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Everything posted by kimik

  1. Congrats on the sale...but why is this book suddenly hot? It's not suddenly hot. It's sought after in high grade and there are many people willing to still pay highly for it as there aren't many high grade examples. I sold a CGC 9.6 copy about 3 years ago for nearly $300 USD Mid grade copies were not doing $40+ until recently. I pulled mine a bit after Thanos mania started and was disappointed that it only looked to be worth $7-10 so I put it back to age it more. The power of the Thanos Copter is strong......
  2. Have you seen it yet? No. If you and other Marvel fanboys I know are giving it mixed reviews then I will save my money and wait for it on the small screen. It is a good movie, my pickiness comes from wanting it to be better and it could have been. Good is not very good......
  3. Have you seen it yet? No. If you and other Marvel fanboys I know are giving it mixed reviews then I will save my money and wait for it on the small screen. Go see it! I'm looking forward to seeing it again with the kids this weekend. No. I will wait for a something more worthwhile like Rogue One. No use wasting time on a film that Karl and Dave say is They didn't say it was bad. Regardless, I saw it again and still liked it. They didn't say it was at least very good either.......
  4. Have you seen it yet? No. If you and other Marvel fanboys I know are giving it mixed reviews then I will save my money and wait for it on the small screen. Go see it! I'm looking forward to seeing it again with the kids this weekend. No. I will wait for a something more worthwhile like Rogue One. No use wasting time on a film that Karl and Dave say is
  5. Have you seen it yet? No. If you and other Marvel fanboys I know are giving it mixed reviews then I will save my money and wait for it on the small screen.
  6. The movie should hold up well here in Canada. We have the Remembrance Day holiday tomorrow so it is a long weekend. Still no interest from my kids and their best friends to see it even though I offered to take them.
  7. So they can reboot it again? Maybe, maybe not. Either way Marvel has proven they can take a long view on the stories that doesn't involve reboots once they've got the characters in a good place. Will that hold when they have to replace some of the actors, though?
  8. I lucked into a copy in mid-September that was listed with small scans and no grade given for just $60 (BIN was $75 and seller accepted $60). There were plenty of copies listed at that time, but supply seems to have dried up now.
  9. Are the copies scarce or is it just that nobody was slabbing them until about 4 years ago. Looks like there's twice as many ST110s than TTA27s on the census. Way more ST110s than Hulk1s on the census too. ST 110 is not a scarce book. It suffered from the same issue that DD #1 and Avengers #1 had for years due to ample supply being better able to meet demand relative to other Marvel SA keys. I expect it will show the same post-movie/TV plateau and then pullback pattern that the other two did, but will settle at a much higher level that it was before the movie bubble.
  10. Tec #359 prices continue to move up. I can remember not too long ago when flipping 8.5s for $600 was a big deal. I wonder how much it will run up when Batgirl finally hits the big screen?
  11. Everyone knows the answer to what he did in his downtime - Thor tossed him inside a whale carcass to scoop out the oil.
  12. He got what he wanted out of it which is.......................100x on his normal click through rate.
  13. Patience will be a virtue in this case. Prices should pull back after the movie hype dies down just like we see with most movie/tv tied keys.
  14. Great. I hope this movie is a huge success so the DCEU can go forward with a magic related movie that would be even more visually stunning (albeit for different reasons).................Zatanna.
  15. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. Canadian Newsstand editions are the ones to go for. Regular newsstand is way too plentiful and there is generally not much of a value difference if at all. If you're Canadian. If you're from the USA then the Canadian newsstands are like North American Pence copies. As long as American collectors keep paying premiums for Canadian newsstand variants you can call them whatever you like. I'm waiting for a premium offer on the Canadian newsstand that I have... That is the Quebec edition, not Canadian........
  16. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. Canadian Newsstand editions are the ones to go for. Regular newsstand is way too plentiful and there is generally not much of a value difference if at all. If you're Canadian. If you're from the USA then the Canadian newsstands are like North American Pence copies. As long as American collectors keep paying premiums for Canadian newsstand variants you can call them whatever you like.
  17. So far I have heard from three big Marvel fanboy friends. Using Ant-Man as a gauge, one thought it was better and two thought it was worse.
  18. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. Canadian Newsstand editions are the ones to go for. Regular newsstand is way too plentiful and there is generally not much of a value difference if at all.
  19. How is ST #110 doing now that the movie is out?
  20. Awesome sketch! Does Adam take sketch requests online or just in person at shows? Also, is there any place you can pick up his OA?
  21. Just watched the trailer with my daughter. She can't wait for the movie. It looks good.
  22. This book was allocated, right? I am only getting single copies at the LCSs that have a limit of 2 copies per customer.
  23. Take out RDJ and the financial performance improves accordingly? I expect that the costs of producing superhero/sci-fi/fantasy movies will drop going forward as the CGI platforms become more robust.