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On 7/14/2023 at 7:52 PM, Dr. Balls said:

Gustave Dore's (the engraver) work was so in demand in the 19th century, in order for him to keep up with demand and produce artwork on time, he had employed 40 different artists to create a production line to pump out his engravings - and he oversaw the entire process as to never sacrifice the quality of his work.

That was a time where people's vocation was important to them, and they took pride in what they produced. Things are very different in 2023, and people even more so - like you had said. If you are going to create an assembly line of restoration experts (which I also think is a good idea), you probably have to have everything on-site and constantly overseen. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but finding the people who are passionate enough about it, happy with the pay and the personal satisfaction of working all the time makes that pretty challenging. The unfortunate part is that the theory of the assembly line process seems to have been executed using other people's money and books. Despite Wall Street doing shenanigans like this, for the small guy - I think it might be a little harder to do.


But the implied upfront labor load is huge. You'd need significant capital funding to even think about venturing into this business model. It would be nearly impossible to self-fund this hobby-turned-business venture without compromising basic business ethics due to resource constraints.



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On 7/14/2023 at 7:02 PM, thehumantorch said:

I think we should try to be fair about this. 

He is a skilled restoration expert with years of experience and I believe he spent a lot of money purchasing equipment and opening a second office.  He's not some fly by night scammer drawn in by easy profits. he's someone who wants to do this, paid his dues, and I believe had good intentions.  To me this situation is tragic on many levels.

Make no mistake, he was drawn in by the fallacy of easy profits.

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On 7/15/2023 at 6:47 AM, Dr. Balls said:

I'm not trying to be purposefully insensitive here, but what kind of strenuous physical work is involved in doing restoration on a comic book?

Don’t think it it physical work - think more to do with having to work long hours after most employees left/let go in order to keep up combined with the emotional stress when one sees which way the business is going, not able to pay bills, see one’s operation just crumble to pieces after spent so much time and effort to built it. That would be my guess 

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On 7/14/2023 at 3:47 PM, Dr. Balls said:

I'm not trying to be purposefully insensitive here, but what kind of strenuous physical work is involved in doing restoration on a comic book?

I don’t know but it definitely seems less strenuous than trying to maintain a chicken coop. 

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On 7/14/2023 at 9:17 PM, wiparker824 said:

I don’t know but it definitely seems less strenuous than trying to maintain a chicken coop. 

My wife has chickens - it is 100% less strenuous than tending to chickens.

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On 7/14/2023 at 11:14 PM, Poka said:

Don’t think it it physical work - think more to do with having to work long hours after most employees left/let go in order to keep up combined with the emotional stress when one sees which way the business is going, not able to pay bills, see one’s operation just crumble to pieces after spent so much time and effort to built it. That would be my guess 

In no specific order.  These three observations today are very much how I feel. Am I not in this for cash, it was the fame. The cash is in flipping books, but for me it was straight labor, and the plus or minuses that go with it. I put in the hours, but it wasn't enough, there was more missing.

All I wanted was time. I understand that that might be an unreasonable request considering how much time is already gone by, but I wanted nothing more. I didn't go into this for cash, it's needed, but my drive was the work. I saw an opportunity to build something, and I took a chance.

On 7/14/2023 at 7:52 PM, Dr. Balls said:

Gustave Dore's (the engraver) work was so in demand in the 19th century, in order for him to keep up with demand and produce artwork on time, he had employed 40 different artists to create a production line to pump out his engravings - and he oversaw the entire process as to never sacrifice the quality of his work.

That was a time where people's vocation was important to them, and they took pride in what they produced. Things are very different in 2023, and people even more so - like you had said. If you are going to create an assembly line of restoration experts (which I also think is a good idea), you probably have to have everything on-site and constantly overseen. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but finding the people who are passionate enough about it, happy with the pay and the personal satisfaction of working all the time makes that pretty challenging. The unfortunate part is that the theory of the assembly line process seems to have been executed using other people's money and books. Despite Wall Street doing shenanigans like this, for the small guy - I think it might be a little harder to do.

Dr Balls, I remember when you first showed up on the boards. Love 💕 hate would be my description. You can be so insightful, and other times, well......

Yes, I had a dream, and it turned into a nightmare. NJ was a mistake, and on part because it was my creation. Once I made the choice, the rest was doomed based on the person making that choice. Not a day goes by I don't regret staying the small guy on the wrong side of the continent. My inability or motivation to be there in New Jersey on hand, day to day was clearly a mistake. Even if I had, it still could have been a mistake. Once New Jersey opened, and it was a mistake, then every decision I made after that couldn't be right because it was based on a mistake.

