor and working his way up.


This is the WalMart way of doing things. Sometimes it works, sometimes people just fill positions till they retire. Not saying you should have a career, but its a paycheque. An easy one.

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