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Everything posted by kimik

  1. I thought the rumor was that she is being cast as Silk, not MJ?
  2. unless 10mm Chinese people went to Japan to view it, there's no prayer of this happening It is improbable that it can top the MOS total without a Chinese audience, but my that it does. Regardless, I think that the results to date (it is tracking ahead of GoTG which was a great movie IMHO) should give the greenlight for a sequel.
  3. I really hope that #1 spikes as well. I speculated on it and I have decent stack sitting in a longbox that is almost impossible to move due to the fugly cover. The logic seemed sound at the time - it is a the first new ASM #1 in how long - it has to sell well.......
  4. I really hope that this movie can somehow top MOS final numbers without China. That should ensure a sequel and possibly a focus on Batman vs. Joker/Harley in the next Batman flick. FWIW, my wife and son did not go with my daughter and I to see it (conflict with his sports) on the opening weekend. Since my daugther and all of my son's friends are talking about how great it was we will all be doing our part to boost the numbers by going again tomorrow.
  5. Any word on how much came in via product placement? That would impact the break even point. I am curious to see what the breakdown is for the Marvel movies. They spend a ton on marketing as well, and anything with RDJ has a monster talent/actor expense.
  6. What is the number it has to hit to be in the black? And, how much did they take in up front from merchandising before the movie went into production? As far as why it is doing well, that is simple. This movie appeals to a younger age demographic. My daughter is 12, and she and all of her friends love the film. More importantly for DC and their licensees, they are buying the merchandise afterwards. We have had to order some of the SS stuff my daughter wants online as it was sold out of all of the local Hot Topic stores here in town the first week. Now she wants some sort of SS "plush" toy things that all of her friends have.
  7. Put me in the not liking it camp. Are those web shooters or Forrest Gump-like braces on his forearms?
  8. I am not surprised. Good movie, bad movie, it does not matter. This book will follow the same trend as every other movie related key - run up before the movie to new high, pull back a bit, level off at a much higher level than before, then build from there.
  9. Is ASM on the Marvel reboot list for this fall? From what I saw flipping through the latest #1, it is not a great read so I would expect sales of the title to be dropping.
  10. How many Image books have had a recent "break"? Every time they do that it hurts sales on most titles.
  11. Agreed. However, the one thing Ant-Man had going for it was the appeal with kids. Neither one of my kids (11 and 12) want to see Dr. Strange. For them, Harry Potter is wizards/magic fantasy and everything else is a pretender.
  12. One has an Oscar the other doesn't. So what? That has nothing to do with this comparison. One was hyped, and failed. The other wasn't hyped, and succeeded. Ummm.....this might be silly to ask, but what movie is the dude on the bottom from? I don't recall ever seeing it. It's not from a movie, it's a pic of Punisher in Daredevil Season 2. Okay. I have not watched the Daredevil TV show.
  13. One has an Oscar the other doesn't. So what? That has nothing to do with this comparison. One was hyped, and failed. The other wasn't hyped, and succeeded. Ummm.....this might be silly to ask, but what movie is the dude on the bottom from? I don't recall ever seeing it.
  14. I was talking to one of the workers at an LCS that I hit on the way home from work. He said he went yesterday to go watch it and the theatre was packed so he went to Star Trek. He is the 6th or 7th person I have talked to that had to do that. I wonder how much Suicide Squad is helping to boost Star Trek's numbers?
  15. So if Punisher is pushed back will prices on ASM #129 drop?
  16. It might, but I think that the second weekend will surprise to the upside due to the word of mouth saying the film is better than what the critics were calling for it and the lack of any kind of real competition at the theatre. Sure, Sausage Party is out, but from what I can see most theatres are only using one screen for it which will mean a muted box office.
  17. Exactly. I wanted a Deathstroke cameo/foreshadowing so my NTT #2 9.6s and 9.8s would double or triple in value.
  18. This is why it has a shot at doing better the second weekend than most are predicting/fearing. The movie strikes the right rebellious tone that will resonate with the teen through mid 20s age group. At my office, there are several people that are planning on seeing it this coming weekend. The reason, last week when they went the lineups were too long and full of teens. They ended up going to Star Trek instead.
  19. Well, since the Inhumans are a flop on the TV screen so far maybe they are reconsidering their anti-Mutant stance.
  20. Who cares about these second tier JSAers. All we want to know is who will be Power Girl.
  21. My mistake. I thought it was solicited later. Holding out until an image is finally posted is the smart way to go. I learned that the hard way with past bulk spec buys that are sitting in long boxes in my basement.