Please Believe me when I say I'm regretting that now. I feel like the hulk with his name on top of his back crushing him, the responsibility overwhelming, the weight of it all more than I can bear. I've tried everything I can think of, but no one really seems to care. That's business, and I get that. I am trying to salvage what is left, but this thread has more of a negative impact than I think anyone realizes.  I'm not talking about for me. We're way beyond that, it's a miracle that my artery hasn't constricted enough that I'm just dead. That's just life, and in fact that was one of my hopes of building a larger company, so one person dying didn't mean the end of a business.

I'm talking about the customers, the collectors, the people that have had books since they were a kid. They are in a panic, not because I'm slow, but because others created animosity to the point they think they have something to worry about. Do they have to worry about getting their books back? No.! Do they have to worry about me moving at the speed of molasses, yes. That is my hole, I have way more books than I should for one person, I move way slower than I should for one person, and I made all the wrong decisions along the way. Decisions so now that I've got this endless boxes of books, all the while still having to do the day-to-day to make sure the wheels keep turning.

There is no help that doesn't costs money, and I didn't manage the money well enough. I was hoping for Henry Ford Restoration dream, and I dreamed too hard and too fast. All I want now is time to get things right, but it's not working out that way. Whether it's inflation, bad economy, getting screwed by others, or just plan out frustration, I picked the wrong time to get stuck behind and be by myself. I had a chance to make a difference and I blew it. 

Now I have no choice but to resign from CGC as a dealer, and facilitator. Due to time, I am forced into a corner, if I had more time I could do more, but I can't expect more time from others.

So it is with great sadness, that the end of Hero Restoration is coming. While I understand the concern, I have every reason to return everyone's books, and no incentive to keep them, having wealth that doesn't belong to me was never a thought. I am still pressing daily, but I don't know why.

To use the play on words to indicate I am not trying is otherwise unfair.

Understanding is not a requisite for cooperation, but it's being required of me nonetheless

. Whether I'm too slow, I don't have it together enough to be productive, is irrelevant. My intention is always been steady, it has always been about the customer, and I will do everything I can to do what I need to do. It is very unusual and unexpected to be asked to just stop and return and not finish. I never wanted to let a book go out the door not it's best, and as part of the reason why I have had books too long.

All I ask for is what for most don't want to give; more time. More trust, more confidence, but that has changed overnight.

To think that I just will keep the books to myself seems absurd to me. I didn't draw attention to myself for that reason, I just wanted to be known for caring about the hobby, and trying to do something that was available to everyone, and almost every book.

I either dreamed and unreasonable dream, or I just did it completely wrong. I have no idea which it is, or a combination of the two, but I will not try again. If I can do this as a hobby, I'll be happy. As a business, I have no business doing it.

While I haven't actually announced it yet, There's no way I can be a CGC dealer and facilitator, but my reasons I will keep to myself.

It wasn't supposed to be the Dealers job to figure out the grade of a book. I feel the dealer should get rewarded for the sales, not overburdened with expenses and lack of support. Everything's changed since 2009, I almost feel like a dinosaur already.

When I once revelled in the satisfaction of others increasing their value of their books, now all I see is the machine turning, and the disappointment when it doesn't. I had hoped to create a team so efficient that even the most complicated work could cost less, but I was foolish. Too much time to train, too much risk that it will not pan out long term.

I am doing everything I can for those who are willing to wait, to fulfill my responsibility. I can't help those who rush to change plans, make demands, and disregard the terms for no reason other than it being a small company. Not different terms, not unusual or new, just terms just in case. I could not find the solution. I cannot comply with what is expected , and do not have the resources for such an event of mass requests.

Those demands along with the destructive terminology used in social media has forced Hero Restoration into irreversible insolvency. I'm not saying it wasn't headed that way anyways, but if there was any chance of saving it, it's now over based on social media.

I blame everybody, and nobody at the same time. All I had to do was stay under a rock and I would be fine. I thought I could be the next Bill Sorell, but instead I'm just being matched up with con artist and scammers. It's a nightmare. I won't have to worry about retrying again,as I am a senior and this was my one shot.

My time is limited and........ I just want to enjoy life while I can.

I am sorry, I never wanted the clients to be involved in any way with the risk of being in business. It is with absolute despair and sadness, that Hero Restoration LLC will have to file chapter 7, if only to prove that the right thing is being done to the end. A trustee can take care of this now, see that those who are not whole made whole if possible. It is out of my control, the choice has been taken away from me now. The process has began to take form.

The panic that this thread has caused has created an avalanche of request that I cannot comply with. Everyone wants to be first, and that's more than just a couple of dozen. I know it seems simple, and maybe it is. It is not simple for me, I am going as fast as I can, and working as hard as I can. After 9 months of 7 days a week, 16 hour days and 2 heart attacks, I don't have it in me anymore, especially by myself., Down time is literally essential.

