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Domo Arigato

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Posts posted by Domo Arigato

  1. Seeing as how I could gouge my own eyes out and still do a better job at quality control.......some of the advantages of slabbing books myself are:

    • The book will be right side up.
    • There will be no plastic shards in the slab.
    • The book will not be damaged in the slabbing process.
    • The label will be correct.
    • There will be no newton rings.
    • There will be no scuffs on the inner well.
    • No fighting to get defects that are not my fualt corrected.
    • The book and/or slab won't get damaged in shipping back to me.


  2. On 5/10/2023 at 4:52 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

    I can't imagine CGC ever revealing that kind of information Gaard. I'm about to make my first submission, and I'm a little nervous as to what may come. I'm nervous of paying a not inconsiderable sum, getting my book back with one or more of the issues in this thread, and then having to argue with CGC about remediation. No one knows what % of submissions end trouble free, and it's likely to be the vast majority, but if anything can go wrong, I'm the type it tends to happen to. So I'm nervous, if I'm honest.

    CGC choose to advertise a crystal clear product with superior optics which they say is carefully QC'd before being released. That is what you pay for. But they also state in other channels that the plastics that they use can result in an off-putting optical effect which they say is normal and acceptable. And, of course, we see all the evidence we need in this thread to establish very clearly that not all books are QC'd, as they say. So should one deal with a company that effectively wants its cake and eats it? I accept that mistakes can happen in any business, but it's the attitude prevalent in this thread and the lack of apparent after care that troubles me. If my submission goes wrong, what battles will I have to face and over what period of time?

    When Roy Batty went back to the Tyrell Corporation seeking more life he was told it wasn't possible. Lots of options were discussed but the four year life span was hard-coded and that was that. Tyrell didn't advertise anything other than that because it was not technically possible to extend a Replicant's life beyond four years. So should CGC advertise crystal clear cases, when the close proximity of the plastics that they use can and does result in an optical effect that all but only the very obtuse would describe as 'crystal clear'? Should they state all books are carefully QC'd when they clearly are not?

    This thread could run for another four years and I don't think anything would change. At the end of the day, it gets dark, and we have a choice. Submit, and take the chance, or don't. It's that simple. I'm going to give it a go, as it seems to be the only way I'll be able to eventually sell my book for what it is worth. That is the nature of the beast now that CGC have positioned themselves as the be all and end all in the hobby. Few people will buy a high value book for what it is worth now without that CGC guarantee. But I'll be crossing my fingers very, very hard. You don't need to be a regular submitter to have a view on this. As a first time submitter, this thread - especially the CGC responses within it - puts me off. I suspect it puts others off too. But there is no sign of anything changing. Submit, or don't.

    Wish me luck!

    Quoting this so I can say "Don't do it".

    Also....so I can quote it again later and say "I told you so".


  3. One of the best stories I've heard about meeting a comic book artist wasn't from a comic fan......but from another comic artist.  

    It happened when Jim Steranko met Bob Kane for the very first time.  For those who aren't aware of it, here's what happened in Steranko's own words.  Keep in mind....when growing up, Steranko was a small child and became a target for bullies and young gang-members, so he studied self-defense and took up boxing to defend himself.


    "I hadn't encountered Kane in my travels, but at one rockin' SDCC, an associate asked me if I wanted to meet him, and walked me into a hallway.  There he was, in a small group of people, wearing patent-leather shoes--and an ASCOT, like he was Vitamin f***ing Flintheart in a Dick Tracy cartoon.  

    For years, I'd heard how he'd taken credit for Bill Finger's contributions (in addition to half his pay) and other despicable tales from his associates.  But nothing aces an in-person encounter.  We were introduced and Kane began talking about my Batman chapter in the HISTORY OF COMICS, which treated him--and everyone else--very respectfully.  He felt I credited Robinson and Finger (both of whom I knew intimately) too much.  Kane (aka Kahn) was beyond pretentious, an intolerable ass as pompous as they come.  I bit my tongue while he regaled us with his many achievements.

    The group was waiting for an elevator, which they stepped into when the door opened.  Our conversation ended, but not before he said: "See you later, Jim, baby", and cuffed me across the face--like some rat-pack street gesture he'd seen in some cheap flick.  The doors closed...

    I was stunned by the sheer audacity of a stranger--like him--to lay a hand on me, and boiling with anger.  That night, I couldn't sleep, and the next morning began combing the halls for his Bat Majesty.  Around noon, I found him in another group, which I walked into.  "Good to see you, Bob, baby!" I said, then b**ch-slapped him across the face.  But this time, there was no elevator door closing between us.  I stood there for about 15 seconds, waiting.  He did nothing.

