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Everything posted by kimik

  1. So which regular Hughes' cover(s) will be the next to take off like Catwoman #51/70/74 and WW #184?
  2. What was the cost of the series? Are they able to monetize any aspect of the views?
  3. Given that most of the actors on Walking Dead have never done anything significant prior to this show, not having another show lined up is no surprise for most of them. Everyone should be under contract for WD. If not, then they are likely killed off by Negan as they doing something else now.
  4. I am talking big special effect movies such as TMNT 2,GHOSTBUSTERS reboot,Independance Day 2,STAR TREK Beyond,THE BFG by Spielberg,Ben-Hur and Alice Through The Looking Glass. Billions were spent on these and all underperformed. What Valiant is doing is the new way to go. Adapt or die to new markets. By the time the others find out Valiant will be the clear leader in that market. Think of Marvel in 2008. Valiant 2016-2017 will be thought of as when they became mainstream big. Stock up on your Valiant keys now. Okay, I see where you are coming from. I think a lot of that had to do with the underlying properties as well. A Ben-Hur remake was a mistake, as was ID2, another Star Trek, and the TMNT money grab. WRT Valiant, time will tell, but they will be trying to enter a saturated/oversaturated hero market IMHO. They can't afford to come in with a weak first film as they do not have the widespread fanbase that characters from the Big 2 do. As far as keys, the time to stock up was pre-PR piece on movie deal. Prices have pulled back as they have not made any real progress towards feature films since the announcement. This Super Power Beat Down approach will not do anything to change that. Until they actually get a feature film in production there is just as high a likelihood of prices dropping as there is for any gains. I am still buying them because I like the books, but there are better places to put your comic spec dollars to work.
  5. Which actor/actress is on a different show this fall? And, no, I do not know. However, that should be all we need to know to determine who tastes Lucille.
  6. Is that Shadowman?!? Top right of poster? Hard to tell. Not the best choice of artist for the poster IMHO..............
  7. As long as it is not Flash Venom Space Knight then it should be okay...........
  8. Doctor Doom from the last FF movie. Fox said "Yeah, we don't want this one...you can this Marvel..." Looked a bit like the special effects as the Nimrod class sentinels from DFP as well.
  9. I wonder if it will be in theatres long enough to have a shot at $750MM?
  10. I for sure do not want that to happen. Please dont mix Netflix's amazing shows with that of garbage TV shows such as AoS! I already think Marvel was stupid to use a cool character like Ghost Rider as they are doing. They had a DC brain fart on that one. Marvel is probably at the point where it will try anything to up the ratings on the horrible show that AoS is. They used the Punisher in a similar way in the late 80s through mid 90s in weaker comic books......
  11. While Harley is the huge draw, the other female characters are generating buzz as well. I saw some cool Enchantress costumes (one that even had enough dangling stuff to make a jingly sound similar to the movie as the woman walked around) at the Edmonton Expo a week and a half back, and there were a few girls dressed as Katana as well. It will be interesting to see how this holds going forward with the lesser two characters. WRT appeal, I think the fact that Harley appeals to females for the same reason that Deadpool does to males - both characters are strong but also get ahead by behaving bad.
  12. It has been fun snagging these from $0.50 or $1 bins at shows the past couple of years. There is one coming up that should be good for bin diving during set up again in a couple of weeks.
  13. Marvel/Netflix needs to drop these weaker concepts and finally tackle the biggie that everyone wants..........Moon Knight.
  14. where? mycomicshop. Some of the consignors are gouging egregiously, to say the least.........
  15. The fact that it has come so close to BvS is great news for DC. It is funny how quickly the hater critics have quieted down since the movie has been doing so well at the box office.....
  16. Taking a look at the CW and BvS performance relative to SS, DP and even GotG, the take home could also be that more variety is needed in comic book movies. CW was a better movie than the steaming turd that AoU is/was, yet it did not do anywhere near the same numbers in week 9 despite being another Avengers movie. There may be some fatigue setting in with these characters now. It will be interesting to see how Dr. Strange does. I am worried it will not connect with the masses due to the magic/fantasy theme, but if it succeeds then we will hopefully see both studios look at expanding beyond their core heroes.
  17. Wow. Check out some of the prices on their consignment raw #1s and other 1st apps.........
  18. Wow. I can't believe the prices that #45, 70 and 74 are fetching raw on eBay now. I will have to hit the LCSs to see how many more I can dig up. I am also expecting #81 to pop sometime soon as well. Are there any WW and Zatana covers that are heating up like the Catwoman run is?
  19. I wonder if a major issue for casting an actor for the role is the physicality it requires? Craig had his share of injuries, and he was a fairly fit/physical actor before that. I am not sure Hiddleston could do as much in the role. Alba could probably handle it based on some of his other roles.
  20. Looking at the cover images posted so far, the DP Back in Black Lim variants may have some nice long term potential.
  21. That can't be a good sign for the market.. I find that Deadpool back issues are hot one year, cold the next, then hot again......it is a cycle in the local marketplace. That being said, I did move a small group to two collectors four weeks ago at a one day show so things will likely pick up in the spring again. The same pattern holds true for other books. ASM #361 is a good example. This spring I was selling raw 9.0 copies at $80 to other dealers at the Calgary Expo who were then flipping them from $100 - $150 per copy........this fall I have seen zero interest in the book so far. Harley has the benefit of more female collectors/readers discovering her via the SS movie. Her books have always sold well, but there is a definite uptick thanks to the movie.
  22. Harley is a hotter property right now. Once the DP move came and went the demand for back issues dried up fast this year. It was interesting to see how cold the character became even after a highly successful movie.
  23. Very sweet. I wonder if they can top $1B worldwide with a better story next time? It was interesting to see the Funko Pop booth beside us sell out of all of their Suicide Squad exclusives by mid-Saturday, and most of the regular ones by the end of the show. Is there any way to compare the merchandise revenues of SS vs. BvS?
  24. I am not a huge fan of the Ninjak look in the photo. Looks like a weak Mortal Kombat character knock-off. That being said, I hope it does well.