If I don't have down time, then I'm just plain down. I don't mean to make anyone wait any longer than they have to, it troubles me every day. I could probably do better if I was all knowing, but I am not so I do the best I can.

I really don't have much more to say, and I'm really not interested in negative comments. The filing will make sure everyone's books are returned, and that due process is being done. That is my only motivation for filing, otherwise I accept the consequences of the  ending. I struggled to say goodbye to the hobby, there are people who still believe in me and still want me to finish the work I started or was going to start. For those people who are willing to wait, I will continue the work, but I do not expect it to be a full-time endeavor.

Maybe it was never meant to be that way, maybe I was trying to build something that could not be built. Maybe I just was the wrong person to try to build it, but if you don't try you never know, nand now I do. 😔



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On 7/15/2023 at 3:44 AM, Hero Restoration said:

In no specific order.  These three observations today are very much how I feel. Am I not in this for cash, it was the fame. The cash is in flipping books, but for me it was straight labor, and the plus or minuses that go with it. I put in the hours, but it wasn't enough, there was more missing.

All I wanted was time. I understand that that might be an unreasonable request considering how much time is already gone by, but I wanted nothing more. I didn't go into this for cash, it's needed, but my drive was the work. I saw an opportunity to build something, and I took a chance.

Dr Balls, I remember when you first showed up on the boards. Love 💕 hate would be my description. You can be so insightful, and other times, well......

Yes, I had a dream, and it turned into a nightmare. NJ was a mistake, and on part because it was my creation. Once I made the choice, the rest was doomed based on the person making that choice. Not a day goes by I don't regret staying the small guy on the wrong side of the continent. My inability or motivation to be there in New Jersey on hand, day to day was clearly a mistake. Even if I had, it still could have been a mistake. Once New Jersey opened, and it was a mistake, then every decision I made after that couldn't be right because it was based on a mistake.

Please Believe me when I say I'm regretting that now. I feel like the hulk with his name on top of his back crushing him, the responsibility overwhelming, the weight of it all more than I can bear. I've tried everything I can think of, but no one really seems to care. That's business, and I get that. I am trying to salvage what is left, but this thread has more of a negative impact than I think anyone realizes.  I'm not talking about for me. We're way beyond that, it's a miracle that my artery hasn't constricted enough that I'm just dead. That's just life, and in fact that was one of my hopes of building a larger company, so one person dying didn't mean the end of a business.

I'm talking about the customers, the collectors, the people that have had books since they were a kid. They are in a panic, not because I'm slow, but because others created animosity to the point they think they have something to worry about. Do they have to worry about getting their books back? No.! Do they have to worry about me moving at the speed of molasses, yes. That is my hole, I have way more books than I should for one person, I move way slower than I should for one person, and I made all the wrong decisions along the way. Decisions so now that I've got this endless boxes of books, all the while still having to do the day-to-day to make sure the wheels keep turning.

There is no help that doesn't costs money, and I didn't manage the money well enough. I was hoping for Henry Ford Restoration dream, and I dreamed too hard and too fast. All I want now is time to get things right, but it's not working out that way. Whether it's inflation, bad economy, getting screwed by others, or just plan out frustration, I picked the wrong time to get stuck behind and be by myself. I had a chance to make a difference and I blew it. 

Now I have no choice but to resign from CGC as a dealer, and facilitator. Due to time, I am forced into a corner, if I had more time I could do more, but I can't expect more time from others.

So it is with great sadness, that the end of Hero Restoration is coming. While I understand the concern, I have every reason to return everyone's books, and no incentive to keep them, having wealth that doesn't belong to me was never a thought. I am still pressing daily, but I don't know why.

To use the play on words to indicate I am not trying is otherwise unfair.

Understanding is not a requisite for cooperation, but it's being required of me nonetheless

. Whether I'm too slow, I don't have it together enough to be productive, is irrelevant. My intention is always been steady, it has always been about the customer, and I will do everything I can to do what I need to do. It is very unusual and unexpected to be asked to just stop and return and not finish. I never wanted to let a book go out the door not it's best, and as part of the reason why I have had books too long.

All I ask for is what for most don't want to give; more time. More trust, more confidence, but that has changed overnight.

To think that I just will keep the books to myself seems absurd to me. I didn't draw attention to myself for that reason, I just wanted to be known for caring about the hobby, and trying to do something that was available to everyone, and almost every book.

I either dreamed and unreasonable dream, or I just did it completely wrong. I have no idea which it is, or a combination of the two, but I will not try again. If I can do this as a hobby, I'll be happy. As a business, I have no business doing it.