    I turned and left.  But I regret it now.  I regret that he didn't do anything about it, even though he was at least a head taller than me.  I wouldn't have minded bleeding at all for one more opportunity to give Kane the kind of Bat Lesson that Finger, Robinson, Sprang and others only dreamed of."


  4. On 4/27/2023 at 3:33 PM, Corallas said:
    On 4/27/2023 at 2:26 PM, hyhhyss12 said:

    Not hating at all but how does a comic go from. 6.5 to 9.4? Guess the first grader was having a terrible day. Or new grader got a promotion.

    The comic looked very good to my eye in the case and was the reason I purchased it .

    Well looking at it in pictures in the case .

    Being new to the whole grading process I thought it was a much higher grade but was unsure 

    due to lack of experience . I could not understand why it was a 6.5 when I was looking it .

    Maybe original grader made a mistake or the crease was more severe than I could see through the case .


    I wonder sometimes if maybe the grader's who do the higher price books are more experienced and better ?

    This may have been answered previously in this thread......but, did you have the book pressed before you resubmitted it and got the 9.4 grade?

    Or did you just think it looked better than a 6.5 and do a straight resubmit without having it pressed?


  5. On 4/25/2023 at 7:45 PM, CGC Mike said:

    To bee more specific, check unread.  Then, click on the ones that are unread, thus marking them as read.  


    There's actually a gear wheel above it that has an option of "Mark all read"

    I did your option first, and one message did pop up as unread from years ago.  I clicked on it.  Then I also did the "Mark all read" option afterwards.

    We'll see if that fixes it.


  6. On 4/25/2023 at 11:12 AM, CGC Mike said:

    I have a meeting tomorrow regarding forum issues.  

    Here's mine..

    This message pops up fairly frequently for me (maybe every few days or so....the last time was on 4/22).

    He's promised to destroy CGC, so I'm a little concerned that one of these will have some C-4 attached to it.



  7. I don't go to cons.....so maybe somebody else can answer this.

    Do any of the dealers set up cameras to cover their booth?  

    You can get digital cameras these days relatively cheaply........they record in HD.......run off batteries......and you can put high capacity memory cards in them.  

    With the high value inventory many of these dealers have, it seems like a few well placed cameras would go a long way to deter this king of crime, or at least help identify the theif afterwards.

  8. On 4/22/2023 at 1:03 PM, rdp collectibles said:

    ----I am not as up on board rules as others...But what rules apply  when a seller has an un-allowed listing in the form of a mystery box, and a potential buyer knows such listing is not allowed but proceeds to privately negotiate and actually buys said un-allowed listing before said items can be publicly posted for all board watchers to pursue???...I know buyer says the seller edited her post after it was  brought up that mystery boxes aren't allowed, but I was following said thread from the start, and the initial post stated thread would consist of small lots (similar to her thread of a week or two prior), but it would be a few hours for a sports practice to end before proceeding...Seller then put a price on a picture of a box of comics with very few being seen in detail......I am not saying there wasn't a miss-understanding of some sort between buyer and seller--I just think it was way too soon to publicly trash a seller over said problem..This holds especially true when the buyer actually initiated said negotiation for such un-allowed transaction (note buyer absolves newer seller for not knowing rules on mystery box), but how do we absolve the buyer for participating in said un-allowed transaction??....I know most will as buyer seems to be well known and liked......I am glad the matter seems resolved, as I do not think the seller is dishonest based on my limited dealings with them...

    You want to focus on the "mystery" aspect of it, and state that the buyer absolved the seller regarding this because he's new.....fine.....I would argue that the seller absolved the buyer of it by accepting his money.  Either that, or they were both wrong, and that aspect of it is a moot point.  Even new people are required to read and know the rules before attempting to sell here.....and they can't be "absolved" (other than on a personal level) from following the forum rules by an individual when they break them.   

    But the fact is that there was no misunderstanding....the "mystery" aspect had nothing to do with it......and it wasn't too soon to bring this to the publics attention.  The buyer asked for and received several pictures of comics that were supposed to be included and were supposed to be in a full long box.  Some of the PICTURED comics were missing, and the quantity was not close to a full long box by every known measurement in the hobby.  This was not about a mystery.....it was not about a misunderstanding.......best case scenario, it was a mistake on the sellers part.  A mistake that should not cost the buyer any money, and one that he tried and failed to resolve with the seller (perhaps you need to go back and reread the conversation chain again).  When a good faith effort is attempted to resolve a disagreement, and a resolution appears to be out of the picture.....then it's time to bring it to the forum.