While I haven't actually announced it yet, There's no way I can be a CGC dealer and facilitator, but my reasons I will keep to myself.

It wasn't supposed to be the Dealers job to figure out the grade of a book. I feel the dealer should get rewarded for the sales, not overburdened with expenses and lack of support. Everything's changed since 2009, I almost feel like a dinosaur already.

When I once revelled in the satisfaction of others increasing their value of their books, now all I see is the machine turning, and the disappointment when it doesn't. I had hoped to create a team so efficient that even the most complicated work could cost less, but I was foolish. Too much time to train, too much risk that it will not pan out long term.

I am doing everything I can for those who are willing to wait, to fulfill my responsibility. I can't help those who rush to change plans, make demands, and disregard the terms for no reason other than it being a small company. Not different terms, not unusual or new, just terms just in case. I could not find the solution. I cannot comply with what is expected , and do not have the resources for such an event of mass requests.

Those demands along with the destructive terminology used in social media has forced Hero Restoration into irreversible insolvency. I'm not saying it wasn't headed that way anyways, but if there was any chance of saving it, it's now over based on social media.

I blame everybody, and nobody at the same time. All I had to do was stay under a rock and I would be fine. I thought I could be the next Bill Sorell, but instead I'm just being matched up with con artist and scammers. It's a nightmare. I won't have to worry about retrying again,as I am a senior and this was my one shot.

My time is limited and........ I just want to enjoy life while I can.

I am sorry, I never wanted the clients to be involved in any way with the risk of being in business. It is with absolute despair and sadness, that Hero Restoration LLC will have to file chapter 7, if only to prove that the right thing is being done to the end. A trustee can take care of this now, see that those who are not whole made whole if possible. It is out of my control, the choice has been taken away from me now. The process has began to take form.

The panic that this thread has caused has created an avalanche of request that I cannot comply with. Everyone wants to be first, and that's more than just a couple of dozen. I know it seems simple, and maybe it is. It is not simple for me, I am going as fast as I can, and working as hard as I can. After 9 months of 7 days a week, 16 hour days and 2 heart attacks, I don't have it in me anymore, especially by myself., Down time is literally essential.

If I don't have down time, then I'm just plain down. I don't mean to make anyone wait any longer than they have to, it troubles me every day. I could probably do better if I was all knowing, but I am not so I do the best I can.

I really don't have much more to say, and I'm really not interested in negative comments. The filing will make sure everyone's books are returned, and that due process is being done. That is my only motivation for filing, otherwise I accept the consequences of the  ending. I struggled to say goodbye to the hobby, there are people who still believe in me and still want me to finish the work I started or was going to start. For those people who are willing to wait, I will continue the work, but I do not expect it to be a full-time endeavor.

Maybe it was never meant to be that way, maybe I was trying to build something that could not be built. Maybe I just was the wrong person to try to build it, but if you don't try you never know, nand now I do. 😔



Mike, I'll just note, in a lighthearted manner despite the extremely serious nature of this issue, that NJ is never a mistake, at least for me, because I was raised there with incredibly loving parents that I love immensely and miss beyond all measure and an incredible older sister that I also love immensely.

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  • Administrator

I have removed all of the latest posts that hinted around a physical confrontation.  If you quoted said posts, your post was removed as well.  It's one thing to randomly joke about Phil's parking lot once in a while.  This type of posting is listed #1 in the types of behaviors that will be moderated and we take this very serious, as it also  carries the strongest action regarding posting restrictions or a permanent ban if deemed serious enough.  Keep this in mind going forward.

There was 1 of those quotes in Mike's post which I have edited out, as his post contained no unacceptable comments, and was a very important one for this thread.


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I had a friend who opened a comic book store in a small college town back in 1985... he never took out a loan. Worked a full time night job the first couple of years. I worked for him for 'store credit' back while I was in college, on new release day. Still remember that time fondly. While other comic shops came and went throughout the 90's, bigger, flashier, more space, larger cities, he... just kept doing what he did day after day. 

Eventually bought a house for him and his wife. Put his kids through college. Wow... 38 years went by just like that. 

I don't get to see him much anymore. I'm either out of the country or on the East Coast, but the last time I was in his shop was around 5 years ago. 33 years he'd been in that town, running his business. Never hired another employee. Still doing it the same way. 

I was buying some books from him and standing at the counter talking, when I grabbed his adding machine to figure something out and... I looked at that and said, "Is this the same adding machine you've had since you opened?"

It wasn't, he'd gotten this one TWO YEARS AFTER he opened - so it was only 31 years old... B|

That's some amazing discipline. To open a business, not borrow ANY money, run it everyday on your own, keep those expenses to a minimum... helps keep the casualties down too... 

It's a smart way to do business when you really do love what you do. 

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